Once thought to be Donkey Kong’s impossible plateau, the 1.2 million mark has been ascended for only the sixth time. A Japanese supergamer known to the public only as “ACU-AZU” recently vaulted to #5 on the all-time leaderboard with a score of 1,210,400 on the original arcade game (U.S. rom set), achieved live at the legendary Daytona III arcade in Warabi, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. You can see the history-making score here:
To honor the occasion, arcade gamer Pearl reached out to ACU-AZU to conduct an interview, presented below both in original Japanese and translated to English. ACU-AZU also asked us to mention the work of his study partner Esperle from their group Donkey Kong Kenkyukai.
Pearl: When did you start playing Donkey Kong?
ACU-AZU: 40 Years ago. I was 11 years old and my PB in the Japanese version was 250,000 points. I started playing more seriously when the movie Pixels was shown.
Pearl: What interested you about the game?
ACU-AZU: The images were so beautiful, and my friends and I competed with each other.
Pearl: Why did you choose to get a high score in DK?
ACU-AZU: It all started when I met Jeremy Young and Wes Copeland at a DK event held at Amuseum in Mobara, Chiba, Japan.
Pearl: What are your future plans in DK?
ACU-AZU: I think my score will keep improving, but I’m not sure if I should continue.
Pearl: Do you want to break the WR?
ACU-AZU: I think the WR is 10,000 light years away for me right now.
Pearl: What are some of your skills that you still want to improve?
ACU-AZU: My average scores on the barrel boards. This is where the difference gets big.
Pearl: What do you think separates the skill from a 1.1M player to a 1.2M player?
ACU-AZU: I think it’s the number of times you try to reflect, study & practice. And then implement it.
Pearl: Do you plan to get a high score in the US version of DKJR?
ACU-AZU: If I can buy a US JR board at a reasonable price, I’d like to try it.
Pearl: Are there any other games you competed for a high score?
ACU-AZU: In the overseas high score culture, the score is counted after a roll-over, but in Japan, the real question is: Who will be the first player to reach All 9’s before it rolls to 0? We call it a counter stop. All additions to the score after the first roll-over are called α. (So example : 999,990+α Pts.)
I was the first person in the world to reach 9,999,990+α in Namco’s PAC&PAL!
[Translation note : You will see alpha used in games that don’t roll or counterstop, such as Star Force. Often seen as 10,000,000+α. The world record belongs to the player to achieve this score first, while players can score higher; as far as my knowledge goes, the formal leaderboard entry is closed at this point. But players still push further.]
Pearl: On the barrel boards, when performing the Gardikis jumps at the top girder, you sometimes stop above the ladder. Why is this? [Note: There is no direct translation for “Gardikis jump”, so the technique was described literally.]
ACU-AZU: Because it’s easier to get 200 points from a single barrel from where you land after a jump to the left from climbing the ladder.
Pearl: What scores of yours do you think were some of the hardest to achieve?
Namco Pac&Pal – 10,000,000+α pts.
Konami Roc’N Rope – Counter Stop
Namco Grobda – 1CC
Konami Battlantis – 2-ALL
Konami Salamander – 10,000,000+α pts.
Tecmo Star Force – 10,000,000+α pts.
Pearl: I heard Dimahoo (Great Mahou Daisakusen) in the background of your video!
ACU-AZU: Yes, DAYTONAⅢ has 3 GMD machines in operation! We’ve won 3 top scores in JHA.
[Note: Scores in parenthesis are the actual scores they achieved.]
WTN – Chitta, Counter Stop (101,070,230pts)
JMB-RYU – Gain (68,479,310pts)
IZU – Golden (88,576,390pts)
Everyone’s DaytonaⅢ Bros!
Pearl: Is there anyone else you’d like to mention?
ACU-AZU: I would also like the forum to mention the work of Esperle, who’s with me in the DKK group (Donkey Kong Kenkyukai)
He’s a friend of mine who taught me DK techniques and is a killscreener for the JP & US versions of DK.
He’s also a writer for Famitsu (Japanese gaming magazine), and writes articles on the upcoming Arcade Archives releases from Hamster.
He was also a test player for the Donkey Kong port from Arcade Archives!

[Picture taken at Amuseum in Mobara, Chiba, Japan]
Dinner after the DK event; Wes and Jry in the middle above; Esperle is sitting on the far left, I am sitting the second on the right.
Pearl: Esperle will be mentioned in the forum. I didn’t know that Esperle was writing at Famitsu! Thank you very much.
P: ドンキーコングを始めたのはいつですか?
A: 40年前は11歳で日本版の自己ベストは25万点 本格的にプレイを始めたのは映画pixelが上映された頃です。
P: そのゲームのどこに興味を持ちましたか?
A: 映像が凄く綺麗で友達と競い合ってました。
P: ドンキーコングでハイスコアを出すことを選んだ理由は何ですか?
A: 日本の千葉県茂原市amuseum 茂原店で行われたドンキーコングイベントでjemie young氏とwes copeland氏との出会いが始まりです。
P: ドンキーコングでの今後の予定を教えてください。
A: 点数はまだ伸びると思われるけど続けるか悩んでいます
P: 世界記録を更新したいですか?
A: 今の自分に世界記録は1万光年先だと思います
P: 自分のスキルで、まだ向上させたいと思うものは何ですか?
A: 25.75.125mのaverage上昇です。ここで差が大きくなります
P: 110万上限のプレーヤーと120万上限のプレーヤーを分けるものは何だと思いますか?
A: 反省→研究&練習→実行の試行回数だと思います。
P: 海外版『ドンキーコングJR』でハイスコアを出す予定はありますか?
A: US版JRの基板を安く購入出来たらチャレンジしてみたいです
P: 他にハイスコアを競ったゲームはありますか?
A: 海外のハイスコア文化は得点表示の桁を超えて0から数え直して加算するのに対し日本のハイスコア文化は得点表示が0に戻る手前のALL 9に誰が最初に到達するか?先駆者勝負でした。それを何と言うか?
count stop→coun+sto
999900+α pts
私はnamco PAC&PALで世界で最初に9999990+α ptsを達成しました。
P: 25m、75m、125mでは、最上段にいるとき。そして、1本のバレルから200点を獲得しています。梯子の上で待ってから進むことを選択する場合もありますが、それはなぜですか?
A: 梯子を登った場所から左側にジャンプした座標が1個の樽で200点取りやすいからです(╹◡╹)
P: これまでに獲得したスコアの中で、どれが一番難しかったと思いますか?
A: Action
③KONAMI 沙羅曼蛇
②count stop達成まで
amusement arcade
蕨DAYTONAⅢ にグレート魔法大作戦は3台稼働しています。
チッタ WTN氏
ガイン JMB-RYU氏
ゴールデン IZU氏
大丈夫ですOk hand
フォーラムの記載にDKK(donkey kong kenkyukai)で共に活動しているesperle氏の功績を記載して欲しいですFolded hands
私にドンキーコングのテクニックを教えてくれた友人で日本版&US版ドンキーコングのkill screener
彼は日本のゲーム雑誌 ファミコン通信(ファミ通)にてhamsterから発売されるarcade archivesの記事を任されているライターでドンキーコングのテストプレイヤーでhamsterに協力した実績もあります
記念撮影 上の中央にWes氏 jemie氏
下で座っている左側にesperle氏 下に座っている右から2番目が私です
P: Esperle氏はフォーラムで言及されます。esperle氏がファミ通で執筆しているとは知りませんでした! どうもありがとうございました。