Welcome to our new blog, www.perfectpacman.com. This blog will be dedicated to gaming related topics of interest to us. If you like what you see, just give us a whistle!
Disclaimer: The new site administration has no affiliation with any liars and/or cheaters and/or narcissistic frauds who may have owned this web domain in the past. But we appreciate the free advertising lol.

Hi David! You’re doing a great job! People will stop calling us nuts soon eh.
Congratulations and good luck with your research and other work ahead. It’s about time…nearly 20 years, actually…that this site ACTUALLY is being used for something that is Pacman-related !!
Good work on the website!! I’m looking forward to more information!!
Thank you!
I hope justice will be served. Apollo Legend fought so hard that despite all he did and found the truth he just got beaten down so hard by that scumbag Billy Mitchell who has a lot of money to bribe back Guinness and have his fake records reinstated.
While it was a separate case, I personally believed that it was Billy Mitchell who should be responsible for Apollo’s suicide. I seriously hope that poor soul is in a better place.
I support justice, I also support the legend and I support everything what you said, Apollo Legend deserve justice and that justice must come from mitchellin the rich abuser!!!
Pay Apollo’s family now mitchellin!
Just tagging my name here to show that I was present as this unfolded. Amazing progress, and here’s wishing to keep that luck going!
You are doing the lords work here