Recently, I put together a short video on Billy Mitchell’s friend, Rob Childs. This guy has told a bunch of lies on Billy’s behalf, and I felt he deserved some attention of his own.
But as I was doing my final checks, I noticed something… interesting…
As you may know, Rob owns a business in Fort Lauderdale called Arcade Game Sales. Billy has filmed a lot of his promotional stuff there, including his segments from his Guinness reinstatement. Billy was also featured on the AGS website, on their “Rentals” page:

Being the curious sort that I am, I’ve wondered how far people like Rob Childs will take these obvious lies of theirs. They already signed written statements containing falsehoods. But will they go live, at deposition, in sworn testimony, and tell bald-faced lies to the lawyers, or to the court, or to a jury?
Well, Rob Childs might be getting cold feet after all. As I was doing final checks for my video, I went back to make sure Billy was still there on Rob’s website. And lo and behold…
Billy’s gone!! Scrubbed out!!
Billy had been featured on that page at least as far back as 2014:
And can also be seen in this Wayback Machine archive from this last October:
My most recent screencap was from late December, but I had casually checked in on that page every so often, suspecting that it might change. I believe the last time I looked was mid-January, and Billy was definitely still there. My guess is that this change was made after Karl Jobst’s latest video on the mortgage broker photos, which also featured Rob and some of his bogus testimony:
So has Rob finally had enough of being Billy’s whipping boy? Are things falling apart in the Billy camp? Will Rob finally come clean and spill the beans at deposition? I said when 2023 started, this would be a year of “L”s for Billy Mitchell. And I think we’re seeing that now in real time.
I was at the Midwest Gaming Classic when Billy cut that hallway video. Some of us in attendance wish we would have known that he’d be filming his nonsense so we could have shouted a few kind pleasantries during his recording.
He’s been lying for years, but at this point he HAS to know he’s in big trouble. He’s lost some important members of Team Billy and Childs may have finally realized what trouble he may be getting himself into.
Talking with someone about all this, they asked why Billy doesn’t just drop it. It’s too late for that, he’s gone too far. Twin has him by the short hairs and for all the trouble he’s caused them no way do they let him off easy.
I think it’s too quick to jump to conclusions, as much as I would like this to be the case myself. Mitchell could have easily asked to not be featured anymore. Moreover, was an attempt made to reach out to Childs about this?
Maybe Mr. Childs has learned that having Billy Mitchell endorse an arcade business is comparable to Jeffery Dhamer endorsing an all you can eat buffet.
It doesn’t seem like Billy is loosing anything.
It cost him $0.00 to for him to play lawfare but does cost everyone else who donates money to defend against it. Billy Mitchell cost=$0.00,everybody else is in the hole for well over $250,000 from what I can tell.
I hate to say it, but Billy is the clear winner when It comes to a dollar amount involved.
I’m surprised there wasn’t a lawsuit years ago considering the documentary the current situation stems from was a blatent act of fraud to begin with.
If I’m reading correctly, Twin is countersuing him. For a lot of money.