by ersatz_cats
Hey, I got an honest six hours of sleep tonight! Thursday featured a “boss rush” of wimpy witnesses for Billy, as well as the start of Karl’s defense. From that I’ve got… counts… fuck… thirty-eight pages of new notes. But of course, as you know, I fell behind and couldn’t finish Day 3. (Damn footy!) So let’s gather round, as we get into the rest of Day 3, and the start of Day 4.
Of course, the usual caveats: Unlike my usual writing, this’ll be quick and raw. I am NOT going to reintroduce stuff from my previous “Karl vs Billy” posts (found here and here and here and here from yesterday), so I will assume you’ve read them. As a reminder though, “BB” refers to “Billy’s barrister”, and “KB” refers to “Karl’s barrister”. (A barrister is an attorney who can address the court and who is forced to wear a silly robe.) Lastly, I’m normally very careful with quotes to make sure they’re accurate, but I can usually relisten to media to confirm. Since these are all one-and-done, there’ll be plenty of times where I capture what I think is the essence of what was said. “Anything in regular quotes should be considered word-for-word.” [“Anything with brackets means ‘Not word-for-word, but conveys the meaning of what was said.”] (And even then, I’m human and can make mistakes.) Also, I’m just reporting what was said, without additional fact-checking; nothing should necessarily be taken as fact just because someone said it here.
Following pops’s testimony on Wednesday, his son “Billy Junior” was called to the stand. Billy’s solicitor fetches Junior from the hallway. BB suggests, since Junior and his father legally have the same name, that Junior be referred to as “William” and that Mr. Mullet be called “Billy”.

I had encountered Billy Senior once, prior to these proceedings. I’ll let him guess when and where, except to say it was well after the publication of the MAME evidence. On that occasion, I had walked right by him, and he probably had no idea who I was. Junior, on the other hand, while I’d heard many stories about Junior from Steve Kleisath and others, this was the first time I had ever seen him in person.
A new attendee had said, during Wednesday lunch, that he thought he had encountered Junior near the elevator. There was a bearded guy in a suit, who he approached; he began to talk to him, and the bearded guy just cut him off and said “NO”. I thought that sure sounded like Junior, but he’d never had a beard that I saw. Well, indeed, he walked in sporting a five o’clock-next-weekend shadow. I will say, in fairness, the beard suits him. At least going by photographs I’d seen, it’s like night and day. Maybe that’s because he had always looked like a teenager pretending to be an adult. I wasn’t gonna say this, but when a random Karl supporter on Thursday verbalized it aloud, I couldn’t ignore it anymore: With the beard, Junior resembles the “Chad” meme. I know, you wouldn’t even recognize him from that old photo. Of course, Junior’s certainly not built like the meme, and he sports less of a gleeful grin and more of a frustrated scowl one would expect from a grown son who has to deal with a narcissist father who’s always getting mocked. But whatever. I’m sure Junior gets laid whenever he wants. Good for him.
Junior started with introductory testimony. He’s working as an Army officer in the state of Washington, which as an Olympia lifer is way too close for my comfort. He helps run his father’s social media accounts. He and his father have a very good relationship. His father was proactive in his life. They traveled to events together, including a 2015 event in Los Angeles hosted by Jace Hall.
Until 2020, Junior had attended seven events with his dad. BB asked about his observations of people’s interactions with pops. Junior said people get excited to see him, they’ll say they saw him in a movie, ask him to sign merch, get signatures, photographs, etc.
Junior was then asked about Twin Galaxies. Junior says, with a couple pauses dripping with disdain, [“I know that they’re a… company… that facilitates competition in video games.”] When asked about the score dispute, Junior said TG had “some type of investigation” into his father’s scores. He was at West Point, and claims people raised the dispute with him, although most told him it was “rubbish”. When he got to see his father after the dispute, he says he did not see any perceived difference in how people interacted with his father.
The dispute resulted in litigation, which Junior assisted with. This was settled by mutual agreement in 2024. Junior asserted he was unable to discuss the terms of the settlement agreement, because he believes he would be in breach of the agreement. BB asked if that applied to all terms. Junior said “No”. Junior said he had observed a video by Karl Jobst which had snippets of an email which misrepresented the settlement terms, and as a result an application was made to the court in California. Junior said the court ruled TG was in breach, and that to correct this, Billy was given permission to publish clauses 1B and 1D of that settlement.
BB produces clause 1B for Junior to authenticate. I noticed that, unlike the previous day’s exhibits, this and other Junior exhibits were not shown on the screen for everyone. As a result, I was not given a distinct indication of what 1B actually said – I suppose Billy’s side considers it a matter for the judge and not the public. Amidst this, KB lodged an objection, both to relevance, and the fact that a snippet is being tendered rather than the whole document. Judge counters that Karl’s side could have subpoenaed the whole document, saying [“If he’s required by law in this court to produce it, he has to produce it.”]
Junior said the passage was sent to Ars Technica, although he wasn’t paying attention to what media were saying at the time. The question of relevance was raised once again. BB asserted that the relevance is that much is made in these proceedings about the TG lawsuit. Judge notes that this settlement was years after the Jobst publication, and he therefore is not sure of the relevance either.
Every so often, I look over at both parties as they sit in the audience. Billy continually sits in a disgruntled manner, probably frustrated that he can’t check his phone. Jobst, on the other hand, has had exceptionally disciplined sitting posture the entire time, always attentive, never wavering. I couldn’t sit with that much discipline if my life literally depended on it.
Junior recalled his father’s engagement with Guinness World Records, leading to Guinness’ publication of a reinstatement of seven world records. Junior then authenticates a copy of that announcement. Junior notes that his father retained the services of a public relations firm [“to help disseminate the news far and wide”]. Junior explains it was placed on a public access wire, which provide stories directly to media rooms. It was picked up by media outlets and published, by Junior’s count, by about 170 outlets, including Los Angeles Herald. Junior said with many of these, the words mirrored the text of the press release Billy’s P.R. firm sent out, at about a 90-to-10 ratio (meaning, 90% of it was what Billy’s people had written).
KB objects to the inclusion of these media reports on relevance, to which BB says it goes to Billy having a good reputation in 2020. KB points out that one can’t deny an allegation of fact by simply stating the opposite, and that doing so is deemed an admission of the original allegation. The Judge said Junior’s just trying to bolster his testimony with the article, adding “It’s horses for the courses”. (I can’t say I’ve heard that one before.)
Junior said, after the Guinness announcement, Billy got more paid appearances by AEW and Antstream Arcade. Then, Junior was asked about Ben Smith, a.k.a. Apollo Legend. Junior had seen a video Apollo posted once, and knew of him at that time. Later, in June 2020, Isaiah Johnson (“Triforce”) put Smith in contact with Junior, when Smith wanted to negotiate a settlement to end dad’s litigation. They spoke and reached a satisfactory resolution over Discord. Junior authenticated personal communications with Smith, which again weren’t shown on the screen.
BB asked [“Did this settlement require Apollo to pay your father any money?”]
Junior said “No.”
BB asked if Apollo had any pursuant obligations.
Junior said yes, Apollo had to remove any and all publications about his father, and had to transfer the copyrights of those videos. Apollo agreed not to disparage Billy again, and agreed to a pre-determined set of damages if that clause was breached. Billy then authenticated Apollo’s agreed statement.
Junior learned of Apollo’s death when he and his father were in the car. Messages came in through a Daniel Keem, known online as Keemstar, that Apollo had posted a suicide note video. Keemstar asked them to reach out to check on Apollo. Junior immediately tried to call Apollo on Discord to no avail. He later learned that, by this time, Apollo was already gone. They went inside to watch the video, which was posted to his secondary channel with the title “Read description, very important”. Junior observed his father’s reactions, watching it on his sideways phone, saying “That’s so horrible” and “Oh my god”.
Junior was asked about Karl Jobst. Billy recalled, in the distant past, he knew of Karl’s name from recommended YouTube videos. (Junior’s 26, so for him “distant past” would mean like five years ago, lol.) However, Junior didn’t hear of Karl again until the day of the Guinness reinstatement. Karl was replying in Billy’s Twitter thread. When Junior clicked on Karl’s name, went to his account where he saw a tweet that concluded with “Fuck Billy Mitchell”, which Junior showed to the old man.
Junior said [“I decided to keep an eye on what was going on there.”] Say someone reply with [“Watch out, he might sue you”], to which Karl replied [“I’m in Australia, so good luck.”] The next day, Karl had tweeted [“When I get rich, I can’t wait to buy a bunch of Guinness records”], adding that they may be [“something Donkey Kong related”]. (I’m sure I have the screenshots of these tweets somewhere, but I’m not finding them in the main place they should be.) Junior decided to start screenshotting and saving these tweets.
A few weeks later, Jobst published a video concerning Guinness primarily, but the tail end had “salacious” claims about Mitchell Senior. Father took steps, and sent a concerns notice to Karl. KB objected as to why Junior is giving evidence about his father and the solicitor. However, it was pointed out that this was a different notice than was discussed before, and thus the objection was withdrawn.
Junior was asked if Karl did anything in response. Junior said, a few minutes after he knew the concerns notice had been sent, Karl tweeted that Billy had started legal proceedings against him, and linked to the notice. KB objected that this goes, he assumes, aggravated damages, and that only one such tweet is included in the particulars. BB responded that he’s happy not to tender this one, and withdraws it.
At this point, I have in my notes that Billy looked very grumpy.
Junior says Karl next came to his attention in May 2021, when he noticed a sudden surge of replies to his father’s Twitter, saying [“You drove Apollo Legend to suicide”], [“You killed Apollo Legend”], [“You murdered Apollo Legend”]. KB objected again, leading to another discussion of particulars and pleading “at large”. At 3:46pm, a short break was called.
Judge asked BB why he shouldn’t be limited to the particulars of paragraph H of the pleading. If that wasn’t to list negative comments, then what was the point of paragraph H? BB said that represents some of the negative comments, and not the totality. Judge points out that [“You did plead the totality of these, didn’t you?”], adding that “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.” (Hey, I do know that one!) BB said the purpose was to prove a point, adding that he had [“never run a case where matters in paragraph 13 are limited by matters in paragraph 11”]. (Admittedly, without the actual document, these arguments were hard to follow along with.) Judge asked KB what harm there would be to his client. KB said plaintiff has continually objected to questions of a similar nature, adding [“My client is held tightly to the particulars, whereas plaintiff’s pleading is completely unparticularized at this point.”] In the end, the Judge ruled that he will not allow plaintiff to call inferences to comments that are not listed in the particulars.
BB asked Junior about tweets prior to that morning, and whether he had ever seen such a reaction before. Junior said no, and that he wanted to know where they came from. He saw Jobst had a new video, and saw the section that discussed father’s litigation with Smith. Jobst had made an assertion that Apollo had paid Billy a large sum of money as part of the settlement. Junior got a screenshot of the number of views that day. KB objects to relevance, but BB says it just shows the video had over 400k views at that point.
Junior said that he notified his father of the video, that Billy was shocked and proceeded to watch it. Junior said his father was very shocked and angry, which was followed by sadness. In the following days, Junior says his father was socially withdrawn. Junior described his father’s normally healthy sleeping habits, adding that the following week, Junior woke up at 4am to find his father just sitting alone on the couch in the front room. When asked why he was awake, Billy said he was waiting on an email from “Rob”. (Junior clarified that, in this case, “Rob” meant their original Australian solicitor, Robert Miller.) Junior noticed Billy skip breakfast, and could hear Billy vomiting from his room. Junior tried to talk to Billy about it. Billy was angry, and confused as to how this could come about, and was at a loss for what to do. (A friendly reminder that I’m just posting what Junior was claiming, and that I’m not asserting any of this as fact myself.) Junior said this would affect his father, depending on how people in the video game industry interpret it, which would affect Billy’s employment. Junior also said it was unusual for his father to see a pastor, adding “My family is not exactly religious per se.”
Junior decided they needed to make a public rebuttal. He helped his father film and edit a response video, which was difficult because he doesn’t have much experience in doing this. They posted the rebuttal early in the morning, U.S. Eastern time. Before Junior went back to sleep, he had checked Jobst’s video, and saw that the contested words were still there. When he woke up around 8-9am, that passage from Karl’s video was gone.
Junior then discussed analytics of his father’s video, and how it’s broken down by region. He actually pronounced it “Brisbin” and not “Brisbayne”. KB objected that the analysis of the documents calls for expertise, however the questioning continued. Junior describes how to find these analytics on his account by clicking “the cartoonish animation of my father”. Junior also said [“My understanding is, a view is someone who clicked on the video and watched it, which is not the same as a unique view.”]
At this point, it was 4:20pm. BB sought to end examination-in-chief that day, and would only take about 15 more minutes.
At that point, Junior checked Jobst’s Twitter, and was greeted with more negativity. He informed his father, who was baffled, and then angry. Junior quoted his father as saying, with emphasis, [“Even when he’s taking the fucking words out of the video, he’s still online claiming it’s not false.”]
Later, while in the car, they received by email the new concerns notice sent to Jobst. Within minutes of seeing that email, Junior got on his phone and looked at Jobst’s Twitter and saw a tweet. Junior admitted that he was checking his phone while driving, but only at the stoplight. The judge jokingly mused that Junior would’ve gotten a $100 fine for doing that here.
Junior said that, about three days later, the words that were taken out were put back in. His father’s response again was primarily anger, quoting Billy as saying [“This guy is intentionally trying to get sued, somehow”.]
Junior said Billy’s observed number of appearances has changed, decreasing from around 10 in the years of 2018 and 2019 to about 2-3 afterward.
BB asked if he had observed Billy’s reaction to the Twin Galaxies statement in 2018. Junior was not with his father when that dropped, but he visited with him a week later. Junior recalls not observing any stress or physical bodily reaction.
Junior said he knew of permanent appearance cancellations. Junior began to describe his understanding of the John Weeks cancellation, drawing a hearsay objection from KB. Junior continued, saying there was a hearing in the TG proceeding around the time of the auction, and so he and the old man visited. Junior said that even as Billy and Weeks talked, he could see Billy’s shortness of words and anger. They discussed how Jobst allegedly cost Billy that appearance.
Junior was asked about remaining copies of Jobst’s videos, noting that he sees reuploads on YouTube, including one today. KB objected that no such publication was pleaded. The judge asked for clarification on what a reupload is, with Junior explaining that reaction videos consist of the original video, and all the original words, with someone in the corner responding.
BB had no further questions. Worked out for me, cuz I only had two more blank pages in my first notebook. (Don’t worry! I brought more.) Judge noted that the case is already a whole day behind, but expressed hope we could get back up to speed. And with that, we adjourned until 9:00am the next morning.
After the night’s footy and a little sleep, I was back in the audience seats again on Thursday morning, awaiting the start. On the first day, I dressed non-descript, hoping to blend in with the crowd. Red plaid shirt, face mask. Of course, I hadn’t considered that my accent would give me away as a foreigner the moment I opened my mouth, lol. But I sought to establish that I was not there to be a disruption. On the second day, I just wore my usual fare. A #72 Michael Bennett Seattle Seahawks jersey on Day 2. A #34 Felix Hernandez Mariners jersey on Day 3. Day 4, I went to my classic Walter Jones Seahawks jersey.
Billy’s barrister (“BB”), whose real name is Peter Somers, saw me that morning and joked something like “I was expecting you to wear a Sonics jersey today.” (A reference to the Seattle Supersonics basketball team we used to have.) To be clear, it’s important to remember in these things that there are True Believers (or in this case, “Billievers”), and there are people who are just stuck in the machine. Granted, his attorneys did opt in, and Billy’s original crew at Miller Bou-Samra are certainly worthy of derision for instigating this bullshit in the first place. But the case was underway before Bennett and Philp came along, and lemme say, there is no shortage of lawyers willing to take a case they know will lose for a paycheck. The lawyers aren’t always that invested. (That’s what I told one of the regulars on a previous day, when they pointed out that Billy’s and Karl’s solicitors seemed to be enjoying friendly banter during a break.) Someone somewhere was gonna take Billy’s money, and aside from the stress to Karl (who I believe wanted to see this case through anyway), I don’t really begrudge them for doing so. I was curious where on this axis Billy’s new attorneys fell. I guess what I’m saying is, while I’ve identified some individuals in Billy’s circle as people I want nothing whatsoever to do with, that’s not necessarily universal. So I chatted it up a bit with BB, talked some American sports. He seems like a nice guy.
Billy went to sit in his usual far left corner spot to start, except Junior was already there. Billy muttered [“I can’t sit there”], and then approached the barrister table instead. He gave BB a thumbs up.
Karl came in sporting a blue dress shirt this time, once again sitting in the front inside corner of the right side. Billy went back to the same red Marine Corps tie from Tuesday. Please tell me he didn’t pack only two ties this trip!
BB began the proceeding by noting the difficulty of scheduling remote American witnesses for these proceedings, asking if they could start the day with three U.S. witnesses before getting back to Junior for cross-examination. KB had no objection, but was unsure of how to put documentary evidence before them. Judge said email should be acceptable if needed. The three witnesses identified for early inclusion were Walter Day, Michael McNutt, and Preston Burt. KB noted that Junior should be asked to leave during their testimony. Judge offered Junior that he was allowed to leave the courthouse entirely, and would not be needed until 10am at the earliest. Meanwhile, Billy took Junior’s place in the far corner seat.
After some brief tech issues, Walter Day appeared on the courtroom screens, just past 6pm Iowa time. Day remarked that his computer completely would not work, and had to swap to doing Zoom by his cell phone as an emergency precaution. Walter did not wear the referee suit he’s so famous for, instead opting for a blank white shirt and white tie. He seemed to be filming from his usual home location, with all those pizza box looking things stacked around him.
Walter Day began the story of meeting Billy Mitchell by way of a phone call in 1982. He finally met Billy in November 1982 when he came to Life Magazine and put up a high score on Donkey Kong. Day recalled being the owner and creator of Twin Galaxies, although he retired on February 14, 2014. (I didn’t put this in my notes, but I heard no reference to TG co-founder John Bloch.) Day said he’s gone to many events with Billy, who was always the center of attention.
The video cut out momentarily. BB asked for Day’s observations of Billy generally. Day recalled writing a book, joking that he thought it would make Day the most famous person in video games, and Billy the second-most, joking [“Boy, was I wrong!”] Day said people would surround Billy, would love and appreciate him as a larger-than-life personality. He was revered, at event after event.
BB asked, after King of Kong, how Billy was perceived at conventions. KB objected to framing of question, that he had no objection to Day saying he saw people laughing or cheering, but can’t testify to what others though. Judge pointed out the difficulty, in that Billy’s reputation is intrinsically linked to what others thought, that it will always be a matter of “Other people saw him as X Y or Z”.
BB asked Day if he observed Billy’s interactions after King of Kong. Day said lots of people would be in awe, meeting a movie star. [“In my opinion, he was more popular than ever.”]
Day was asked if he was familiar with the 2018 score dispute, adding that afterward those interactions were the same as before. Billy was still very popular, lots of people would still ask for photographs with him.
Day was then asked about the Jobst video. Day understood the video as suggesting Billy was responsible for influencing the death of Apollo Legend. Day said Billy brought it up from that side again and again. Day said it upset Billy, that Billy thought it was a “low blow”, and was hurt by it. Billy had started telling Day he didn’t feel well, and confirmed that he’d seen a doctor, and was having cardiovascular issues. When asked for a timeframe, Day said he thinks Billy’s complained about it for years. BB asked about timeframe shortly after the video. Day said Billy had always been steady, but now was anxious, and talked about being anxious. KB spoke up and said, he won’t object, and doesn’t want to keep interrupting, but that the line of testimony is not appropriate.
Day said Billy was very upset, that he thought it was a low blow, very unjust, and cruel. Day added [“In terms of his values, he thought this was a much more extreme offence than cheating at scores.”]
BB said he had nothing further.
After introductions, KB asked Day of his high opinion of Mitchell. Day said he’d seen him, interacted with him, had seen his friendliness, his generosity, his sincerity, and that Billy had earned lots of friends as a result. KB asked if Day had maintained a connection since King of Kong. Day agreed, that he works with him closely, and would call Billy a close friend.
KB asked about Day’s practice of going to events with Billy. Day said, at so many events Billy got invited to, Day would ride on Billy’s coattails to get invited as well.
Day asked if KB wanted to hear more.
KB declared “Please!”
Day said Billy’s reputation got expanded, not diminished, after King of Kong. Day listed major events they’d go to together, such as at the Smithsonian and Dragon Con. Again, Day said he’d ride Billy’s coattails, and that Billy was highly influential.
KB asked [“So you two are like a package deal?”] Walter admitted that has happened. KB asked if that’s continued, to which Day said [“Not lately.”] KB asked Day about their appearance together at 2021 Free Play Florida. Day couldn’t recall it.
Only one of our Discord regulars showed up this morning – the same one who greeted me when I arrived on Monday. Around this time, he leaned in to point out something I wasn’t noticing, as I was focused on writing Day’s words. Walter Day appeared to be looking up, off-screen, as he was giving many of his answers, but then not for others. (For those who don’t know, outside aids are forbidden during testimony.)
Day was then shown a view of Billy’s booth at that event, from a YouTube video:

KB asked again if Day attended. Day say he may have, but he doesn’t recall. When asked about any other events he attended with Billy in the 2nd half of 2021, Day reiterated that he doesn’t recall. He did recall, in 2023, being flown to the NERG event in the U.K. Day recalls getting paid $1000, which the barrister clarified was U.S. dollars and not British pounds, and that his expenses were also paid for.
KB asked Day if he saw Jobst’s video, to which Day confirmed. He didn’t have much recollection of the video, and doesn’t recall who directed him to it, admitting it could’ve been Billy himself. Day said he does not recall seeing either Billy’s response video or Karl’s correction video. KB asked if “No” meant no recollection, or that he doesn’t recall having seen it. Day clarified that he has no recollection.
And thus ended Walter Day’s questioning. The important takeaway, I’d say, is that Walter’s financial ties to Billy were established. He gets appearance fees from “riding Billy’s coattails”, and thus benefits from Billy’s association.

We went from Walter Day to the day players, as one Michael McNutt was sworn in (or however they call it here). Mike started with heavy microphone feedback, until he switched to his headset mic.
McNutt was the founder of All-Star Comic Con, where Billy was an invited guest in 2019. McNutt authorized this appearance, hoping to partner with him to bring in video game fans, due to his connections to video gaming and the King of Kong. First arrangements were made through email, and then by phone. Billy was given a $5,000 appearance fee, and they flew him from Florida to Washington D.C., with a two-night stay and a per diem. Billy also did promotion for the event on Facebook and Instagram.
McNutt described responses to Billy as generally positive. There would be an occasional question about something controversial, but others defended him, and the event was excited to have him. He stayed a total of two days a third night, on Friday, when they held a VIP meet-and-greet.
McNutt described Billy as having 10×10 booth. BB clarified this meant feet, with McNutt adding [“I don’t know what that is there.”] McNutt observed Billy’s interactions with attendees, who expressed how delightful he was. McNutt described one attended with cerebral palsy, and how Billy wanted to pay for their attendance before organizers stepped in to fund it.
The Friday event was a private party. McNutt went there to find Billy and his wife hanging out chatting with people. McNutt said this was unusual, that they always invited featured guests to these parties, but none ever show up. On Saturday evening, McNutt describes retiring to his room only to discover on social media that Billy was playing Pac-Man, prompting him to return to watch and challenge Billy to a game of Pac-Man.
BB asked McNutt his observation of attendees. McNutt said they were very positive, with many listing Billy as one of the highlights of the event.
BB asked McNutt if they would invite him back.
McNutt said [“Yes, there’s no reason we wouldn’t.”]
There was a lengthy silence, as the implications of that remark hung in the courtroom air.
BB asked McNutt if he knew of the TG dispute over Billy’s scores. McNutt understood only that it was something from the documentary, but added that Billy’s persona goes beyond gaming. BB asked about the Jobst vid, but McNutt had no knowledge of that.
KB navigated cross expertly.
[“You like Mr. Mitchell, don’t you?”]
[“You think quite highly of him, don’t you?”]
[“If you had another chance, would you have him back immediately?”]
KB asked if McNutt had formed an impression from King of Kong. McNutt likened it to pro wrestling, where the villain may in real life be a good guy.
McNutt was then shown a 2019 podcast interview uploaded to YouTube, which has a total of 23 views as I bring it up right now. (Who knows how many it had before Karl’s barristers and solicitors all pounced on it.) In the interview, McNutt declares “We’re giving the most dangerous man in video games a hot mic,” while describing how TG and Guinness disqualified Billy’s scores. Probably the best description came at about 16:20:
If you catch up with Billy lately, in the past years, there’s been a lot of controversy regarding the validity of his world record scores. In fact, I don’t think there’s any “controversy”, they wiped them out.
McNutt didn’t recall the particulars of this podcast, but he stood by his decision to invite Billy. He said that, from seeing King of Kong and talking to Billy, McNutt says the movie needs good guys and bad guys, and that Billy was merely portrayed as the bad guy. McNutt couldn’t remember if the score dispute was from the documentary or later, adding [“I chalked it up to, I like Billy Mitchell, I’m gonna leave him in.”] (My notes say “Any publicity is good publicity”, but admittedly I can’t say whether McNutt volunteered that, or whether KB offered that as a statement to agree.) McNutt said he did recall seeing the scores wiped out, but saw something about them being brought back up.
There was some quick technical talk about tendering the videos into evidence. KB suggests providing them all on one flash drive at the end. Judge thinks that would be best.
Back to BB, he asked about any impressions from King of Kong, and whether he had any concern for the conference. McNutt said not at all, it was just a character, that Billy made an indelible mark in video game culture.
McNutt was dismissed at 10:02am, Brisbane time.
BB noted that Preston Burt was actually not able to testify until some time after 11am. Thus, they retrieved Junior, and he returned to the penalty box.
Thus began Billy Junior’s cross-examination by asking about Junior’s role in helping with Billy’s social media. Junior said he helps, but his mom also helps a lot.
Junior was involved in the litigation in California against TG, by way of being a law clerk for Manning & Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, and Trester. (KB joked that he wouldn’t even try saying all that.) KB asked if this explains how Junior had access to various publications, to which Junior confirmed. He said he was made a law clerk effective Jan 1, 2019, and that it was paid employment. Junior said that every time they needed something, he’d find it, but he hasn’t done any work for them in 4-5 months.
KB asked if Junior assisted with any other of Billy’s proceedings. He recalled he may have assisted the David Race case by reviewing the paperwork and offering corrections before they filed.
KB asked him to describe his role as a law clerk. Junior said it was mostly about research, which was helped because he knew the people involved. KB asked he did this work with his father, to which Junior said “No”. KB referred back to June 2020 again, establishing again that Junior reviewed paperwork drafted by counsel prior to submission.
KB asked about the fate of the Apollo videos. Junior clarified that he does not own the copyright, that his father does. There were no physical copies transferred, Junior is not sure if they have any copies in their actual possession.
Junior said from 2017 to 2021 he attended West Point. KB asked again about testimony from the day before, about how people would bring up the TG dispute, reminding Junior that he said people would call it “rubbish”. KB also asked Junior to confirm he saw no difference in his father before and after the TG dispute. Junior asked in what regard, adding that he did see his father be less conversational and quiet, but that he didn’t see the physical bodily effects he saw later. Junior said that, after an April 2018 visit, he didn’t see his father again until June, and that Billy was still attending one event after another.
Junior struggled to recall the exact sequence here, but he remembered hanging out with his dad, and streaming Donkey Kong on Twitch from nearby Glitch Bar.
I’ll add a small side note here. While most courtrooms I’ve been in are insular, this one has a series of windows, not directly behind the judge, but above and all along the side. As you sit in the proceeding, you can view the gorgeous cityscape behind him. But every day, around the same time in the morning, something would happen just outside the windows that I couldn’t identify, as I was focused on the proceeding. Something would happen, some noise would begin, and suddenly the outdoor light would get much brighter. I suspected it was always happening at the same time of day, too. On Thursday, I finally figured it out. There are a series of blinds, which start the day positioned outside these courtroom windows, partially obstructing some of the light. And on Thursday, at 10:15am, I saw them begin moving and retracting, with some other fixture moving up in its place. And then, by the afternoon, at least from within the courtroom, you wouldn’t be able to tell any blinds had been there at all. Where the blinds go, I couldn’t tell you.
KB asked if Junior knew about the claim made against Twin Galaxies. Junior said he was aware of it. KB asked if he could describe any other effects Billy suffered, such as financial losses. Junior said he wouldn’t be too familiar with financial impacts from the TG statements, but that Billy continued to attend events.

KB then pointed to a claim in the TG filings, to the effect that Billy had lost substantial event appearances. Junior admitted he did not request the lawyers remove those passages. KB asked Junior if it concerned him that these statements may have been inaccurate. Junior responded to say that he’s not a lawyer.
(Apologies, much of this happened fast, so my notes only got the basic overview, and not specifics of which documents were cited.)
KB asked Junior if he was familiar with the lawsuit against Jeremy Young and Donkey Kong Forum. Junior acknowledged he reviewed it. KB asked if Billy had any observable effects from what he pleaded against DKF. Junior said he didn’t see his father until March, but did not see any difference with respect to DKF.

Once again, KB brought up the actual complaint against DKF. KB asked Junior if he was concerned about the truthfulness of that statement when he reviewed the document. Junior said he doesn’t know.
KB asked Junior if assisted with the proceeding against Apollo Legend. Junior said yes, he reviewed that as well. KB asked Junior if he observed any emotional distress from Apollo’s original video? Junior said nothing really came of it, that it was the Twin Galaxies matter that stood out.
KB asked about Senior’s financials, suggesting that he makes his livelihood off these events. Junior said [“I don’t agree with that, my father owns a successful hot sauce business.”] KB asked if Billy got his fame primarily from Donkey Kong, to which Junior said it was mostly Pac-Man, but DK had an impact too.
KB then brought up Billy’s complaint against Apollo Legend:

(Yes, that is a separate screenshot.)
Once again, KB asked if Junior had found the inclusion of this language concerning. Junior said [“It was not an emotional matter for me in that respect.”] KB reiterated, [“You weren’t concerned about the truthfulness of these statements?”]
KB added [“You were really concerned when Karl Jobst published his video, were you not?”] Junior agreed. KB acknowledged Junior’s claim that he wasn’t at home during some of these, to which Junior admitted.
KB asked at what point Junior began to follow media about his father. Junior said it was April 2018, around the time of the TG statement. KB remarked that the TG statement must have been a big deal. Junior hesitantly shrugged his shoulders and quietly said “at the time, yes”.
KB asked about Junior’s role in the law firm, and whether he had input into the “concerns notice”, as the Australians would call it, sent to Twin Galaxies and Guinness. Junior said yes. KB asked if Junior recalls any correspondence between the firm and Guinness. Junior noted that, at least in that case, settlement negotiations cannot be entered into evidence in litigation. KB asked if Billy had threatened to sue Guinness if they didn’t reinstate his scores. Junior said he did, but that he can’t comment on whether there was a real plan to do so.
KB asked for Junior’s impressions on the gaming world, asking the difference between esports and Donkey Kong. Junior explained, some people have interests in one or the other, and that some people as a result had interest in the lawsuits on social media, but those interests died down over time. KB then showed Junior a Karl Jobst tweet about Billy, which was followed with a reply saying [“Look out, he might sue you”.] There was some quick bit of banter, with Junior musing “I’m picking up what you’re putting down”.
KB asks if Junior agrees that these types of comments about his father are not in his favor. Junior mulls over the answer, then says “Yeah”. Junior reiterates that, prior to the Guinness reinstatement announcement, they hired a public relations firm, and that they did that to ensure the news traveled as far and wide as possible.
KB suggested [“This was because you were concerned about Billy’s reputation?”]
Junior said this maneuver had more to do with COVID swallowing up the news cycle. But then, unnecessarily, Junior does add that they were also concerned about the damage Billy had received from TG’s allegations.
KB confirmed [“That’s damages from the previous statement?”]
Junior said “Sure.”
KB called back to Junior’s claims about not really being involved in his father’s financials, adding [“That stuff about booking shows, that’s beyond your knowledge, right?”]
Junior agreed.
I could hear an audible groan from Billy sitting nearby.
And, with about an hour to court, and my eyes glazing over badly, that feels like a good spot to end it today. There’s still more Billy Junior cross-examination to cover. Two more of Billy’s witnesses were questioned on Thursday, and then Karl’s testimony began. I hate to say this, but I may be falling behind. Not in my notes though, thankfully! I’ll be back at court in about an hour, and I promise I will get everything up as soon as I can, including finishing all of this on Saturday night (local time) if necessary.
Oh wait, I didn’t post any gag images today, did I? Well, here’s something someone posted on Discord, featuring Karl and King KB, that made me laugh:

Thank you all tremendously for reading! Sorry, as I said on Twitter, I do not have a donation page at the moment, I may start one in the near future, but it won’t be until after all of this trial material is uploaded. Have a good day y’all!
I’ve been refreshing for ages, caught the update before bed.
Appreciate the time and effort you are making to keep us all up to date
Junior is an absolute legend. He doesn’t even have a law degree and the guy is cleaning house like he did against Twin Galaxies
“horses for courses” – An allusion to the fact that a racehorse performs best on a racecourse to which it is specifically suited.
Simply put, choose the right person (object/process) for the right job.
That makes total sense, thank you!
As always, huge thanks for the details!
Lil’ Billy Jr working on his father’s cases as a paid employee of a legal firm always seems… questionable. Like, conflict of interests much?
On the first day, ersatz_cats created light in the darkness… Seriously, you are doing such a great job for everyone – thank you so much for this! It’s such a pity there won’t be a permanent video available for everyone of this nasty piece of work Bully Mitchell lying in Australian court.
Just want to leave my sincerest gratitude for such amazing reporting for all of us wanting to keep up with these proceedings!
Oh, man, this looks like quite the read…
Thank you for this!
Thank you for doing all this work. I really enjoyed reading all these parts so far.
This judge seems to have swallowed a Big Book of British Idioms… Didn’t know they used horses for courses down under!
I was happy to be the 28th view of that five year old podcast. What a fantastic link!
[“In terms of his values, he thought this was a much more extreme offence than cheating at scores.”]
This should be checkmate. Billy had admitted to cheating right there.
Thanks again you absolute legend.
Nothing else to add so I’ll just keep saying it, thanks so much for your efforts!
I’m keeping up with this stuff, but reading through… you definitely have an unhealthy obsession with Billy. Like, Trump Derangement Syndrome levels of obsession.
“Billy Mitchell almost didn’t wash his hands”, “Billy Mitchell only has two ties”, “Billy Mitchell is a fucking liar” … etc really give off the same kind of vibes as that “Donald Trump gets three scoops of ice cream, everybody else gets two” headline. Really was expecting a “Billy Mitchell smiles at himself in the bathroom mirror” or “Billy Mitchell only uses two squirts of hand soap” too.
There’s unbiased reporting, then there’s peeking glances every 35 seconds, noting down facial expressions and body language then mentioning it when it suits your “Billy Mitchell is evil” narrative.
Oh please. The author has stated his biases and is writing an expanded narrative which, honestly, has been about as fair as it gets.
Billy is the plaintiff and deserves every ounce of scrutiny unless and until he’s proven to have actually incurred legitimate damages.
The Billy Mitchell defence force has finally arrived, in the form of about 3 creatures with sub-normal levels of intelligence. If you don’t like the writing, move on and leave the author alone!
Why are you surprised that Billy is being called out for lying when he lies?
Billy are using your phone again in the courtroom?
Nah this guy has a point. Yes, this reporting has a right to be biased if the author wants, but it’s also true that the ad hominem insults are beyond lame. Oh well, this is what we’ve got.
So, I am not pro-Billy by any means, I think he is a disgusting old slime ball. But, I think your writing and behavior are really disgusting as well, and bordering on weird obsessive behavior that is unhealthy. This is internet drama between two people you simply do not know, and it’s a legal battle you are not involved in, not in the slightest.
It is painful to read your writing because of the biases as well. It’s okay to be pro-Karl, almost everyone universally is, myself included, but the writing just comes off as gross. Writing about things like the suits they are wearing, monitoring Billy with petty comments, and even making remarks about Billy being in the same bathroom as you are just strangely obsessive and simply low-life behavior. I would not be shocked if much of your writing is pure fiction, or framed in such a way that you try to come off decent, but are actively stalking Billy. All this effort for a guy that cheated video game scores for ancient games that are long past their prime, and flying out like this, is indicative of mental ailments. It’s just not healthy to be this obsessed over internet drama that 99.99% of the world does not care about or know about.
It’s okay to be lonely in life, or reach low points like these, but I am hopeful you consult therapy, or are able to engage in self-reflection to realize your behavior is depressing, sad, and woefully unaware of the joys of life outside of pointless internet drama that does no one any good. Reading this gave me serious concerns regarding your mental health.
I wish for a healthy recovery and realization later in life that this was a low point for you.
I think it’s fair to say that your feelings aren’t shared by the hundreds of people that are closely following this situation in the hope that justice will finally be served. To say that the author isn’t an interested party in the proceedings just shows how little you know about the situation. Given this lack of knowledge, your need to pass judgement reflects extremely poorly on you. Have you scrutinised your own mental health lately?
Found Billy’s alt account lmao
“Pickleball” sounds like a formally trained psyops specialist. Hang in there, Ersatz. You’re doing the Lord’s work, and admitting you hoped Billy wouldn’t wash his hands was funny.
I totally agree with you on this. Im not a fan of Silly Bitchell either, but you Walter, need serious help. This is obsessive stalking behaviour and extremely biased reporting. I don’t think the case is going so well for Karl like you portray it to be. Seems pretty even to me, anything could happen. The comment of Billy in the bathroom is just plain fucking weird. I think your hard drive needs to be checked. You probably stalk a lot of people
It’s impossible to know how the actual trial is going because this writer is too obsessed with Billy’s daily garb. Ultimately I think there’s been strong misrepresentation about the goal, but Billy is also trying to grasp at every possible straw. Did people really cancel shows / appearances after the whole cheating thing? Most definitely. Was it life-changing numbers? I strongly doubt it. He’s worth far less than even a TikTok minor celebrity / “influencer”, there’s no way these minor retro/gaming/comic cons (that are probably not even raking in that much to begin with) are dishing out $50,000 to Billy, or flying Walter Day across the Pacific, all expenses paid including flight, for a mere $1000. That’s a singular thousand. Not 10. These numbers are definitely incorrect, and they’re going off of “I do not recall” … with no records, but somehow they’ve got shipping labels and all that saved.
*reports facts*
“extremely biased reporting”
get rekt lol
The “facts”: Karl is apparently just a ghost, sitting there, saying not a word in the courtroom, not a peep outside of the courtroom either. Zero interaction, as soon as you leave the courtroom he despawns. Oh wait that’s actually not the case at all! You’re just too mindnumbingly obsessed over a Cartoon Network villain.
Really should get a grip on reality before it ends up biting you in the ass.
Ersatz cats,
Your a grown man talking like a 14 year old, get a hobby other than being a loser who stalks people. You might even lose your virginity one day if you get a real hobby
Ah, personal attacks. Didn’t take you long the reach the bottom of the barrel, did it? What little credibility you and your socks still had just dissolved away.
That comment is a low point for you. You’re literally berating someone on Their own blog that you came to and read. If you care that much about how this trial (of two people you don’t know either) is presented and wish for an unbiased article, why don’t You go there? You’re pathetic mate.
@ersatz_cats: Thanks for the continued coverage. Hopefully catching up on the posts wont be too tiring lol. Have a nice day.
There won’t be any “unbiased article”. It’s video game drama slapfight: court edition with a youtuber vs a has-been, not fucking O.J.
Even the writer noted that the only people showing up are people from Karl’s Discord server. And you bet your ass after this is set and done you’re getting at 10 YouTube videos about this with at LEAST two dedicated to Billy Mitchell’s (alleged) texts and then him getting caught playing Doodle Jumpr or something.
Has it occurred to you yet that this is his platform and he has stated his biases previously and thus can write however he wants?
You thinking that typing “I am not pro-Billy” spares you from anything? that statement is irrelevant with the rest of the absolute garbage you type after that. He writes what he sees from his admittedly bias perspective and you want to make conclusions about his state in life and him being at a low point just because his writing upsets you? Your attempt at displaying a ‘holier than thou’ attitude doesn’t mask how offended and upset you are, nor does it hide your blatant insecurities.
Perhaps its you, ‘Pickleball’ who needs an intervention and a “recovery/realization’ in latter life and one we all hope you get.
lmao What the fuck are you talking about? Dude, I’m in Australia, live-covering a case people around the world want to read about. This is the adventure of a lifetime.
Man, you’re going to be shocked when you learn until about 12 years ago, this sort of reporting was literally considered a primary profession for journalists. Media personnel would do this for any medium-profile case, with all the salacious details. You sound like some kid that think he’s smart. This is reporting. Yeah, it’s biased. If you’re so illiterate you can’t read around bias, that’s your uneducated fault. Go back to school.
This is very high quality reporting, we’re literally getting no detailed reports from anyone else, so this is it. You have no reason to think he’s made a single thing up. This is a public case and there’s plenty of witnesses in the court room. Lying wouldn’t make any sense.
You sound like a horrid little nit. No respect for journalism. You’re probably Billy working under a pseudonym.
How to immediately discredit yourself: “you’re probably xyz”. Go outside.
The problem that you’re not acknowledging is that Billy went well beyond ‘cheating at Donkey Kong’ years ago.
Take Karl’s testimony today. He broke down crying on the stand. He testified that he spent upwards of 1,000 hours preparing for this. Think about that. 1,000 hours. 25 full work weeks. Half a year of his working life to prepare for a lawsuit because Billy Mitchell was mad that he pointed out he was a cheater.
Think of the tens of thousands of dollars Jeremy Young had to spend in order to defend himself from Billy’s absolute bullshit. The thousands of hours preparing because this man was so assmad about being caught cheating at a video game.
The other day Billy testified that Karl stressed him out to the point where he had a heart attack. But he’s currently suing Karl for suggesting that his lawfare against Apollo Legend contributed to the young man’s suicide.
Billy is a legal terrorist. He weaponizes the judicial system against anyone who speaks ill of him. This isn’t some internet drama, it is a criminal getting the closest thing he’ll ever get to being brought to heel.
Clutch your pearls elsewhere, you garbage human being.
As another person following the case with a passing interest I believe the author is writing a decent account of events. He also has been taking the notes and quoting where appropiate. I think you are in the minority Pickleball and I wish you well once you realize it just like you wished the other commentator.
Can’t tell if the comments above are made by a real actual genuine Silly Bitchell fan, or the Conman of the Century himself. By the way, I just love random online comment battles about mental health – getting involved is an extremely reliable sign of being a well adjusted member of society. Go see a doctor.
Hmm that’s weird…. three comments from separate usernames with much the same “unhealthy obsession” message all showing up within an hour of one another like that. Totally not coordinated of course. By the way the “bathroom scene” was in the prior day’s entry.
Its a wordpress website, anyone can comment really
Yes there’s a conspiracy here. Billy is paying us to leave nasty comments. You got us.
Now please take off your tin foil hat and get back to reality.
Also, don’t forget to zip up Walters pants when your done with him.
At least one is from myself, and one is from a friend who I shared screenshots of these reportings to and we both agreed that the writer is beyond saving, 10 minutes later without any communication we both independently decided to comment around a minute apart from eachother. There’s no grand conspiracy here you bored weirdo.
Sad to hear Mitchell’s son graduated from my alma mater, he definitely didn’t inculcate West Point’s values. I did find it weird that he had a paid job working with the attorneys while he was a cadet, that kind of thing is typically illegal unless you get a ton of paperwork signed off. Crazy stuff
OOOoo man, he does NOT follow ANY West Point value.
These other comments are delusional. Yes the writing is biased, yes he hates Billy Mitchell. It’s quite natural to hate a guy for cheating, lying, and sueing people who use their freedom of speech to call him out for it. He’s documented enormous evidence proving the cheating and lies on this website.
He’s not a journalist, he’s under no ethical editorial obligations to “write professionally” and avoid being snarky, its his prerogative. If Billy didn’t want people to write about him snarkily, he could admit to cheating and filing abusive lawsuits and retreat into being forgotten that we’d all prefer him to do, but he refuses.
You sir, are delusional one for backing up Karl and his boyfriend Walter. The trial isn’t going so well for them. Surprisingly Billy Mitchell is on top of his game for this lawsuit
You sound like Trump and his endless “I won the debate” nonsense. Everyone knows he lost the debate, but just like Billy Mitchell, he’s living in a state of delusion. Billy won’t admit he cheated on MAME (while the majority of people seem to agree the evidence seems to be clear that he cheated), but he’s doing the Lance Armstrong “I’ll go down with the lie and sue everyone that disagrees” road. Good luck Karl!
On Day 2 the writer plainly stated he IS a journalist. It’s buzzfeed-tier.
But, it’s also good content when it’s NOT ending every paragraph with a snide remark about Billy. We get it, you have a bone to pick, you don’t have to stare at him zipping his pants up in the bathroom like a fucking predator while pretending to wash your hands with enough soap to clean a bear.
On the other end, I don’t get why Billy is REFUSING to back down re: MAME, but that’s his own problem. Maybe it’s a family thing, maybe it’s a legacy thing. I’ve heard rumors of it being some weird cult that Walter Day was part of, but frankly I don’t care. Titles like “Conman of the Century” are worse than Doping Olympian and brings Billy down to the same level as those brazillian youtubers, splicers and even Todd Rogers, who, if you’re familiar, tried to claim a score like 72952 on a game that only increments points by 5.
Unlike Todd, Billy HAS proven he can do almost all (or maybe all? I’m not up to date) his scores on both Pac-Man AND DK.
That’s not to say he never ever cheated or did bad things ever only good boye, I’m just saying there’s a million different ways this could have gone and both parties messed up. One is a person making a living off of just existing in places in a Statue of Liberty tie with his thumb up and maybe selling some hot sauce, and one is a person who makes a living off of picking internet fights, game drama and making youtube videos about it (a la Apollo, Keemstar)
Imagine spending six hours to use the one computer in Romania and then posting this.
ersatz_cats – thanks for taking the time to cover this trial. The Aussie news outlets were there for Day 1 and part of Day 2, but their reporting was really patchy at best and dropped off really quickly, leaving everyone in the dark. I guess they’ll show up when the judge delivers his verdict.
And to the Billy-hugger-late-comers, ha ha ha, we see right through your corny “I like Karl too” deflections! What took you so long to show up?? Know that you are loved.
Note to the author: don’t let these lawyers charm you. They are reading this and their despicable client is too.
They’re not decent people.
You cut off in the middle of a paragraph:
“Junior said this maneuver had more to do with COVID swallowing up the news cycle. But then, unnecessarily, Junior does add that they were also concerned about”
The paragraph just cuts off there and you go to a different line.
At least that is how it appears on my screen at 11:47 PM EST Sep 19.
Whoopsie! Thank you, I corrected it.. Like I said, no real second pass on these, except for spelling.
Robert Mruczek needs to stop go back to his porno art collection and stop saying Billy will be on suicide watch. I’ve heard him say this multiple times and in interviews as well. I’m onto your bullshit Robert. Despicable behaviour from you
Awesome read as always, and thank you for the detailed updates legend!
So whether Junior the law clerk exactly what the rumors told us ? is still up to debate i guess
but hey looks forward for Karl performance on stand review
“Phillip” need to stop hiding behind a non-descript name and state exactly who he/she is…clearly someone who has drank GBF’s Kool-Aid. Could even be GBF Jr for all we know.
In ANY event “Phillip” is clearly stirring the pot here with all the responses to the posts thus far by the author in an attempt to divert attention and focus from what people without a pro-GBF agenda who actually see thru his BS.
Nope…not going to engage “Phillip” further. But I am sure that more smearing and pro-GBF propaganda will follow in short order from “Phillip”.
Robert I hope you know I downloaded all your interviews with that nutcase Dwayne Richard before he deleted them. You guys were constantly talking about how you want Billy and Walter Day to commit suicide. Not a good look for you, I see why he took the videos down. You’ve crossed the line by saying that bullshit. I get you hate Billy, but that kind of talk is dispicable. Maybe you need to get sued as well
Why is it that people like you always resort to threats and lawsuits? Aren’t you an adult? Where’s your maturity?
If you believed that someone is acting an ass then wouldn’t it help you more by not going down to their level?
There it is.. Robert Mruczek was right. He(“Phillip”) knows the names, people from the community. Writing stuff most may have been told to him. And that wonderful line “Not a good look for you”. I’ve had a couple of random threat with that same line. You better be scared,I have things on you- leave billy alone… This is Billy’s people. “I downloaded all your interviews with that nutcase Dwayne Richard before he deleted them”, why? what caused you to download those specific things, who asked you to do it? billy’s fluffer neil hernandez as used that line before too “Not a good look for you”.
Have been reading all of these updates each day. First time commenting and just wanted to say thanks for all your efforts so far, and sorry you have to suffer for your art with the handful of people (or perhaps just one person, who knows?) leaving nasty comments above. On top of the key events, it has also been very interesting to get a picture of the courtroom (figuratively, of course) and all the little details, including the demeanour of both parties and your humorous anecdotes. The haters must not have much of a sense of humour, on top of being delusional. I’ll be taking that as an impetus not to read any more comments going forward. Anyways, keep up the good work!
it seemed like Billy didn’t do very good like with the tg thing and where it sounded very similar to the same damages as jobst
and that McNutt never helped billy because he still hired him despite the ongoing issues
how’s this looking so far and who’s favour and what are the percentages
My estimate is 50/50.
Billy did come all the way from the USA and the judge is seems to be feeling down for Billy. Some of Karl’s actions were over the top
Thats an unbiased view, to the people who want Billy to lose they are seeing it 70/30 for Karl and I think are missing the judges queues and Karl’s tweet and video editing is very aggressive for a journalist.
Are journalists supposed to be unbiased and fair?
Thanks for posting all these summaries. I’m an Aussie lawyer and gaming nerd so have been following the Billy cases for a while, and I have to say you’re doing a great job at picking up on the local legal lingo! KB is doing a great job at keeping his questioning to what is actually relevant to the court case. Looking forward to tomorrow’s post!
Philip who cares if you have interviews with Robert M. and Dewayne R.
You couldn’t pay me to sit and watch his documentaries they are the worse quality I’ve ever seen and go all over the place
The interviews show Roberts poor character because he wants Billy and Walter Day to commit suicide. Robert Mruczek is not a good man and I can prove it. Dwayne is just as crazy, if not worse
Tim? Tim who?
Thanks again ersatz_cats! Again a great read and I appreciate what you do.
I have a story about Junior. At the Australian Kong Off 3, after some apparent changes to the final head-to-head brackets, BM Senior first played his good friend Richie Knucklez, and then got to play his son (IKR, tough draw). Before Senior played Junior, Senior whispered something into Junior’s ear, and Junior had a VERY visceral “I don’t like that” type reaction. I wondered what Senior had said? I figured maybe he’d said something like “This time son, I’m going to let you win, and let you share some of the limelight.” Right? That’s the sort of thing a loving dad might do, and the sort of thing a son might not really want. Senior went on to win their head-to-head game. So what did Senior say right before the game that Junior so badly did not like hearing? Hmmm
It’s no surprise that all the troll posts have appeared at once. Team Billy is here, posting straight out of the playbook in that brave anonymous style.
Hello Everyone,
I have a healthy obsession with this case. These updates are well and funnily written, especially considering the little amount of time you can spend revising. Never would I expect an unbiased report. This is just a blog! Keep doing your thing ersatz_cats, it is much appreciated. Just don’t get charmed by BB.
It appears that Team Billy is fighting back the only way they can right now… via an anonymous comment section!
Keep on being an Absolute Legend, and thanks again for the latest updates. The troll troops are out in force at once and it reeks of desperation.
Thank you! Don’t worry, I don’t listen to the opinions of losers. 🙂
Well said! The pro-Billy brigade that turned up are probably just 2 or 3 people furiously hitting F5 with multiple browsers open, trousers at half mast and a box of Kleenex on standby. I can’t understand why any sane person would want to support a litigious liar like Bully Mitchell.
I am thinking that “Phillip” is either GBF Jr or possibly GBF’s equivalent of Laura Loomers (i.e. Casey Ross) who is notorious for posting using fake pseudonyms.
BTW, isn’t it most curious how the two (Laura and Casey) look like they were separated at birth ?
David Race I knew I’d see your sorry ass on here. You are a failure of a man and you are a coward. Ill say it to your face the next time I’m in Texas. Your two boyfriends Karl and Walter are not gonna be happy with the verdict. You guys are fucked.
Phillip Blackburn
By the way, I’m a BJJ purple belt and could fucking destroy you within 10 seconds
Mister don’t wash hands after pee pee. Come to Brissy. See u at hungry jacks, Jack. Or maybe u come time zone and let’s play tekken. I show u who is the horniest fighter. And she’s not a man. American hamburger lover and eater. Large fries. Large cocka cola. No ice. More titty.
Glad I chucked a sickie to go to court as well as meet you! Frustrating you won’t be around for the rest of the trial but don’t forget to apply to the civil law person for the live stream 🫶🏿
You too! Take care.
All this man covering a story about Billy Mitchell does is talk about Billy Mitchell! It’s insane! First day, he talks about what Billy Mitchell said, then day two more of the same, and by day three, yep, you guessed it, he’s still talking about Billy Mitchell! It’s utter madness!
I came here to this website covering the disgrace of Billy Mitchell, while a court case is going on about Billy Mitchell, and quite frankly I’m astonished to see it’s just full of Billy Mitchell! Always quoting what he said, what his son said, what his lawyer even said!
You’re obsessed, so I’m going to read through your website, download all of your videos, screen shot all your words and keep refreshing this page to reply to leave comments. You’re obsessed I tell you! Maybe you need sued, because I’m so shocked I fell off my cozy coupe in such shock, the shock of it all.
Billy’s inner circle has revealed themselves inadvertently by mentioning details that aren’t exactly public 🤔. Not sending their best, as usual. In our case, though, Ersatz is the best we could ever hope for.
Willu winn
Hello good sir.
Thanks for the ongoing documenting and where applicable context provided – thank you.
Not picking sides in the courts perspective, however absolutely a Karl supporter and don’t doubt him, nor the work/evidence he has been able to produce over the years regarding Billy and others in the gaming communities (i.e falsified speedruns etc).
You’ll have my email from this post.
Offer here is, once this wraps up – before you go back to the US – feel free to fly over to New Zealand; and i’ll put you up in Wellington and give you a tour and thank you meal so you can enjoy a bit more of the Southern Hemisphere. (If your schedule and relevant travel arrangements allow for it).
Thanks for these write-ups, I’ve been following along all week and appreciate all the time and effort you’re putting in!
The disdain of the piss stain on Billy hand. Yellow like pac man.
Hey, I know what I am getting when I come here. I am getting on the ground reporting from a guy who is no fan of Billy Mitchell, and I am no fan either. I think ersatz cats is doing a great job. He paints a picture so that I can almost visualize the courtroom and the participants. He captures the human element of the case in addition to the legal proceedings. Let’s not forget the bombshell of Billy saying one thing in one lawsuit then another in this lawsuit. I don’t really know how things are going for Karl because ersatz cats has a bias for Karl. I don’t know if it is really objective, but what I do have a sense of is what it is like to be there with ersatz cats and Karl experiencing the trial as a supporter of Karl. I say keep on keeping on. I love it, and I think it is great work. Please keep ’em coming, and I will read ersatz cats’ first person account until the end. Thanks, man. You deserve accolades for your herculean efforts. None of us flew to Aussie to cover this.
Fellow Karl supporter here, tier 3 sub to his Twitch and 6-year channel member. Not gonna lie, I’ve always been on board with this whole “Billy Mitchell is evil” thing, but when you brought up the bathroom part – going so far as to call him “mister pee pee hands” – well, that was just too far. I thought this site would deliver real fact-based reporting, not a warm, pungent stream of yellow journalism. You’ve shown your true obsessed nature, Mister Cats, and I won’t be caught with my pants down again. I’ve hereby cancelled all my subscriptions to Karl, issued a chargeback for all the fees I’ve paid to access this “perfect pac-man” publication, and ordered a case of Rickey’s World Famous Louisiana Hot Sauce™, available now with free shipping on May you find peace, and may God bless America.
Great work ersatz_cats! Thanks for these detailed updates. 🙂
Just to add to your info (for other Americans reading) the fine (penalty) in QLD for using a mobile in the car is $1209 AUD and 4 demerit points.
Also, how did you enjoy your first Aussie Rules match?
Once again “Phillip” is trying to divert attention from the issues at-hand with the case.
PLUS, much like GBF, he tells lies. In the interviews with Dwayne we discussed possible outcomes, and one of them was that GBF’s massive ego…if he should lose…could be taking the suicide route, wife files for divorce, bankruptcy, etc. No one “wished it”, so much like GBF he tells lies. And neither Dwayne nor I said anything with respect to Walter taking that route. More lies from “Philip”.
Just like when GBF claimed that I said said a disparaging remark about him when I was discussing Lance Armstrong. I said that like GBF, like Lance, lied for years before the truth came out. GBF, however, interpreted that differently to suit his own agenda.
Now, back to Day 4 courtesy of “Ersatz Cats” 🙂
Robert Mruczek you arent as smart as you think. You absolutely mentioned Walter Day committing suicide as well as Billy. I’ll probably even post the interviews so everyone can listen if you piss me off even more.
Now, go back to your expensive porno collection and let the men go back to work
Calm down Phillip Blackburn, get out of Billy’s ass and try to look at this objectively
You’re so disgusting and creepy. So fucking weird to keep bringing this up. Please leave the people here alone, you awkward, screeching pissbaby
Here we go again with “Phillip” having nothing better to do than to dredge up elements as featured way back in 2006 (filmed 2004-2005) from KoK and CG.
That’s 19-20 years ago…do you REALLY think that is paramount to the trial taking place ? Apparently this is just an attempt from a Team GBF troll…or just a forum troll who drank GBF’s Kool-Aid…attempting to besmirch others to avoid the attention on being where it should be…on GBF’s decades of lies.
Can’t wait to read of your “insight” when the court drama resumes. Meanwhile, crawl back under your troll bridge where you belong, “Phillip”, unless you are brave enough to stat using your real name.
Hello this is pac man, thank yu play my p p
lotta weirdos in these comments
Joystick is red because hot sauce on my hand!
I knew this day would come. Hell, I been waiting for 35 years to say it, ya know? Video games are important to people. More important than politics, more important to some than families. My parents didn’t agree with my vision of how important the esports world would become. I was a visionary even in high school.
But that changed the day I met Mr. Mullet Head. When I first heard about him I was in awe of his electrical prowess. But that quickly turned sour when instead of shaking my held out hand he looked me dead in the eyes and said “and you are?”. I was shatterred. That broke me to the core. Here I was at a Twin Galaxies sponsored event as an official representative standing side by side with this man. And he had the gall to pretend to not know my name.
From that point on I knew he was a fraud. I just knew it.
I am happy that this trial will soon be over. I fear for the worst but I hope for the best. Just like in the marine core.
Today a new generation of gamers will not have to listen to Billy Dilly regale folks with his legendary status. We all knew back then he was up to no good. Some of us had to keep quiet or we would never see a long promised pay day. But that day is coming soon, be it although in a format different from the one we had hoped for.
Bill I know you are reading this. You deserve the shame and guilt you feel. Your con is over. The world knows you cheated and lied and manipulated your way into record books.
Note this, you will NEVER have power over us gamers again.
This is the last and ONLY comment I will make publicly on this matter.
Ok David Race. We know it’s you
Love to see how many Billy fangirls are suddenly in the comments trying to justify his terrible performance
Again, great job in providing info from the trial.
Also, the trolls found your site 😅
Anyone who disagrees with Walter or Karl is either a troll or Billy Mitchell Junior or Billy himself, got it. You conspiracy weirdos have it all figured out. The trial is going on as we speak, how would Billy be on his phone typing all this at the same time.
You guys are giving Billy way to much credit here. I don’t think he’s that smart
Huge thanx from Belgium. Your reports are better than the last 2 books I read. I’ll be sure to look up your donation page as well cause you are the horse on course for many of us.
Billy has always been a narcissist. He comes across as someone who acts like they’re donkey kong records cured cancer. (Although he probably believes it…) Karl meanwhile fights for the integrity of the video game records. He wants they’re to be transparency. Playing on an emulator and lying about it isn’t transparent. Remember that.
Billy is seriously arguing that if Karl had used slightly different words in his exposee video about his cheating, then Billy’s reputation would have been unaffected and he would be raking in the dough from well-paid convention appearances. Somehow I find this hard to believe.
Remember that the judge decides the verdict, and he’s not gonna be swayed by Karls click bait videos crying that “Billy’s a cheater”
The judge is not a gamer and obviously doesn’t give a single fuck about MAME or whether Billy cheated or not. This is a point almost everyone seems to be missing
The judge should not care about whether Billy cheated or not. It is important, however, that the judge is aware of Billy’s tendency to lie about anything and everything. The court needs to know that Billy has no credibility whatsoever.
Can we agree Billy Mitchell Cheats?
The judge should give a f, because defamation only happens if false statements were communicated. So if it is proven that Billy cheated, then no defamation happened.
Your opinion definitely matters to me, but not to the judge. It’s not like he’s reading these comments. People are just grasping at straws wishing so badly Billy will lose and suffer. I’m willing to forgive someone for cheating in a video game. It’s not that deep. People make mistakes in life
You get forgiveness when you act like you deserve it.
Billy cheated. Then he lied about it for years. When caught, he started lying about how it wasn’t true, then abused his money and our legal system to ruin the lives of everyone who called him out for cheating.
A few days ago Billy whined that Karl caused him to have a heart attack because of his video giving him stress. But he won’t take responsibility for the fact that his threatening of Apollo almost certainly contributed to Apollo’s suicide in much the same way. And unlike Karl, who was absolutely correct to call out Billy, Billy sued Apollo not because Apollo was lying about him, but because Apollo was telling people what he did.
Billy absolutely contributed to a young man’s untimely death because he wanted to conceal the fact that he is a cheater. He is suing Karl because he wants to shut Karl up about how he is a cheater.
You don’t get forgiveness when you spend years fighting tooth and nail to force everyone to shut up about the bad thing you did. You get ridicule, and you deserve it
Damn, I’d hate to get on your bad side lol. I guess I forgive people a lot easier than you do
“Forgiving” Billy doesn’t make sense because not once has Billy asked forgiveness or admitted to any wrongdoing.
Do you also forgive his laundry list of frivolous legal threats, and the time and resources wasted on trials like this one?
You could have just said “I’m a cold bastard who wants Billy to suffer”
I think you should take up a physical sport to take out your anger. MMA, boxing or something.
Justin, are you his personal friend or something to be making all these heartfelt pleas of forgiveness on Billy’s behalf?
Billy has done a lot of real damage, and I’m not talking about cheating at Donkey Kong. Who should pay the price of that if not the man himself? And does me saying that mean I’m a sadist?
Forgiveness is earned.
I’m happy to forgive people who are contrite. Karl has spent over a thousand hours preparing for a lawsuit launched by a narcissist who can’t handle that he got caught cheating at his one meaningful accomplishment.
Why the hell should I forgive Billy when he has spent the last half decade ruining lives to cover up for his mistake?
I’ve never met him, or anyone on this forum. But believe whatever strange conspiracies you wish.
If someone falsely accused me of causing another man’s suicide, I would absolutely sue the fuck out of them. That’s the worst slander you could possibly commit besides calling someone a pedophile or rapist. Not cool at all what Karl has done for views and money.
How strange that your forgiveness doesn’t not extend to Karl, who actually retracted his false statement about Apollo giving Billy money. I guess you’re a “cold bastard” who wants Karl to suffer?
Except the trial is really more about the AL suicide than the cheating allegations, and Karl admitted to making false statements about that. Mitchell is laser-focused on the suicide because it’s the one card he can play. Even so I don’t think he will win unless ersatz is completely misleading us about the trial, Karl’s lawyer has made so many good points.
It’s crazy how you don’t see the difference between the false accusations and just cheating on a game. What Karl did is a million times worse.
Whatever you do just please, please don’t hurt me big guy, you’re scaring me. Feel free to keep repeating what I said though and quoting it back to me like I forgot.
The point is to prove defamation and damages, and while Billy’s doing a not-so-great job at dramatizing with the whole “I was sick to my stomach and vomitting for weeks” schitck, he’s definitely suffered SOME form of losses after Karl Jobst’s clickbait garbage, and Karl gained tremendously from it. That’s what the judge will be looking at. Not the fine specifics about Billy saying “I would not shed a tear if Apollo died” years before he died, or about MAME. The judge saw right through that act.
It isn’t just damages though. It is damages caused by falsehood.
Saying Billy cheated at Donkey Kong is damaging to him, it is probably very upsetting it is also true. Saying that Billy’s relentless lawfare likely contributed to Apollo’s death is very hurtful, very damaging. It is also true. Truth, or in this case contextual truth, is an absolute defense against defemation.
And the fact that Billy has tried to double dip is going to screw him. Billy spent years claiming that TG defamed him and lost him all this money by accusing him of cheating. Now he’s trying to go after Karl for the *exact same claims* even though he said in the deposition with TG that Karl wasn’t really at fault compared to them.
He wanted to screw his cake and eat it too. Now he gets nothing.
Awesome update, thanks a million again!
I’ve been a little worried on some of the days but think this seemed like a good one? Feels the picture is being fleshed out for the judge.
Wow, all this, just becose I save a copy of the bommer`s fake board swap with sound in 2010, on the day it was posted on youtube.. Robb removed the audio with music in, when i inform him there “no DK board in the video” as suggested 🙂 Also that video drew attention by TG for not having the famous converter board with wires coming out of the cab to a vcr , that supposedly recorded the games that day,,,,, and where the 100 people with cellphones and video cams like bill told us 🙂 the best part at the end where billy blocks the game screen from the cam .. not a single screen shot of the big score lol
1st off, I am Otto from the video game Berzerk. I do not like being called evil, since I am only protecting my world from intruders. Full disclosure: like Roy Schildt I do not care for Pac-Man. It’s more of a kiddie game compared to my game and games like Missile Command. Donkey Kong is alright. All this being said I feel that Billy’s arrogance contributed to the negative exposure. I will read all of these reports. Thanks for the effort. I just detected a coin in some 57 years olds pocket. Got to go for now.
Hello. Billy. Please come to queen street toilets now in Brisbane. I want to see u do strong republican stream of yellow piss and then not wash your hands. Make America great again.
We can have hungry Jack whopper and then I can play with your Donkey Dong please? No pun intended.
Thank you. From Billy Pisshands Jimmy nail
Great coverage! I am surprised at the number of people in these comments who don’t wash their hands post-restroom.
As a Tier 5 Karl Enthusiast, 10-year Twitch subscriber, Patreon donor, and proud owner of a limited-edited Karl Jobst lunchbox (the one that’s autographed with “Billy Lies” in Sharpie), I’ve stood tall and loyal to the cause. I’ve laughed, I’ve cheered, and I’ve joined in on the collective chant of “Billy’s scores don’t add up!” at family dinners. But Ersatz… when you published this new bombshell article — where you claim Billy Mitchell only washes his hands after losing — well, that was the joystick snap heard ’round the world.
You’ve crossed a line.
I was there for the greatest hits. I reveled when it was uncovered that Billy’s hair isn’t just an unfortunate mullet but a highly sophisticated “score-storing device” that somehow buffers his inputs to the arcade machine. It all made sense! I even defended Karl when people said his claim that Billy sleeps with a Pac-Man pillow was petty, because let’s be real: anyone still wearing a red, white, and blue tie in 2024 probably does have questionable bedtime habits. But when you outright accused him of having “bathroom score boost rituals”, I nearly fell out of my gamer chair (custom-made, by the way, with Karl’s face emblazoned on the headrest, looking judicious and stern).
I’ve spent thousands of dollars supporting this journey. I’ve endured ridicule from my friends and family for attending “Billy Exposed” virtual conventions, where we all solemnly watched a breakdown of blurry VHS footage from 2008. I even hold on when you said his signature tie was actually controlling the arcade cabinet via some sort of quantum button-pressing feedback loop, because hey, ties are shady. But this? Mister Pee Pee Hands?? Now you’re just getting crude. You’re better than this, Ersatz. Or at least, I thought you were.
Look, I understand Billy’s face gives off the kind of unsettling energy typically reserved for bad guys in 80s movies, and I’ll be the first to admit that he probably spends more time waxing his hair than actually playing games. But “Mister Pee Pee Hands”? You’re walking on dangerous ground, my friend. What’s next? Are you going to say Billy’s mullet is actually an alien parasite that feeds off spliced high scores and MAME INP files?
Do you know how embarrassing it was when I confidently told my coworkers that Billy Mitchell’s scores are part of an elaborate government cover-up involving arcade machines, only to have them pull up your latest article when you casually called Billy Mitchell “Mister Pee Pee Hands”? It’s getting too hard to defend this. When you suggested that Billy’s hands are so greasy, he leaves an oil slick on every joystick he touches, I nodded. But when you doubled down and said that this is how he “slips through the cracks” of gaming history, well, that just felt like too much of a reach for me.
I’ve unsubscribed and unfollowed from everything. I canceled my Twitch sub. I’ve unfollowed Karl’s YouTube channel. I’m even demanding a full CHARGEBACK on that signed “Billy is a Fraud” poster I paid for at the latest virtual convention. Guess what? I even just placed an order for 20 bottles of Billy Mitchell’s hot sauce on Amazon because, at least with Billy’s sauce, the burn is real. Unlike these endless accusations.
You want to accuse Billy of time travel, secret government ties, or even staging his own high-score attempts? Fine. But this whole “pee pee hands” thing?! That’s where I draw the line. I came here for hard-hitting journalism, not yellow journalism.
From now on, I’ll be supporting Billy’s Twitch channel, where at least he sticks to gaming and condiment-based patriotism. And you can rest assured that I’ll be submitting a formal compliant to Patreon regarding all these wild theories. I’ll also be sending a strongly worded letter to Twin Galaxies, telling them Billy is innocent until proven guilty – or at least until his next hair commercial drops.
God bless the United States of America.
LMAAAAAOOOOOO This is great, thank you!
That sounds about as likely as Billy’s girder finger only appearing on his original hardware Donkey Kong. You seriously expect people to believe a blog article made you do a 180 on this and suddenly turn to join the Bully Mitchell defence force and start giving him money? What kind of simp are you that would turn on a dime so easily like this?
It’s interesting to me that they’ve tried so hard to keep the substance of the cheating allegations out of the courtroom as much as possible. In the court of public opinion the harder that evidence is fought/suppressed, the more inquiring minds will come to believe it. He might, by some hook or crook, win some kind of victory in this case, but his strategy is doomed in the long run to ruin what’s left of his legacy. Even were he innocent (and I don’t believe so) suppressing others’ speech in lieu of vigorous counter-argument is tantamount to a full confession.
Last note: A strange thing I notice, not in ersatz_cats’ own posts but in commentary surrounding the whole fracas, is comparing Mitchell to Trump. But that comparison strikes me as utterly backward for, despite Trump’s bluster and boisterous rhetoric, he’s been the victim of lawfare rather than an instigator of it.
… what?
Lawfare isn’t “Oh shit the consequences for my repeated crimes” it is when you sue people to punish them. Trump has done that all the time.
I don’t want to litigate the stuff in a comments section of a post about a completely different legal case but the one thing they convicted Trump on will almost certainly get overturned on appeal faster than you can say ‘reversible error’. Putting aside all political questions, that trial was a farce.
Karl was seen crying in court today. Look it up on Sky News Australia. There’s articles about his becoming “very emotional” in court today. He broke down in tears.
Funny how he won’t include that in his video, if it was Billy, he would have made 5 videos already titled “Cheater Billy cries in court”
I wish you a healthy recovery and realization later in life that this was a low point for you.
Wow, a man who has spent a thousand hours preparing for a lawsuit by a petulant manchild who weaponizes the legal system has an emotional moment
You are the worst.
Ersatz cats,
I mention that Karl was crying, because he was and you assume I’m a troll because I offended your boyfriend. Sorry. I’m not even trolling. I legitimately think Karl is a piece of shit. Not sure about anyone else though
They are both different flavours of pond-scum. This is the international scum-off. Place your bets.
lmao Bro, if you wanna troll, you can just troll. You don’t have to do it for fucking Billy Mitchell hahahaha. Have some dignity.
Hi Junior!
I think you mean this article – – but I can understand how, as an American, you don’t know which Australian news source is which. The article also does NOT say Karl was crying, if he was, the only way you would know that is if you were there. Hey Junior. You really should be getting out and having fun in Australia while you’re here.
Good grief people – you’re reading a BLOG – not the New York Times here…
BLOGs do not follow the same rules as mainstream media (though MM doesn’t practice what they preach a whole lot either…)
Trial has been adjourned to October 8
Thankyou very much for this coverage, ignore the negativity, you are doing an invaluable service and the majority of us are greatly appreciative for you going to all this trouble to let us have a peek into this trial. Wish it was being filmed, but at least you are there taking those notes.
Phillip accuses Ersatz of stalking, but is the guy refreshing this stalking this post for every new comment posted. Shit is sad out here for these keyboard warriors.
I’m not mad, I’m very happy that Karl is losing and crying in court hahahaha. Fucking losers
An hour later. Like I said, stalkin ass, Phillip.
Looks like day 5 will be it for a while, been some videos on Youtube doing more analysis from a different perspective, encourage to listen to these.
Day 5 summary —
Thanks for the link!
Hey Ersatz. Long time first time, and all that.
Just wanted to counter the nonsense above from the Billy Defense Squad by thanking you for all you’re doing here. Have been glued to these updates all week.
Hope you get to enjoy seeing a bit of Oz before you head back home.
Thank you! There’ll always be a few jokers, but the overwhelming positive response has been immensely heartwarming. I’m hoping my friends and family back home are seeing it as well.
So here’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now, when people were doxxing youtubers they didn’t like, a lot of people were saying, that someone will eventually get killed from this, with many people making statements to the effect of “Do we need to wait for someone to die before we call it attempted murder?”
And then it did end up happening apparently. Though I don’t think it was a youtuber who got killed. Just some random older guy.
By extension, when SHOULD we start calling Billy a murderer? And / or someone attempting to murder more people? Because evidently Apollo’s death didn’t “wake Billy up”, he still sued Karl later. Obviously its a hard thing to define, but Billy saying he’d be happy about Apollo dying, does… paint an image of intent.
I imagine Billy as someone who is getting the shit beaten out of him by random people on the street, all the time. I wonder if that has actually happened at any point.
You might want to look up the definition of murder. As awful as Billy is, there is zero evidence that he’s a murderer.
BM is an asshole, a douche, a jerk, a cheater, a liar, a bad father, and a terrible person.
But, absolutely not, he’s not a murderer, or even a “murderer”.
I don’t care if BM is 100% the reason behind Apollo’s decision – it was Apollo’s decision and no one else’s. Suicide is a decision made by one person for that one person. BM may have been part of the reason, but it isn’t his fault.
So then why the fuck is Billy suing Karl?
Karl said “Billy Mitchell contributed to Apollo’s suicide”. You agree with that. Mitchell just doesn’t like to admit that his asshole behavior contributed to a death.
Billy’s whole thing is brutalizing people with the law, he shouldn’t get away with it, and we shouldn’t feel sorry for him.
Since it seems Mr. Cats’ blog here has gathered the attention of several BM fanboys, I have a question for y’all.
Did any of you fly down to Australia to document the case from BM’s side? Is there an Anti-Cats blog I can read somewhere that is less biased (or more biased in favor of BM)?
It’s a good question! I’d love to read it, lmao.
So I’ve kinda been letting the comments go. I’d prefer not to be a heavy-handed moderator, and honestly, a lot of the trolling is unintentionally funny lol. But if it’s souring folks’ experience on the site, I could take a heavier hand in curating what’s going on.
I dunno, what do y’all think?
I’ve been entertained by the trolls and would probably look for you to retain their details such as IP and other identifying details in case they are required in future.
Thanks for the updates and ignore the haters it’s been great to have a proper update to the proceedings.
I’m a hater not a troll.
You don’t need my IP. I live in L.A very close to the UCLA campus. My name is Phillip Blackburn and I think Karl is a sad sad man who is getting exactly what he deserves
You’re lonely AF. Stay mad, Phillip.
Oh hey.
I’ve been long invested in this sweet glorious Billy drama that just seems to keep on giving, but I’ve never heard of no Phillip Blackburn?
I feel like I am missing context here. What is your relevance in this?
I think it’s fine as is. It’s sparked some worthwhile exchanges, amusing or otherwise. It would be safe to say that the average reader here can handle their disagreements better than Billy lol
Also, thanks for the coverage, it’s much appreciated!
Okay well maybe some of the hate speech stuff should go
I mean it is probably like… one guy with ten different accounts. Its kind of funny, if a bit sociopathic in some of them.
You have done an excellent effort to be there and provide your view on proceedings. You asked whether to moderate or not and I strongly suggest to remove the offensive posts. Please remove them so Billy and Karl are not treated badly by the negative community.
Shut up u old wrinkly skinned cock
More comments bring more analytic exposure to this blog I guess.
Thank you Ersatz! If you ever make a bumper sticker of your header graphic, I’ll pay top dollar. I should probably get one of those ‘not arcade’ mugs from TG..
30-40 comments for each days post seems like a healthy amount…..then we get 148. You wanna know why that is? Because Billy and his crew are pissed. They decide to try and fight back the only way they know how. Sometimes people have a way of telling on themselves. Ersatz, I love your work. I always learn something new from them. By you deciding to travel and to multiple things is proof you know how to invest your time and money wisely. Jealous you got to see an Aussie Rules game! Too bad you didn’t pack a Yellow Durant Sonics jersey or a 90s Gary Payton one either (the Sonics WILL come back btw). I eagerly look forward to each writing. Thank you for all that you’ve contributed.
Thank you! Yeah, it doesn’t shock me that Billy’s people are desperate, lol.
Just commenting to drown out the morons.
This reporting is fantastic. I’ve been following it daily, can’t stop refreshing every day for each update. Keep up the great work!
UncleBob I’m expecting a thank you pretty soon for me letting you keep your $100. If you agreed to my first bet, you would’ve lost an entire Donkey Kong cabinet to me. And you thought id disappear 🤣
Billy and Junior strolled out of the courtroom today like champions, and Karl left looking like a defeated man. There’s pictures of all this on Australian news. This is a lesson for any dorks out there trying to slander people for profit
Still ready to bet you $100 through an impartial, third-party broker. It’d be nice if you’d stop being a chicken.
Umm, for anyone who was there, did everything go well today?
If you consider Karl having a breakdown and crying “going well” then yes, things went perfect today. I wasn’t there but I know someone that was
So was there no court for Friday?
Also I thought that this update was cut down and would be updated for Friday.
I checked what time it is in Brisbane right now and its 9 am Saturday, so they are ahead, I’m in Pst 4:39pm Friday writing this .
There’s a report online in the news that Karl Jobst had an emotional reaction in court and been trying to see what that isabout on here.
The emotional reaction can be broken down as this:
A virgin nerd basement dweller finally gets a taste of reality. The courtroom is not your keyboard, Karl. Real life is different than fucking YouTube!!!
Hey Chip, you realize the Aussies are a day ahead of the USA right? Of course there was court on Friday.
Did Billy Mitchell win?
It is awfully strange there’s no update, is Walter processing the defeat?
Hopefully not ..
I did say that Billy does have a case for defamation, I did tell you yesterday that the odds were dead even and that people on this message board who weren’t able to see it as it was were wrong thinking it was just billys fault.
I have to say looking at the context of some of the stuff that Karl said like Conman of the century, cheater, etc that was really over the top. And why the hell is Karl having a breakdown in court when Billy had to front his bill for defense?
Someone said Karl was crying and that’s something keyboard warriors do or people who think they are going to lose
Suddenly no more updates anymore, sounds like Billy won and there’s no way Walter would report the victory or be able to write the story without slandering the judge..
Someone explain to me why there are no updates after Karl got emotional in court, what have we missed?
They’re adjourned until October. OP is probably getting a good sleep in for the first time this week.
“”MITCHEEL has been damaged by these false statements because the statements injured MITCHELL in his profession and business””
They better be articulating those points better in court than in the documents because holy fuck does this just read like “These statements caused damage because these statements caused damage trust me bro”.
No way an actual lawyer wrote this. In defamation law, generally (maybe it’s different in australia?), you need to actually prove damages and point to real things.
Maybe the person who wrote that was the same lawyer that helped write the now famous “Todd Togers” legal motion 🙂
When Billy testified that The King of Kong was a Docudrama and not a Documentay do you agree with this?
I seem to remember there was another player documented with Twin Galaxies as having beat Billy’s score that was central to the events depicted in the film a few years before Steve and was also documented with Twin Galaxies as the world record holder on the Donkey Kong title at the time.
Billy should never have been featured in the documentary or docudrama to begin with because he was not the Twin Galaxies world record holder on the title during the time contemporary events in the film took place anymore than Steve beat his documented 1982 record.
Can you elaborate ?
As I understand thing, and even now after so many years I doubt anyone outside of Seth/Ed, Steve, Billy and Walter, and Steve’s friend Mike, have all the “facts”, but here goes…
Filming at Funspot began I believe in 2004 and continued thru 2005. Originally there were three (3) groups of filmmakers at Funspot, one of which was Seth/Ed, another was Ross of Josh Tuttle, I forget his name but he is mentioned in the credits of KoK, and a third whose name(s) I’ve forgotten over the years.
While filming was largely light in 2004 it picked up significantly in 2005 but at the May event and again in November during my annual vacation trip.
“KoK” did not even exist as far as we knew back then, nor did the term or “plot” exist when Walter prodded everyone to sign NDA’s towards the end of 2006.
I heard that Steve’s friend Mike was one of those who was “in on it”, meaning the actual “plot” of “KoK”, from inception.
When we were filmed we were told from the various filmmakers that they were doing gaming “documentaries” and most were conveyed to be of the “type” that they were about gamers from yesteryear and what their thoughts were on gaming in the here and now, what they thought of today’s games, etc.
During Aug/05 the Mike Verrechia/Lincoln Ruchti team (“Chasing Ghosts”) drove me out to ACAM for filming and their product was explained and adhered to up front.
Ross (or Josh) Tuttle did filming which was later bought out by Seth/Ed for inclusion in “KoK”. You may have noticed a scene of me discussing the infamous “gummy substance” while sitting at a workstation…that was filmed for Ross/Josh’s project…NOT for Seth/Ed’s. And that’s why his name is in the “KoK” credits.
Seth/Ed claimed that initially they had no idea what the “plot” was and that it morphed into “Billy vs Steve” but they never gave a solid answer as to how Tim Szcerby was excluded from the project. That was likely because Tim was just “plain vanilla” and Billy-vs-Steve was more villain-vs-hero.
In any event when Walter in a rush prodded us to sign the NDA’s towards the end of 2006, around late October/early November, he never told us that the team had filmed Roy which, had we known, we probably would never have signed. Thus Walter was likely in on it as well, at least at some point.
As for Tim…
When Steve’s 947K was received, reviewed and the article written, you may note that no mention was made of Tim AND within the article I wrote that GBF’s long-standing WR was finally beaten. This is because SOMEONE at TG…likely Walter…removed the Tim score at some point. I never once saw it, myself, prior to Steve’s incoming score, nor did I ever see an article written or even a forum thread about Tim’s performance anywhere within the TG site.
Unfortunately there is no was to know exactly when the score was expunged, and it could have very well never been entered in the first place !!
And I am willing to bet that Walter was the man behind the exclusion of Tim’s score, and that snake oil salesman will take the truth of this to his grave, much like GBF will with respect to his playing MAME on his earlier DK submissions that came under fire. IN FACT, I firmly believe that many years from now when GBF passes, he will most likely as a final testament to his massive ego have PotC carved into his tombstone/monument as well as probably nine dots at the very bottom as one last poke towards Rick’s May 1999 score on “Pacman”.
These are excerpts from a Florida newspaper article dated June 19, 2003:
“On August 17, 2000, Tim Sczerby of Auburn, New York, surpassed Mitchell’s previous, 18-year-old Donkey Kong record by 4,900 points. Since then, Mitchell has schemed to take his record back — and with a score so high that no one will ever steal it away from him again.
“When I go to do that, I’m not going to do it in my garage with a camera,” Mitchell says. “I’m going to do it somewhere where it will be reported”…
Mitchell claims his next video game record — 1 million points in Donkey Kong — will have as much of an impact as the perfect Pac-Man. He’s been practicing on his own machines for years and claims he’s already surpassed Sczerby’s current record score. He’ll announce the game date soon, he promises, and then he’ll travel to New Hampshire and put it all on the line: 1 million points or bust.”
According to a Walter Day post at Twin Galaxies dated to 2008, Steve Wiebe’s 947,200-point game was played on June 30, 2003, eleven days after the newspaper article quoted above, and officially accepted less than a week later on July 6.
This raises a lot of questions.
These are excerpts from a Florida newspaper article dated June 19, 2003:
“On August 17, 2000, Tim Sczerby of Auburn, New York, surpassed Mitchell’s previous, 18-year-old Donkey Kong record by 4,900 points. Since then, Mitchell has schemed to take his record back — and with a score so high that no one will ever steal it away from him again.
“When I go to do that, I’m not going to do it in my garage with a camera,” Mitchell says. “I’m going to do it somewhere where it will be reported”…
Mitchell claims his next video game record — 1 million points in Donkey Kong — will have as much of an impact as the perfect Pac-Man. He’s been practicing on his own machines for years and claims he’s already surpassed Sczerby’s current record score. He’ll announce the game date soon, he promises, and then he’ll travel to New Hampshire and put it all on the line: 1 million points or bust.”
According to a Walter Day post at Twin Galaxies dated to 2008, Steve Wiebe’s 947,200-point game was played on June 30, 2003, eleven days after the newspaper article quoted above, and officially accepted less than a week later on July 6.
This raises a lot of questions.
I mean, I would say it was conveyed a bit more eloquently than in my notes here, but that basically is the crux of Billy’s argument.
Karl got his cheeks clapped hard today
Come support my site. I teach people how to get pixel perfect RGB from games. You have never saw pac man look so beauty!!!
Holy smokes! I taught Junior at USMA! I’ve been following Karl’s fight for a LONG time and never knew Billy was Billy’s dad. Woah.
Some of the comments are written by people impersonating known figures, and others are written by those figures themselves. As for the impersonations, some are obvious, and some are maybe not so obvious. You can moderate the comment section as much or as little as you like, but I’m not really a fan of letting people just impersonate whoever they want.