by ersatz_cats
Okay, so just so everyone’s aware, this current leg of the trial is done, it’s finito, it’s in the can. It’ll pick up again next month. So my written notes I have now are all I’ll be posting until then. As I write this, it looks to be this post today, covering the rest of Day 4, and then after some appropriately leisurely activities (and a healthy amount of sleep), I’ll sit down again to pound out the rest.
Check out the previous entries in this saga:
Of course, the usual caveats: Unlike my usual writing, this’ll be quick and raw. I am NOT going to reintroduce stuff from my previous “Karl vs Billy” posts, linked above, so I will assume you’ve read them. As a reminder though, “BB” refers to “Billy’s barrister”, and “KB” refers to “Karl’s barrister”. I’m normally very careful with quotes to make sure they’re accurate, but I can usually relisten to media to confirm. Since these are all one-and-done, there’ll be plenty of times where I capture what I think is the essence of what was said. “Anything in regular quotes should be considered word-for-word.” [“Anything with brackets means ‘Not word-for-word, but conveys the meaning of what was said.”] (And even then, I’m human and can make mistakes.) Also, I’m just reporting what was said, without additional fact-checking; nothing should necessarily be taken as fact just because someone said it here.
Oh! Before I continue, I should talk a little bit about visualizations. Visualizations are important for storytelling, however, photographs are forbidden in the courtroom – that’s why courtroom sketch artistry is a thing. I decided not to seriously try my hand at that, lol, although I did scribble this amateurish drawing of the courtroom into my first day’s notes:

To that point, I found this online photo that looks very similar to the courtroom from these proceedings, although the audience aisle is a little more toward the center, and those big box things in the left foreground weren’t there:

I think I didn’t do too bad, right? Oh, and those are those windows I was talking about. Anyway, it turns out I wasn’t the only doodler in the courtroom. To the question of Billy Junior’s new appearance, I was sent this sketch by one of the later-week regulars:

We last left off with Billy Junior still under cross-examination by Karl’s Barrister, KB. Junior recalled being in the car when he heard of the Apollo suicide note video. He attempted to call Apollo through Discord, which is preserved since Discord messages do not disappear. KB called for this Discord exchange, which was posted to the courtroom screens. I believe this was the first time I had seen this exchange. The only items I was able to scrawl down while the message was displayed were one from Junior:
When do you start releasing your statements?
And a subsequent one from Apollo:
Thanks, I just posted the message to the community tab of my channel.
The next “message” was the note of a missed call, on the day of Apollo’s death.
KB then asked Junior “Do you agree that your father had a reputation for suing people?” Junior struggled to answer, before saying “To an extent, yes.” KB asked Junior about his father’s pastor, to which Junior said he was not home for that.
The judge noted it was approaching 11am, which was said to be Preston Burt’s availability. But plaintiff’s counsel clarified that Preston can testify any time after 11. Junior’s cross was allowed to continue.
KB noted that Junior had testified that, before he uploaded Billy’s response video, he brough up Jobst’s video again and searched through to see if the offending words were still there, or to check if an edit had been made. KB asked [“Why would you think it would?”] Junior said they’d had a call with someone who relayed to Karl that the allegations was untrue.
KB asked “So if the words were gone, you would not have followed through with the response video?”
Junior said that it would have made no difference.
KB asked why Junior kept the video up, to which Junior said it shows the claim is false.
KB asked if Junior had seen Karl’s apology video. Junior said, yes, they learned about it from their father’s old solicitor, and that he went to it recently just to screenshot it. KB asked how many views it had, drawing an objection from BB that there’s no pleading as to the number of views, and that defense counsel was trying to enter evidence not in the pleading. The judge chooses to allow the question. However, BB requested a break to receive instruction, to which KB agreed.
The audience had drawn some more regulars around this time. Meanwhile Billy, who had been so eager to schmooze earlier in the week, seemed far less jovial and social today. (Of course, I would attribute his lack of sociability to his own actions, and the consequences thereof.) Most of the
other regulars kept their space from Billy. However, one decided to get a bit cheeky with Billy. As we re-entered court, he said “Teenagers are always on their phones. You should know better, Billy.”
When we reconvened at 11:18, Karl was missing from the courtroom for the first time these proceedings, but he did emerge with his solicitor moments later. In Karl’s absence, KB continued by showing Junior six documents. They involved screen captures of YouTube analytics pages. (I believe these related to Billy’s response video, but somehow I failed to actually write that in my scribbled notes.) These pages had statistics broken down by major cities. KB asked if spikes up meant likes and spikes down meant dislikes, to which Junior said he wasn’t sure. It shows engagement over time, with views and “impressions”, which is the number of times a video shows up people’s recommendations. KB noted there seemed to be more views than in Germany or Sweden.
KB asked Junior to confirm that he and his father have left the response video up. Junior confirmed they have.
KB asked Junior to confirm they have not made a new video including Karl’s “apology”. Junior confirms that is correct.
KB asked Junior to confirm they did not add a link to Karl’s “apology” if their response video. Junior confirms that is correct.
KB asked whey they haven’t. Junior said [“Because I don’t believe that apology is an apology, actually.”]
KB posits that what’s concerning is that, Billy’s claiming Karl’s original video calls him a murderer, but he fails to append his media with Karl’s clarification that he does not think Billy is a murderer.
KB asked, if that inference was so important, then why not add a link to that apology video?
Junior reiterated that he didn’t think that apology was an apology.
KB asked Junior again to recall his visit to the John Weeks auction. Junior said they happened to be in Los Angeles for something else. Junior noted media surrounding the event, including from the Palm Springs Desert Sun. At this point, BB objected to the document’s inclusion except as “a credit”, to which KB clarified that it is indeed just “a credit”. (And thank you to the folks in a previous post’s replies who clarified that “credit” here is basically shorthand for “credibility”, and thus “a credit” would be an item that speaks to a witness’s credibility. It is my understanding that, while most evidence has to be revealed and lodged with the court beforehand, the exception is material being used to call a witness’s credibility into question, because of those had to all be disclosed, the witness would know how to tailor their answers accordingly.)
Going back to Billy’s response video, Junior recalled that prior to its publication, he’d had a conversation with someone considered credible to both parties, named Keemstar, adding that Keemstar had told Junior he would reach out to Jobst regarding Billy’s concerns.
When asked about Billy’s socials, Junior said he doesn’t have much to do with Billy’s Instagram, adding that his mother handles probably 95% of that. KB asked about a post relating to Billy’s appearance at a vintage collectibles show, but Junior said he doesn’t know about that, and was not the one to post it to Instagram. Regarding an arcade grand opening in New Jersey, Junior did not know about it, and did not attend with his father. Same with Free Play Florida in 2021. Junior also did not attend the Music City Multi Con, but did attend a 2022 speech his father made at Bloomington, Illinois. KB was about to ask a question that related to Billy’s finances, but then recalled Junior said he didn’t know about that. Junior also didn’t recall Billy doing an interview with the podcast “Pardon My Take.”
KB then said he had no further questions.
A quick side note. In case I didn’t make it clear, both sides have a barrister, who is allowed to address the court, and they also have solicitor(s) wearing normal dress clothing, with one typically sitting up at the lawyers bench alongside the barrister. As Billy’s barrister was about to begin second direct questioning (or whatever they call it here), Billy tried to get the attention of his solicitor by calling him “Francis”. I suppose that would make him the “Francis Henry Joseph” whose affidavit was noted in Day 2. Do his friends at least get to call him Frankie?
BB’s second direct was quick. BB asked about Junior’s work as a law clerk for Manning & Kass. Junior said he helped with researching and compiling evidence. BB asked how much he was paid for this work, to which Junior said he was paid “$359 a year” noting that it was very low. Judge joked that that’s like $1 an hour.
With that, Junior was excused as a witness, and was allowed to watch the remaining proceedings with the rest of us clowns in the peanut gallery.
Hey, c’mon, I think that headline’s sweet.

The next person to be “affirmed” (sworn in) was Preston Burt, co-founder of Southern Fried Gaming Expo. He seemed to be filming from a narrow book closet. Preston testified about knowing Billy from King of Kong, who organizers reached out to to be a speaker and special guest for the first SFGE, which Junior attended as well. This early planning for the first event was done over a year in advance. They were interested, but they also wanted to know more and to meet Billy in person. Preston testified that, the summer before the event, one of the organizers met Billy at one his son’s football camps in Atlanta. BB clarified for the record that, in this case, “summer” meant June.
Both Preston and his colleague felt like it was a good opportunity. They asked Billy to sign U.S> flag ties as giveaways. BB asked in what way Billy was used to promote the event. It included a photo on the website, scheduled appearances at the event, and a meet-and-greet. Billy attended the entirety of each day. Burt recalled the event was a huge success, exceeding their attendance expectations. Their plans for the following year included Billy giving a talk, signing autographs, sitting on a panel session, and participating in a “Battle Billy Mitchell” Pac-Man event. Preston said Billy was very accessible, that Billy told him [“Just let me know how you need me, I’m here to work.”] Preston observed attendees interacting with Billy. They all had a great time, took pictures, joked around. They seemed to be excited to see him. Billy seemed very gregarious, very funny. He would always play the part people wanted, taking photographs with either an angry face or smiling. Preston noted most people were familiar with Billy through King of Kong, which showed him as a bad guy, but they wanted that bad guy persona for pictures.
Preston said that after the first event in 2014, they asked him back the next year 2015, as well as for 2017 and 2018, and for their online event in 2020. Preston felt that it was good to focus on other guests as well, and that if they had Billy every year, it would reach saturation, and his impact would grow stale, adding that each year away would add appeal to attendees.
Preston recalled hearing about the Twin Galaxies dispute on Internet forums. BB asked [“Did that affect how you wanted him for future events?”] Preston answered “Not particularly, no.” BB asked Preston if he’d observed Billy’s interactions since that dispute, to which Preston said they’re still positive. Judge then interjected, noting that this was a misleading question, given that Billy did not attend in 2019, and the 2020 event was digital.
BB then asked Preston about Billy’s “Road to Redemption” panel in 2018. And it was at this moment that the unthinkable happened…

My pen insta-died!! I came with two old pens in my pocket, and two new pens I bought off the shelf just before traveling. One of the new ones had started to run dry earlier, but I just assumed that one pen was faulty, because my pocket pens of the same style seemed to last forever. But this second pen gave me no grace period at all. It was done. Unfortunately, in shuffling my inksticks around, I didn’t capture the answer Preston gave regarding the Road to Redemption, or whatever question Judge (denoted by circle-J) asked, though it looks like he was asking about the year. Regardless, through my other fading pen, I continued.
Preston later noted that, in 2020, they lost considerable revenue due to COVID lockdown, electing to take money where they could, which included expansion into other options.
BB asked Preston if they would invite Billy back.
Preston said [“Yes, we have no qualms about it. We’re discussing it for June 2025.”]
BB asked if they would recommend Billy as a guest to other expos.
Preston said [“We would and we have. Billy’s always there to work, and he makes the event a better experience.”]
[“No further questions.”]
In cross-examination, KB asked Preston to confirm various years of Billy’s attendance. Preston made a verbal reference to his “notes”, prompting KB to ask Preston to confirm that he was not actively using these external notes to assist his current testimony.
KB then asked Preston to authenticate an appearance on the “Game Room Junkies” podcast, where he talks about SFGE having a pre-existing contract with Billy for 2018. When asked if SFGE did indeed have a pre-existing contract with Billy, Preston confirmed that was the case. However, when asked if Preston had such a contract and cancelled, Preston said that did not happen. KB then asked again if Preston would bring Billy back, and Preston reiterated that he would have no qualms about having Billy back again.
BB noted the next witness could be appearing by telephone, noting that the pace of the trial has started to quicken. Judge said they were about a day behind the schedule, but that they were starting to catch up. At first, it sounded like Triforce would be their next witness, however, and an adjournment that seemed to take a while, we were greeted by testimony from another Billy pal.

The next witness was announced as being a local fellow by the name Steve Grunberger. One of our regulars, a local, I saw his eyes grow wide, as he whispered “THIS GUY!?!?” I remarked, quietly in court, “Oh, you know him?” He gave me that look as if it were a long story, to which I volunteered that I’ve heard reports online and in person that he scams people with fraudulent sales. (I was also told Grunny is more appreciated in the U.S. because he brown-noses people like Billy and Walter Day) This courtroom regular nodded to me and whispered “Here in Australia, we refer to him as ‘The Grunburglar’.”

Before we get to Steve’s actual testimony, note that from a legal perspective, it seems the purpose of his appearance was to establish viewership in Queensland. In other words, in an Australian court, it’s not enough to say people somewhere else in the world may have gotten a bad impression of the video from Billy, they have to say that someone local did as well.
Grunberger, who seemed to be testifying from an empty white house, said he’s known Billy a long time, that he remembers when Billy was on “the cover” of Time Magazine (which, for the record, did not happen), and that he eventually began attending expos with Billy, including at the Australian Kong Off. BB asked his observations of people’s interactions with Billy. Grunny said Billy shakes everyone’s hands, and is always happy to meet people.
BB asked Grunberger about the Karl Jobst video. Grunny said he had to watch it after Billy sent him a link to it over SMS. Steve then authenticated the text message in question, dated May 31st. He watched it at home, in Gold Coast, Queensland. Steve recalled the video discussed Apollo Legend’s suicide, and linked it to Billy.
With BB’s short question list exhausted, Grunberger was quickly off to cross-examination. KB asked Steve to repeat again that he’d seen video. Steve said he did watch the whole thing, but it was a while ago and he couldn’t remember too much about it besides the main part with Apollo. Steve didn’t recall seeing the apology video, but he did see a video put up by Billy to address it, which was shared around the gaming community.
Steve confirmed that he likes Billy, that he hung out with Billy’s wife and son, as well as mutual friends like Eric Tessler, at events in the U.S. and in Australia, including the last two Kong Offs in Banning, California, and at the Australian Kong Off in Brisbane, and at a wedding.
KB asked Steve if he remembered Karl calling Billy a cheater in his video. Steve said he did.
KB asked Steve if this gave him a bad impression of Billy
Steve said [“No, in my opinion, you have to prove yourself. Anyone could call anyone a cheater.”]
KB asked [“So, if you see something online, you won’t believe it until you see proof?”]
Grunberger said “Correct.”
KB asked [“That goes for if someone says someone else is a murderer, right?”]
Grunberger agreed.
KB said he had no further questions.
Following Grunberger’s testimony, as I sat within earshot of Billy, I could hear him mutter to himself “That was stupid”.

Next up was Isaiah Johnson, better known online as “Triforce”. Like Billy’s other witnesses (besides his son), Triforce testified remotely – in his case, from St. Catherine Parish in Jamaica, near what looked to be an outdoor tarp. (It definitely wasn’t outdoors because he was in a bright room, and it was the middle of the night where he lives.) Honestly, I could do a whole write-up on just this guy, and perhaps one day I will, but for now, he’s part of Billy’s con-artist inner circle, with a long history of shady dealings of his own. As folks have pointed out to me, it’s very curious how Triforce was so unwilling to testify in U.S. court as to his involvement in Billy’s fake plaque shenanigans, but all the way out here in Australian court, he’s only too happy to oblige.
Triforce testified to being a YouTuber who runs his channel “Empire Arcadia” as well as assisting with his wife’s channel “Valkyries of Arcadia”. He said Empire Arcadia focuses on the “fabric of gaming” and claimed to have had the foreknowledge that video games would explode into a whole culture of gaming. He said he’s been involved in video game competitions, although now he focuses more on the cultural history of gaming. He had wanted Empire Arcadia to become the number one video game team in the world, and claims that it is now so recognized by Guinness. Triforce added that he is personally a ten-time Guinness record holder, and has several other Twin Galaxies records, as well as an induction into Walter Day’s International Video Game Hall of Fame.
Triforce recalled hearing in his teens about all these video game champions from the U.S. Midwest, and hearing about Walter Day in particular from his friend Lance. Triforce described Day as building the first organization dedicated to competitive gaming, which built the foundation for esports today.
BB asked Triforce if he knew Billy, to which he said [“Everyone knows Billy Mitchell.”] In the 2000s, he’d heard TG was still doing events, but added “I thought those guys were just edging.” (Hey, listen, maybe I heard it wrong, but that’s definitely what I heard.) Triforce eventually attended the yearly Funspot event, and although he did not meet Billy there, he did meet Walter Day and others in the circle. His first real meeting with Billy came at the 2008 E For All event, where he met Billy, Fatal1ty, Justin Wong, and Todd Rogers. BB asked Triforce if he attended later events with Billy, to which he confirmed he did, right up until the pandemic.
BB asked Triforce of his observations of how others interacted with Billy. Triforce said Billy is like Michael Jordan, adding it would be nice if he shared some of that spotlight. BB asked if those same interactions happened after the Twin Galaxies dispute. Triforce said, not exactly, likening the situation to a current dispute between Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen, adding that Jordan is still Jordan and people still love him. BB asked for clarification that, in this analogy, Jordan is Billy and Pippen represents TG. Triforce recalled talking with Billy about the dispute, noting that it didn’t change his behavior or bother him. Triforce said it was more like [“Really? I’ll do the scores again!”] Triforce added that it didn’t shake his confidence.
Triforce testified that he was aware of Karl’s video, that he had seen it, and really had no choice but to see it after Billy sent it to him. BB asked Triforce to describe Billy’s demeanor after the video. Triforce described Billy as erratic and paranoid, and not his usual joyful, confident self, adding that he had never seen Billy like that before. Triforce added [“I’ve seen Billy upset at stuff, like when his dog took a crap in his car”], but that the way he responded to Jobst’s video, it was like he was a totally different person. Billy told Triforce [“You don’t understand, this is not about games.”]
Every so often, I remember to look over at Karl and Billy, just to see if I see anything interesting. Karl was in his usual great posture. On the other hand, when I went to look in on Billy, I found him glaring directly at me.
BB asked Triforce is Billy expressed concern over how this would affect his life. Triforce quoted Billy as saying [“If they even make this out to be true, I’ll lose my life and my wife.”] BB then said he had no further questions.
KB began his cross-examination with that quote. [“If they even make this out to be true, I’ll lose my life and my wife.”] Triforce said Billy was concerned because he knew the situation wasn’t true. But then, Triforce added that his own advice to Billy was to just leave the haters be.
KB dramatically played into this. [“That’s right! It’s just haters saying stuff about you. It’s not true, it’s just haters. You should just let it go!”]
Triforce said that was “True, to a point.”
Triforce was asked if he liked King of Kong. Triforce thought about it before saying [“Yeah, actually I did.”] KB asked Triforce about that pause. Triforce said some people don’t understand the difference between film and reality. Triforce called the movie a “docu-drama” while recalling that there were scenes where they filmed Billy as the bad guy, adding that he didn’t need to meet Billy to know it was foolishness.
Triforce reiterated that he was aware of Karl’s video on Billy, noting that it went outside normal gaming to talk about suicide. Triforce also recalled a guy named Tipster saying he wouldn’t have gone that far. KB asked if Triforce had seen Karl’s apology vid. Triforce did not think so.
KB confirmed that the reason Triforce saw the Jobst video initially was because Billy showed it to him. KB asked if Triforce knew that Billy’s vid has that clip. Triforce said he doesn’t know about the response video, and that he doesn’t get into that business. KB asked the context of Billy showing him the Jobst video, and Triforce referred to a commentary video by Tipster, showing the contested clip. Triforce thought the whole argument was ridiculous, that Billy suing him would make him want to kill himself.
KB agreed that it doesn’t make any sense. No further questions.
BB requested an opportunity to “take instruction”. Court was adjourned at 1:06pm, to reconvene after lunch at 2:30.
Out in the lobby, I encountered a young lady, dressed nicely, who sat in the gallery and who seemed to be there doing work. She didn’t strike me as being one of the goofballs from Karl’s Discord. I approached her and asked if she was working for local media. No, she was actually a law student, who had to do an assignment watching and reviewing legal procedures in a live court case. And she chose this case to do it.
If you think Billy’s side has gone bad so far, keep in mind, across from cross-examining Billy’s witnesses, Karl’s side hasn’t even begun.
Upon returning from lunch, I saw that over the break Karl had added a black suit jacket, and perhaps a new dress shirt as well. It took me a moment to realize, this was because the defense case was about to begin, and that Karl was going to testify soon. Billy, on the other hand, I noticed he had a pocket square with the Union Jack (British flag). I couldn’t tell if that was a standalone Union Jack, or if it was a corner of an Australian flag.
BB sought to enter into evidence a 4 June 2021 email between Karl and a Jesse. Judge asked KB if he had any objection, to which KB said it depends on what it’ll be used for. Ultimately, it was accepted as evidence of itself, and not necessarily proof of matters they discussed.
KB began his opening remarks by noting the added length of these proceedings due to “skirmishes”, clarifying that he didn’t feel the need to offer a very long opening statement to his case. KB notes what Billy’s side is alleging, adding [“My client denies plaintiff will be able to establish such things”.] KB also didn’t plan to go into the pleadings in great detail, saying that this is over a single video which, in its original form, was about multiple notable players in the gaming industry who had initiated litigation over allegations of fake scores.
The “offending words”, which KB noted he did not mean in any conclusionary sense, relate to a very small portion of the video in question, all the way toward the end. KB referred to the sequence of events, noting that there could be discrepancies in descriptions based on local time zones, but that this sequence spanned about 11 days. KB notes Billy’s response video as republishing the offending parts only, prefaced with the following words:
For those of you who haven’t seen it, here’s the clip.
Judge noted he understands the defense’s case, saying he’s not interested in witness summaries, but wants to hear from the witnesses themselves.
KB declares his first witness will be Karl himself. KB notes Karl’s reputation as a gamer, saying he intends to clarify when Karl put the original video up, when he brought it down, why he brought it down, why he put it up yet again, how long it was up for, and why he ultimately took it back down again. He also intends to acknowledge Karl’s retraction and apology video, why Karl put that up, when he put it up, and the analytics behind that.
Jace Hall will be called to address plaintiff’s reputation in the gaming industry, both before and after plaintiff initiated litigation against Twin Galaxies. KB noted, as a preliminary matter, that they’re still having difficulty getting Mr. Hall confirmed, but that they do intend to call him.
Jeremy Young will testify to Billy’s reputation before and after these events as well. Jimmy Nails will testify to the reputation of plaintiff within the gaming industry prior to and after the publication of Jobst’s video. The defense will call Carlos Pineiro, who will also testify to the reputation of plaintiff within the gaming industry prior to and after the publication of Jobst’s video. David Race will also testify to the reputation of plaintiff within the gaming industry prior to and after the publication of Jobst’s video. And Elliott Watkins will also – wait for it – testify to the reputation of plaintiff within the gaming industry prior to and after the publication of Jobst’s video.

An additional witness, identified as Apollo Legend’s brother, will also provide evidence as to whether Apollo could engage in paid employment following his settlement with Billy, whether Apollo continued receiving payment for his old videos uploaded to YouTube, and whether or not, as a result of the settlement, there was a negative financial effect on Apollo.
KB also referred to the movie King of Kong as evidence. Judge said he had no particular desire to watch it, but may find it relevant to watch – but not in open court, of course. KB stressed that it is relevant, that it’s only an hour and twenty minutes, and that his honor should watch it, in the comfort of chambers of course.
KB noted that, with the exception of two possibilities, no one apart from the defendants was lined up to testify that afternoon (Thursday), although they could attempt to line up someone else as well. Judge remarked he’d be surprised if defendant’s testimony was done today. BB also suspected defendant’s testimony would take up the rest of the afternoon.
And with that, KB declared his first witness.
“The defendant calls Mister Karl Jobst.”
The clerk came up, and went through the whole affirmation spiel, asking Karl if he does affirm to speak the truth and blah blah blah.
“I do.”
Karl gave his name as Karl David Jobst. He’s been a professional YouTuber for almost six years, since December 2018. He covers a few different gaming-related topics, including what he calls “speedrunning”, which he admits may not be a meaningful term to people at the court. Karl gives a brief explanation of what video game speedrunning is before adding that he also spends a large amount of time covering cheating in games. Karl is asked if he’s held any gaming records, to which he says he’s held hundreds of records, and has been world champion many times in a game called Perfect Dark.
Karl also has a YouTube channel, whose name is literally just his name, Karl Jobst. Karl says he doesn’t focus on any one particular game, and is always looking for world records in a wide variety of games, adding that his channel has over a million followers. Judge stepped in to ask, what exactly is a “follower”. Karl explained that it’s anyone who clicked a “Subscribe” button on any of his videos. Judge understood, observing that it’s basically the same as subscribers.
KB asked, when Karl publishes a new video, how is anyone notified? Karl says it depends, saying that people can click a button to receive notifications, but noting that it is otherwise at the whim of YouTube.
KB remarked [“If I’m subscribed… Apologies, I’m not… Maybe I should be…”] before asking if YouTube works like Facebook, where the latest videos appear first. Karl said YouTube works differently, where videos come up in recommendations, which are tailored to each individual.
Karl confirmed he’s published multiple videos in reference to plaintiff, as well as videos covering other cheaters. When asked for other examples, Karl noted a cheating scandal with Dream, and a Guitar Hero cheater.
Karl reiterated that he’s a professional YouTuber. When asked how he gets paid from publishing YouTube videos, Karl noted two sources. First, YouTube pauses videos to display ads, sharing some portion of that revenue with the uploader. The second way was to work with sponsors to have an advertising message inserted into the video itself. KB asked to reiterate that these are the only two ways Karl financially benefits from the videos themselves. Karl confirmed this was correct. KB asked if Karl had any other job or source of income. Karl said “No”.
Karl first heard about Billy Mitchell around 2009, from the movie King of Kong. Karl was asked of his first impression, to which he said “It wasn’t a good one, to be honest.” Karl said the way Billy comes across in the movie is not good. Karl noted, the movie did make him interested in following the Donkey Kong world record. By the time Karl had seen King of Kong, other DK players had surpassed Billy’s claimed scores. Karl recalls he may have seen news of one of Billy’s claimed world records around that time, but he was not following Billy per se.
KB asked how Karl heard about the score dispute with Twin Galaxies. Karl recalls first hearing about it at the end of 2017, though he does not remember specifically how. Karl recalls, in competitive gaming circles, the story was everywhere, adding that all eyes were on classic gamers after an issue with claims by Todd Rogers on games like Dragster. KB backed up his client, adding that the news was everywhere in his world.
Jobst noted that, while the Donkey Kong dispute is often said to have begun in February 2018, it actually started much earlier, in late 2017. It began with evidence of a board swap video that had been staged, causing the community to begin questioning Billy’s score associated with that video. Karl added that, although this earlier evidence wasn’t concrete, it was talked about for months.
KB asked Karl if he followed that dispute closely, to which Karl said [“Very closely.”] He continued reading the dispute thread on the TG website, which included thousands of comments. When asked by KB what this thread consisted of, Karl said it included tons and tons of evidence demonstrating Billy’s scores were fake. Specifically, Karl explained, the scores were done using MAME, spelled M-A-M-E, although Karl could not remember the acronym in the moment. (It’s “Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator”.) Karl explained that, over the years, hobbyists managed to extract the actual game code out of these arcade machines, allowing people to play these games on home computers. However, computers work differently, resulting in specific signatures which are different than on original arcade. Karl noted that, if one paused on certain screen transitions, these differences become apparent. KB asked [“Did you yourself go through that analysis?” Karl answered “Yes”.
At this point, the judge asked a very savvy question. He asked if, using this method, it would be possible to play a game like Donkey Kong more quickly. Karl said the concern here wasn’t so much how the game plays, but rather what extra tools open the possibility of cheating, which are not available on original arcade. Karl notes that MAME score submissions are subjected to higher proof requirements, which Billy’s scores did not satisfy.
BB lodged an objection if this evidence was to be taken as expert testimony, but not if it’s strictly taken in terms of Karl’s opinion. Judge noted that he’s not concerned with whether plaintiff cheated, just whether he had a reputation for cheating.
Judge sought more background from Karl, specifically how one would claim a record for highest score or quickest to beat a level. [“Do you have to play a game, and then upload a recording of it to someone who credits you with this record?”] Karl answered that is correct. KB asked what technology can be involved in applying to have a world record recognized, to which the judge in another savvy move remarked that different companies likely rely on different procedures.
KB asked Karl who recognizes world records on Donkey Kong. After asking for clarification on what is meant by “recognizes”, Karl lists Donkey Kong Forum and Twin Galaxies. When asked what documentation is required for score recognition on Twin Galaxies, Karl noted that it depends on the game and the platform played on, adding that for Donkey Kong scores, arcade and MAME are treated as separate categories. Karl then reiterated, the entire issue is that Billy was claiming his score was done on arcade when he was actually playing on MAME.
KB asked Karl when he became aware of the legal proceedings between Billy and Twin Galaxies. Karl said it was roughly early 2019, and definitely by the end of 2019. Karl said this news may have been through a post on Reddit. KB asked Karl if Reddit is popular in the gaming community as a source of news. Karl confirmed it was. However, Karl noted, if he heard about something like the Billy Mitchell lawsuits, he would prefer to download the legal filings and read them for himself, adding that Billy’s original complaint against Twin Galaxies was bare bones.
KB asked if Karl was aware of any other of Billy’s court proceedings. Karl listed Billy’s lawsuits against Apollo Legend, against Jeremy Young, Jeff Harrist, and Donkey Kong Forum, Billy’s Florida lawsuit against Twin Galaxies in addition to Billy’s suit against TG in California at the same time, and that Billy also sued David Race later on. KB asked when Karl first became aware of the David Race case. Karl offered a lengthy silence before answering that he didn’t know. Karl said, in that case as well, he downloaded the filings from the Florida court site before showing snippets in his video. KB asked if there were lots of posts about the David Race lawsuit, to which Karl said there weren’t many because the matter was not video game related. Karl also could not recall when he first heard about Billy’s lawsuit against TG in Florida.
Karl recalls hearing about the Apollo Legend lawsuit, after Apollo himself posted about being sued. Karl called Apollo an acquaintance who he spoke to online, adding that he never met Apollo in person. Karl said he watched several of Apollo’s videos, but many of those have since been taken down.
KB asked Karl what he heard about the Apollo Legend proceeding, to which Karl paraphrased Apollo’s own declaration of [“Billy Mitchell’s suing me for a million dollars.”] Karl recalled Apollo saying the lawsuit was ridiculous, and that he would never back down or remove his videos on Billy – basically, as Karl put it, doubling down.
KB asked Karl when he learned of Apollo’s settlement with Billy Mitchell. Karl said he found out in mid 2020, after posting a video on Guinness World Records titled “Guinness World Records should stay out of gaming”. Karl made sure to point out the purpose of this video was to show that Guinness is not credible, and that they don’t know what they’re doing with regard to gaming. Karl added that it did upset him that Guinness reinstated Billy’s scores that were demonstrated to be fake. Karl said, following that, he posted online that he had receive a “concerns notice” from Billy’s attorney. Following that, someone on Reddit replied that Karl needed to be careful because, according to this post, Billy had forced Apollo Legend to settle and pay him money.
Karl then recalled that, shortly afterward, Apollo announced that he had indeed settled with Billy Mitchell.
Karl said that, shortly after that, he exchanged messages with someone online who goes by the name ersatz_cats…. Wait, that’s me!

KB then displayed a private Twitter conversation between Karl and myself, dated 23 August 2020. Some of these private messages that have been shown during the hearings, I either don’t have direct access to, or have been seeing for the first time. But this one, I can just show you from my own conversation logs, albeit with sender and recipient reversed, and with my date displaying as August 22, 2020.

The image Karl linked, which was a new Reddit comment, was this:

And yes, I misspelled “confidentially”. I blew my big moment, lol.
But alas, BB objected to this message being tendered into evidence on the basis of relevance. KB noted that his client is being accused of acting in either malice or reckless disregard when he published the video. This led into a lengthy discussion about whether the defense pleadings properly reflected a denial of this inference. Basically, if the defense failed to argue in its pleadings that Karl took sufficient steps to confirm this information prior to publication, then the prosecution’s allegation that Karl did not do so stands effectively undenied. The defense, therefore, cannot start entering evidence and arguments supporting a contention they never made in the pleadings. KB countered that a denial is suggested by certain pleadings, however Judge did not interpret it this way, adding [“The court doesn’t have to adopt admissions, once an admission is made, it’s made.”] The Judge then decided, by rule, that the defense has effectively admitted to every item in whatever paragraph of Billy’s pleading BB was citing. KB stood there speechless for a moment, before composing himself and continuing on.
I’m not an expert, but this does seem like a big foul-up on the part of Karl’s legal team. Granted, I understand that there’s a difference between the practices as they are written down and the practices as they are carried out, and that different judges will enforce these things differently. (This was why, going back to the TG case, I didn’t put much stock in Judge Wendy Chang’s dismissive ruling that Tash’s motion for sanctions was inadequate.) So maybe, these lawyers are used to entering these things on the fly. On the other hand, I understand the perspective that the other party has to know what facts are being alleged and denied, and thus what material they need to prepare for. In short, Karl’s attorneys can still make the case that Billy was not harmed by Karl’s video, that Billy’s reputation was already shit, that Karl didn’t make the connection between the settlement and the suicide in the way Billy’s side is claiming, and/or that Karl’s other statements and evidence in the video (such as Billy mocking Apollo’s death) were the true cause of any alleged damages Billy may have received. (And Billy’s lack of credibility plays heavily into some of those.) And truthfully, Karl will win this case on those bases. But Karl’s attorneys cannot argue that Karl is not liable by way of having reasonable basis for believing his claim of a cash settlement between Apollo and Billy was true. Given this, my conversation with Karl was not allowed into evidence.
KB moved on to the main Karl video at issue. KB asked if Karl sat in court during plaintiff’s opening, when the video was played. Karl said he did. Karl identified the initial video as being posted on the 26th of May, and the first edit occurring in the afternoon of June 4th. Karl said he did not need to see the video again.
Karl recalled that he changed the video because he received a message from Keemstar, relaying that Billy was unhappy and was saying the claim about a financial settlement with Apollo was untrue. Karl decided to remove it as a good faith gesture, but would try to check with Apollo Legend’s brother. Karl added that, if the claim was found to be incorrect, he would make a statement to that effect. Karl then authenticated the given message conversation between himself and Keemstar, clarifying that the video was edited prior to that message.
Karl then spoke of his conversation with Apollo’s brother. Karl relayed the legal threat he had received from Billy, adding that he just didn’t want to report something that was incorrect. The court is then shown a message from Apollo’s brother, who used Apollo’s email address.
KB then backtracks, and asks Karl about Billy’s response video, posted on June 4th. Again, Karl said he was already familiar with it, and did not need to see it again. Karl said he found out when Keemstar messaged him, saying Billy posted a new video. Karl then got around to watching it the next day. (LMAO)
Karl recalled receiving a concerns notice from Billy afterward. Karl reposted the notice to Twitter… then laughed and said that may have been the previous concerns notice.
Karl was asked why he edited the video. Karl reiterated that, when Keemstar told him Billy was unhappy with the claim, Karl was happy to take the words down pending an investigation, and that he would take any steps necessary to rectify the matter. But then, Billy uploaded to YouTube announcing he’s going to respond the way “everyone expects”. Karl understood that to mean Billy would sue him, adding that, in his opinion, Billy’s reputation is that he sues people. When asked where Karl got that opinion, Karl cited the fact that Billy has sued multiple people in the past. Karl then decided to restore the claim, which he still at the time believed to be true. Karl decided that since the steps he’d taken failed to mitigate Billy’s response, he would instead leave the claim up until he could get confirmation whether it was true or not.
Karl did eventually receive correspondence from Apollo’s brother on the 13th of June. Upon receiving this, Karl immediately edited out the specific claim in question. Meanwhile, Karl said his lawyers responded to his concerns notice.
In July 2021, Karl posted his apology video. When asked why he posted a retraction, Karl said he doesn’t like to spread misinformation, and that he has a reputation as someone who doesn’t do that. When asked why there was a delay, Karl said he wanted to make sure the retraction was included in a good video, and that it takes time to make a good video, so that as many people would see it as possible.
KB asked for Karl’s analytics of the first video, drawing an objection for BB since that was never disclosed. KB then asked for newer analytics, which Karl said he captured during that day’s lunch. Again, BB objected, while bringing up the topic of analytics in general. Judge remarked that these analytics are provided by YouTube, and thus anyone can undertake them. However, BB corrected his honor by saying that channel information is privileged, which was why they needed to be disclosed, adding that this was an issue before Judge Kent previously.
To this point, KB argued that defamation does not occur until something is published to someone – that it only needs to be one such someone, but it must be someone. Thus, it’s not enough to say something was published, they must demonstrate that this someone exists. It is already a material fact that the video was uploaded to YouTube. However, this particular item is not proving defamation, nor is this newer analytic something they kept in their back pocket. KB added that, since these points and materials were known, if the other party thought this might take them by surprise at trial, they should have requested it.
After some back-and-forth on legal points, Judge noted that the plaintiff argued that this retraction wouldn’t have been seen by everyone, that it was no more than one hundred seconds buried at the end of another video. Thus, according the Judge, it has become relevant to establish how many people have seen these videos, and thus he will allow the question.
KB and Karl then went over screenshots of YouTube analytics, captured in dark mode, and discussed the difference between video “impressions” (when the thumbnail and title are shown to people) and actual views. During this time, Billy Mitchell seemed to be having a tough time with things. I saw him sitting in the gallery, slumped to his side, head in one hand, either out of boredom, or displease for how things were going, or a combination of both.
KB referred back to Karl’s thoughts on Billy’s reputation after King of Kong. Judge interjected to say, while no objection was taken to a similar question earlier, he just wanted to establish that these are Karl’s personal views. KB continued to contrast that reputation with the one Billy had after the Twin Galaxies cheating allegations. Karl said the majority believed Billy to be a cheater, adding that this understanding was gained through reading everything he could find about the topic.
KB then asked [“But he was later reinstated at Twin Galaxies, was he not?”]
Karl said “That is not correct.” Karl explained that Billy’s scores were added to a [“historical snapshot of what Twin Galaxies was like when Jace Hall bought it back in 2014.”] Karl added that that historical leaderboard tracks to a time years before the cheating allegations came out.
When asked what Billy’s reputation was just prior to Jobst’s video, Karl said “He had a reputation as a video game cheater. He had a reputation as a vexatious litigant. He had a reputation as a pathological liar, someone who couldn’t be trusted.” Karl said he perceived that reputation from comments, from reading what people said about him, and that those people understood that the proof against Billy was conclusive. Karl added that Billy was asserting other ridiculous things in his litigations, adding that people were essentially saying [“Just admit it, and stop lying.”]
KB declared that as the end of “evidence in chief”. Thus, in the late afternoon, began BB’s chance to cross-examine Karl.
BB’s opening question was whether Karl had ever met Mr. Mitchell. Karl gave a “Well…”, and indicated he had met Billy several days ago as a part of these proceedings. However, he had not done so prior to that.
BB asked Karl if YouTube was his only source of income. BB referenced the YouTube ads and sponsorships, but Karl clarified that those were the only sources tied to the videos themselves. Karl volunteered that he also has a Patreon, and explained what that is. Judge asked if that was the same as the sponsorships, to which Karl said it was not. Karl said he receives approximately $1,000 USD per month from the Patreon. When asked if Karl knows the individuals donating in this way, to which Karl said he did not. BB then asked how these individuals know to donate each month. Karl noted that he doesn’t post much to his Patreon, and that currently, his Patreon page is bare bones, but that people click the donate button there, and the money comes through. Karl added that he includes a link to his Patreon in the description of each YouTube video. Karl then reiterated that these are different than the sponsorships embedded in the videos, which are personally made. Karl was asked if the YouTube description was the only way he drew attention to this Patreon. Karl asked if BB would give him a timeframe for the question, noting that he may have mentioned it elsewhere at some point. Karl recalled that, years ago, it was mentioned in his first video, and then for years it said “Support me or follow me” on various platforms like Twitter, Twitch, and Patreon, right on the pages where Karl’s videos were posted. BB then asked Karl if he promotes the Patreon in the video itself, to which Karl said he does not recall.
Regardless, BB suggests that the more people see Karl’s videos, the more they see how to give him money. Karl replied [“I’d say that’d be true, yes.”]
BB then asks about brand promotion from sponsors. Karl notes that YouTube takes no cut from that. It’s a deal brokered between that brand and Karl’s manager, from which that manager takes a cut. Regarding YouTube’s advertisements, BB asked why we didn’t see any when the video was played in court earlier. Karl explained those copies were downloaded, and thus would never have YouTube ads. BB asked if the version available on YouTube would have such ads, to which Karl said some users pay for services like YouTube Premium which remove ads, adding that YouTubers are at the mercy of YouTube for the inclusion of such ads. When asked if uploaders can opt out of such ads, Karl said yes, but that the default option may be monetization.
BB asked if the only money Karl received from YouTube was from these ads, to which Karl said he also gets money from memberships, which are similar to Patreon. BB implied this contradicted an earlier answer, to which Karl clarified that his barrister asked how Karl receives money specifically through videos, whereas memberships operate differently.
BB noted he’s trying to understand how YouTube determines how much to pay Karl. Karl replied that it’s hard to describe simply. Karl said it depends on the videos YouTube decides to promote, noting that business-related videos could gain more revenue than gaming-related ones.
BB asked Karl what his rate of pay is. Karl replied that he does not have a rate, and that he does not know how YouTube calculates what he gets, adding that more views don’t necessarily translate into more money. Judge also interjected, saying that Karl does not run YouTube’s business, and that he may just have to accept whatever YouTube gives him. Karl added that, indeed, you kind of have no choice. Karl said he doesn’t have access to the back end of YouTube, and that he just gets what he gets. BB asked if Karl would expect to make more on a video everyone wants to see. Karl said one may expect that, but it doesn’t always work out that way.
BB asked Karl how much money per month Karl makes, drawing an objection from KB, noting that the matter is not addressed in the pleadings and that the precise amount is not relevant. BB counters that the amount earned from this video is relevant, and that he’s entitled to explore whether the revenue from this video represented a large portion of Karl’s income. When asked by the Judge whether that matters, BB said it relates to the point of malice.
At this point, it was 4:35pm. The judge called to adjourn for the day, and resume cross-examination on Friday at 9am.
In leaving the courthouse on Thursday, I ended up catching a ride down the elevator with Karl’s legal team, minus Karl. (It is my understanding that he was disallowed, either by rule or by advice, from talking to his lawyers while his questioning was still ongoing.) As we rode down, one of his solicitors, a nice young lady, asked me “Are you ersatz?” I said, indeed I am. We got to talking briefly. They wouldn’t admit to having read all of my daily recaps, but they were very aware of them. Karl’s barrister, whose actual name is Michael de Waard, knew of his new nickname as “KB”. He told me, however, he didn’t really want to read what I’d written, as it might get in his head. I told him I understood, analogizing it to a footballer who doesn’t want to watch ESPN talk about him. (I usually say “football player” when I make that analogy, but since I’m in Australia, I decided I could say “footballer”.)
I was intending for this post to stretch into Day 5, but this was already a very long update, which I posted in two portions. My later notes seemed to get both more detailed and more illegible, which means it takes me longer to figure out what I wrote. (This is not, as some have believed, a case of simply typing what I wrote word-for-word.) At any rate, I can’t promise when the Day 5 recap will be out, but I hope it’ll be before my return flight on Thursday. And of course, there are still things I want to do and people I want to meet while I’m here.
Thank you all so much for reading! Yes, even the trolls, lmao. We’ll see you here next time.
Thank you!!
And yet again, thanks for your coverage of this.
I welcome anyone supporting BM to provide a link to alternative coverage of the trial as well!
Yeah good luck with that. Those brown nosers like Brian Kuh that would walk around behind Billy with a spade.collecting his faeces seem to only want to trash the work of others rather than document it themselves.
Really appreciate your hard work, thanks for doing this. Enjoy your time in Brissie!
thanks it’s been such an interesting read. Enjoy your day it’s a great day to get out and about. Looking forward to the rest.
I’ve been following this like a bloodhound. I’m interested to see the conclusion.
News articles claiming the judge said Americans could “apply online” to view the remainder of the trial in October – was this an open invitation, or just the dedicated few that were already in the room? Can’t find information anywhere on the Aussie Courts’ website about watching trials online…
Thanks for your diligent reporting this week- it’s made for fascinating bedtime reading.
The wording implies it’s for those who were already attending.
Enjoy the weekend. Hug a koala but avoid the drop bears!
Good stuff as usual. KB getting Grunberger to undermine Billy’s case with like 3 questions is a thing of beauty.
I really enjoy the judge’s random jokes. I’ve been picturing him as the Ace Attorney judge and it fits perfectly with that.
First of all Billy Mitchell never deserved that title. Second of all I would have been hear earlier but my red truck was in an accident with some punk driving a shitbox. He was following too close while texting and tried to enter my rear end!! I want to thank the website owners for their good job exposing the lies and corruption of Team Billy and his smelly band of losers. You know his fans are on this site entering their falsehoods and phoning up people’s wives and making strange threats such as “you know what you did last summer” and “you should be careful who you gossip to because they will gossip about you to as well”. And if pandering thumb panderson is reading this well too bad I know you are illigitimate at reading.
Ol’ Grunny Grunbergler must have forgotten the patterns of testifying. What a chump.
This has been a really interesting trial, thanks for the coverage. I think it may wind up that Billy technically wins but doesn’t get much in the way of costs or damages awarded to him based on the evidence.
According to Karl Jobsts GoFundMe page, it says Billy Mitchell is trying him for 2 defamation suits. I noticed today that Walter wrote that the first leg of this trial is done, does that in anyway mean that there are indeed two lawsuits and that this is the first defamation suit done?
If so it would have been good for this to be explained because I have no idea why there’s trial in October, I would have thought that there would have been a decision and then everything is done.
IIRC, Billy originally did file a second lawsuit against Karl, but after Karl launched his GoFundMe and it got a lot of support from fans, Billy dropped that claim, leaving only the original claim against him.
Why did Billy keep this lawsuit the original one? Tell me everything else you know because a lot of information is missing on this site about all that stuff.
Anything else you can add?Anyone?
Judge doing his best napoleon dynamite voice.
‘That’s like a dollar an hour’
BRUH your handwriting is incomprehensible!
Happens when you write fast, it’s why doctors have notoriously awful handwriting too
Great, thanks for the coverage, unfortunaly I missed almost the whole day, because I was so bored and fell aslepp in the courtroom.
It’s pretty clear to me that Junior singlehandedly won the lawsuit for his dad. His deeds are nothing short of heroic. The guy doesn’t even have a law degree and he hauled ass all the way to Australia just to make a speedrunning nerd literally cry in court.
Priceless. You can’t make this stuff up. I even got a new Donkey Kong high score today. On MAME of course. That’s what all the winners play on
Are you high?
Found Billy’s alt account
cancelled by the organiser.
One event was estimated to have earned Mr Mitchell $50,000 had he appeared, he told the court.
‘As a business decision, (the organiser explained he) felt he needed to cancel our agreement and the specific reason was the negativity surrounding me about the jobst allegations,’ Mr Mitchell said.
He said people continue to ask him about the allegations whenever he does interviews or meets fans, which ‘brings back’ the anxiety he felt when the video was published.
Mr Mitchell said he lived in ‘absolute terror’ because he felt there was ‘absolutely nothing’ he could do to stop Mr Jobst from publishing the allegations in the video.
The court was told Mr Mitchell had sought legal counsel in Australia about Mr Jobst video and that legal discussions were underway, but Mr Jobst would post those documents online for public viewing.
‘It didn’t matter what happened, if he received a public rebuttal from us…. he just kept coming,’ Mr Mitchell said.
Previously, Mr Mitchell claimed Mr Jobst had made several other damning allegations that the gamer had cheated to obtain his world records.
The court was told Mr Mitchell had lost several world records after an investigation by Guinness World Records and video game database Twin Galaxies – which officiates high scores for classic video games – revoked his titles.
However, most of these had since been reinstated, the court was told.
Mr Somers said it wasn’t up to the presiding trial judge, Ken Barlow KC, to determine whether Mr Mitchell had cheated, as that was no longer part of the defamation case.
Mr Jobst is relying on a statutory defence of truth.
Mr Mitchell describes himself as a professional video games player and ‘movie personality’.
He’s expected to give evidence on Monday afternoon
Why is there more information that supports Billy’s claims about missing out on a 50,000 appearance? that wasn’t mentioned anywhere on here, everything you have said was that everyone said they would hire mitchell back, this article is claiming that another reporter saw a different trial??
Literally every single thing you just posted was included in the Day 1 and Day 2 posts. Maybe learn to read. You illiterate f*ck
Robert T Mruczek, tomorrow I will post on my YouTube channel the proof that you and Dwayne “the nutcase” Richard were both discussing how you wanted both Billy and Walter Day to commit suicide. I suggest you let your crazy friend Dwayne know this as well, unless I get to him first. Time and time again you have crossed the line
My YouTube channel is my name, Phillip Blackburn. You’ve been warned and now you pay the price for your disgusting behaviour. You asked for my real name so I gave it to you.
You’ll do nothing about and you know it, Robert “porno” Mruczek you sicko
Out of all the problems in this world. All of the issues that plague life. All the pain that 8 billion people struggle under.
And you choose this weird little anthill to waste your time on.
Bro is travelling the world, hanging out with like-minded people, meeting new ones, seeing new things and new places. I’m wasting my days in the office. I know which one I’d choose.
Are you talking about Phillip???
He’s probably talking about Ersatz. He probably thought you were talking about Ersatz.
Well, I found a YouTube channel with the name you provided…all of 147 subscribers. Post away so everyone can listen to the full interview and judge the context and verbiage for themselves…I have nothing to be fearful of and neither will Dwayne.
As for harping on that “porno” element…there have been thousands of forum replies across dozens of posts across social media and only a small percentage see it as such, while the vast majority see it for what it truly is, an artwork collection, and an investment that simply sits wrapped up in boxes as evidenced in the “Chasing Ghosts” documentary. It’s a non-starter and nothing compared to the issue at hand with GBF’s trial.
Yours is a diversionary tactic to draw attention away from whom you drank gallons of his Kool-Aid.
That channel you found with 147 subscribers is not me. Mine has 0. I just uploaded the video I’m speaking of on my channel. See my comment below for the name of the video. You’re screwed Robert “porno” Mruczek
How about you give us a link to your YT, genius. It’s full of references to “Phillip Blackburn”s.
Dwayne “the nutcase” Richard is a personal friend, so I can’t wait.
Found it. Robert/Dwayne are theorizing. “you wanted both Billy and Walter Day to commit suicide” you invented.
Stalkin ass keyboard warrior. Get bent.
Still waiting for that video
my lawyer keeps telling me not to drink paint on the court lunch breaks
^ King of kong type nutcases out in these comments lmaoooo
These updates are turning into a special needs class. Where’s the fucking juice?
Awesome work again! Thanks for the update.
Can’t wait for Karl to take the stand.
All of Billy’s witnesses just seem to be saying that they had no problem booking Billy again after all of this? Surely that’s the opposite point to what he wants them to make?
You are the hero we all need, once again ty for the as-close-to-live as possible reports on this shitshow.
I don’t personally know Karl, but we have mutual connections in the QLD nerd/gaming community, and between hearing them all fret for Karl and knowing a bit about Billy’s history, this shit became something I cared about a lot into the lead up to the case/I am way too personally invested and so appreciative of you doing this reporting for us.
On the off chance you read this: Good luck Karl, not that you’ll need it. We’re all watching this and cheering you on and hoping Billy finally eats it in court rather then his ‘sue everyone until they are broke and need to settle’ US strategy working here. Get em’ Karl.
Karl won’t need any luck? That’s the most delusional thing I’ve ever heard. He’s fucking done for. Just like you Robert Mruczek
It will be hilarious when Karl wins. I’m sure you’ll tell us all how he should’ve lost.
TBH Phillip it was clever of Billy to change strategy and drop the 2nd defamation case and try to make the whole thing be about this ‘Karl made me out to be a murderer and I lost money and was under stress because of that’ because while kinda BS, sure there’s a general discussion to be had there around how maybe people shouldn’t sling accusations or make assumptions around payouts and legal settlements on public platforms, even against people already publicly known to be kinda dodgy and when other sources were saying the same about the financial stuff etc. So far it’s not really working out well as a legal stance for Billy as:
1 Karl wasn’t the person who ‘ruined’ Billy’s rep, even just on the Apollo thing it was already in the bin. You have to have credit to lose it, and Billy is really not doing a very convincing case of showing he lost any credit socially/work/finance wise, with even some of the witnesses bought on who you would assume can confirm they cancelled booking Billy or would not book him again in future due to Karl’s statements about Apollo (or even the general public opinion on that situation if you could prove Karl started it or amplified it, which given people were already talking about this on various forums and subreddits, eh, good luck proving that/Karl isn’t the source of that anyway, just some guy who makes videos about speedrunning and other news and drama reporting on it, really) saying they did or would indeed book him again, along with the statements from his son, etc. Like, even if they could link the two (which so far isn’t going well) they are doing pretty poorly at showing financial losses, which would be the easiest thing to prove in this case IMHO. Will be interesting to see the supposed medical stuff and proof it was linked to Karl somehow, but with how it’s going so far it’s not looking great for the Billster and he’s not doing a great job proving Karl’s statements caused him harm.
2 Assuming I’m missing something or future evidence or witnesses prove Billy was actually harmed: Even if they can prove harm from people thinking Billy contributed to Apollo’s suicide, the issue is then proving Karl actually defamed Billy and that Karl is the reason these people think Billy contributed to Apollo’s death. Issue for Billy here is that defamation has a strict criteria and the assumptions about Apollo having to pay off Billy and all the stress he had caused Apollo predate Karl/Karl is not where that originated from, its been wildly discussed and assumed by various people and its not hard to pull up forum posts and subreddits to see that/I suspect Karls lawyers will have a stack ready to go about ‘hey people were already talking about this, and Karl reports on this type of stuff, of course he was going to talk about it, like he would anything else’ which would kinda shoot their ‘Karl defamed me’ thing in the foot, defamation requires a level of intent that’s just not there if you’re talking about a thing most people have (even if thats yourself included) assumed as fact/if you’re reporting on a thing or an opinion you hold and you have a reasonable reason for holding that view/didn’t just make it up for shits and giggles to try and ruin someones life, and yeah sorry man but ‘Billy hounded the fuck outta Apollo and it contributed to his suicide’ is a pretty commonly held belief about the situation that has nothing to do with Karl/Karls own opinion and hence his video probably comes from all the discussions people were having about this. That doesn’t meet the criteria for defamation.
3 It’s very rich of Billy to claim Karl talking about such things has caused him such stress and duress and even health issues, but in the same breath to deny him hounding Apollo did not contribute to the stress and the reasons Apollo ended his life. Real rich. Billy needs to step back and have a look at the hypocrisy he’s laying down here, denying he caused someone stress with that whole situation while claiming to be under stress and duress with this whole situation – Which I’d have a lot more sympathy about, except Karl redacted the video and issued and apology like, immediately, and the only place the original video remained was due to BILLY POSTING IT HIMSELF and the only reason this is all still news is due to another BS lawsuit from Billy/this lawsuit keeping the issue front and centre: Dudes legitimately made like 95%+ of any of the stress he is claiming to be under via his own actions, along with being the reason this whole thing keeps getting amplified in the news circle, both with Karl reporting on being the latest to cop a BS BM lawsuit and other outlets reporting on it, like this blog, but also other gaming channels into the lead up etc and who will keep reporting on it once the case itself is public (Cats is doing an awesome job and this is great for a blog, BUT most places will wait for the official docs to avoid errors for helping them write things like, say, videos for YouTube and articles for various games journo sites. Expect a spam of content around this case to be incoming, further keeping this in the public eye)
It’s a very clever lawsuit to try and get Karl on the ropes, but so far it really doesn’t seem to be going well for Billy. In the end we all know this started because Karl was covering the various Billy situations as part of his coverage on speedrunning and other game challenges, and that Billy did not like that and went for his old ‘sue them into oblivion/sue them until they cannot afford legal costs and force them to settle’ and then probably panicked when he realised the AU system is a lot harder to play that game in. By dropping one of his cases and keeping all the cheating and other shit he’s done of out of the court Billy has managed to zero in on the ONE issue that without all the other context about it might at a glance seem reasonable, and that if he can keep the judge unaware of how poor his credit was even before Karl uttered his name etc and perhaps sway some contacts to lie about not re-booking him etc that MAYBE he may have has a shot at swindling this his way, and maybe he might get lucky yet, who knows, but so far his witnesses are hindering the point he’s trying to make actually shooting him in the foot. His whole case so far is ‘I suffered noticeable publicity, financial, and health damages from what Karl said about me and Apollo’ and so far it seems he’s provided nothing that verified those claimed losses of income etc, with both his son and some other professional contacts saying things that actually really damage this angle for him…
Billy, my guy, if you read this, please stop. Go back to being the guy who had some contacts and cheated his scores and we all know it but because you’re kinda nice in person and willing to play the bad guy/part that you’ve kinda become a fixture of the scene. You could have revelled in that, let the negative roll off your back, and years later when you retired came out with a ‘yeah I faked it all, but honestly I was in too deep and it was such a fun career so I decided to just go with it’ and everyone would have been like ‘yeah, I would have to, what a legend’ but instead you’ve been slapping people with frivolous lawsuit after lawsuit (TG, Y, AL, now KJ etc) over and over and it’s not Karl or anyone else who has destroyed your name and reputation, mate, you’re the one doing it with all of this. Take a deep breath, step back, take some time off and away from the gaming community to get your head back on straight if you gotta, because right now you’re single handedly fucking yourself over and you’re rapidly reaching a point of no return where your reputation is no longer ‘cheated and got onto the TG leaderboards/bad, but the fun kind, because cheating high scores and speedruns and shit aint that unusual, and unlike most cheaters Billy kinda made a career around it because of his persona etc/the guy you love to hate’ but has rapidly been becoming ‘oh shit, Billy actually might be a real shitbag and is weaponising the legal system to bully people into getting his way’ (tbfh you’re already way into the latter for most people, but the gaming community is a huge place and maybe you can pull off some damage control still, but I wouldn’t hold my breath)
Little Billy’s Instagram username has been changed from @bmitchell_iii to @billymitchell_iv. Does anyone know why? Wikipedia calls the plaintiff William James Mitchell Jr., but if Little Billy is IV, wouldn’t that mean his dad is III rather than Jr.?
Maybe Karl’s lawyers should have gone after this while they were under oath (ha ha).
The more I think about it, the more I feel that Grunberger’s testimony had to have been catastrophic for Mitchell, right? They needed to prove that the alleged defamation caused damage to his reputation in Australia, and the best they got was “yeah I guess I saw the video, but I didn’t really think much of it; plus I wouldn’t have been convinced Mitchell is a murderer over some measly YouTube video!”
I assume they were looking for something more along the lines of “I saw Jobst’s video and was terribly upset by it and avoided contact with Mitchell until seeing his comeback video”, but seemingly every witness is just playing the default character witness (perhaps since that was more relevant in his past trials). At least to what you’ve written so far, it seems like the only people who were led to believe Mitchell was a murderer were all conveniently faceless and anonymous online commenters.
Yes. Grunderberger was too stupid to know what the point was and therefore Mitchell utterly failed to prove that even a single person in Australia gives a shit.
It’s absolutely hilarious. Billy keeps a bunch of brain dead lemmings as his goons. I find that the funniest thing of all. You can’t REALLY think having friends like Todgers is beneficial? These people are, and always have been idiots – and Billy treats them like his minions lol!
I watched all of KoK with pure schadenfreude. Billy used to be all “no cussing” and Walter going “I wanted the pretty girls to know I was good at centipede!” or that doofy dude who gel’d his long hair down “I think video games are a far superior vice” or the other dipwad “I use a weight lifting glove to play marble madness… no DDG’s are coming into this place!”
Or Brian verbally jerking Billy off while people watched his tape lol!
That’s the company Billy keeps lmao. He was never going to win a lawsuit with these people involved. They’re idiots. Triforce was LAUGHED OUT OF THE FGC!!! They think he’s a complete numpty.
So yeah, you’re right lol.
No update yet, and personally I am glad. I hope ersatz_cats is getting out there and enjoying Qld, and getting some time to relax. The next court date isn’t for a while, so no hurry.
It’s kinda weird how cheating Billy Mitchell’s witnesses have sort of added nothing, except oddly to say “no probs” despite the supposed “OMG did Billy haz a murda?” It’s almost like they are character witnesses to say “Billy is a normal human being”. Which most normal human beings don’t really need.
Steve Grunberger introduced me to Billy at Australian Kong Off 3, Billy shook my hand and otherwise completely ignored me to talk about the MAME accusations. Indeed “Billy is a cheating cockhead” was the white elephant in the room at AKO3. EVERY DK machine had some MAME sticker on it. The DK community has long known that Mitchell cheated – even Mitchell himself admitted on the East Side Dave show that the tapes were MAME – long before the current interest in Karl’s video.
And to take an imaginary quote attributed to Mitchell from Day 0 – – “Yes, I fucked a goat while dressed up like Raggedy Andy”, I’ve done a good search for relevant facts and have found NO evidence that Billy Mitchell has fucked a goat while dressed up like Raggedy Andy. I must admit I have not checked for other species or other costumes, for example, if Billy Mitchell fucked a gorilla dressed as Raggedy Ann. From my investigations there is NO evidence for anything like this, so please STOP spreading rumours about any monkey sex etc that special video game player may have had. The suggestions about camels are especially offensive, so STOP IT! To be clear, to the best of my knowledge, Billy Mitchell has NOT fucked any animal for either fun or profit, so you trolls should stop.
…..smoke weed everyday
The chickens are finally coming home to roost. Billy has been vindicated, and I can just chill at home in Jamaica while you guys are boiling in the Australian heat. I’m glad to have helped Billy find the Pac man plaque in the Twin Galaxy lawsuit. Me and Billy are brothers, we would do anything for each other. All you do ersatz cats is take things out of context and slander the very people who brought classic arcade gaming and pinball to the forefront. You owe Walter Day an apology for making a mockery of the competitive gaming industry. Nothing but buffoonery from you people!! The truth is finally out. Billy is back. One Love.
While your in Jamaca, why don’t you go look for some more plaques…….”mon”
Well I guess we have no way of knowing if this is the real Triforce Johnson or not, but I wonder if this is the same dodgy Triforce that came up with the fake Namco plaques? Billy has NOT been vindicated, as the trial is not yet over, so everyone knows you are talking out your ass. Glad to know that you and Billy are brothers, we all know you continue to lie for each other. Remember when Todd Rogers was front and centre of your YouTube page? And you supported him even though he was a through and through cheater? Then you slowly removed him from your YT presence when you realised you could not hide his cheating. And now you have Walter (whether he likes it nor not) in your Youtube pic with some wanker with a Powerglove in the middle.
PS – aka Triforce shats on his reputation
Obviously this isn’t actually Triforce, and I felt compelled to note that. But honestly, it’s a good impersonation.
That second reply…the one with the “mon”…Isaiah would never actually wrote that. Plus the tone of the second message is just not his style.
TG had a pretend Roy Shildt many years back on the forum saying things so extreme that not even Roy would have said things like that and so was identified right away.
Robert ,
Billy testified the King of Kong was not scripted. Is true? I seem to rember that someone else was documented with Twin Galaxies as beating Billys score in 2000 and this was covered up prior to filming.
If this is true, than the Billy vs. Steve narrative was most definitely and premeditatedly scripted for the film and can be proved as such.
Do yo know if the film was scripted in such a fashion?
Hey Triforce. Remember when the FGC laughed you out of the community? Or how you rose to fame by telling people you were the first man to ever purchase a Wii lol!? Oh! Remember how you sponsored Todd Rogers a known cheater who made up game mechanics that didn’t exist in a fucking Atari game!?
You’re just as much of a loser as your buddy here. He isn’t being vindicated when his own witnesses are telling everyone how awesome he is lol! It’s a defamation lawsuit where Billy is claiming his reputation was damaged. How is having witnesses say “I love the guy” proving that at all? Lol!
Oh right, now you have an “esports” team with a bunch of girls who do “Just Dance” tournaments. You’re an actual joke. Your buddy TrapLordHuey, and that goofy ass remake of that dumbass Life Magazine shoot was pretty funny too.
You go from grift to grift man. There is a long trail of reputation you carry, and I think somebody should make a video about you lol.
Triforce info:
COD Scam
No money for food scam
Scam Autistic Smash Player
Charity Scam
To catch an Emperor
Assaulting someone at Arcade
Pawns Justin Wongs Marvel Champ Belt
Hope you got a chance to watch my video that absolutely dismantles your clueless, laughably incompetent attempt to explain away the utterly damning evidence proving, without a shadow-of-a-doubt, that Billy’s tapes were MAME.
Your 3 plus hour snooze fest proved nothing. An actual computer scientist debunked your analysis and confirmed that dirty VCR heads could also cause the very same Mame like appearance seen in Billys tapes. YOU PROVED NOTHING!
You also wasted a lot of time and expense in the process. Dr. Zyda shat all over that documentary. BTW, Billy’s score did not serve as a becon ,i.e. world record for “decades” it was beat in August of 2000 byTim Sczerby. If your reaserch was worth a shit to begin with, you would have known this. Very crummy research on your part.
A Docudrama blends real events with fictionalized story telling while a documentary presents factual content without dramatization.
Steve Weibe beating Billy Mitchell’s 1982 Donkey Kong World record is NOT a real event.
Billy Mitchell as the undefeated world record holder on the title for over 20 years is NOT a real event.
This means that The King Of Kong is NOT a docudrama either.
The King of Kong is advertised as a documentary film.
Karl’s lawyers had Billy dead to rights on the stand and they blew it because like the vast majority of the retard gaming community does not know what a documentary r docudrama is in the first place.
Karl could have opened a real can of worms against Billy here, but due to lack of understanding of the situation they failed.
I would like to hear Rober Mruczks perspective on this.
If it is true that BM lost money, which is required to win a defamation lawsuit, is it more likely to be because of cheating allegations by Twin Galaxies or a comment by a youtuber to his fans regarding a person who passed away? It obviously is true that the stress of a lawsuit would not help a suicidal person get their life back on track.
If the judge is gullible and sides with Billy, this is going to look really bad for the Australia court system and open the door to other people who use the court system as a weapon. Billy doesn’t even care about the money, its just his ego
Hey! I have been going through your articles about the trial all week and personally, I find them to be very fun and enjoyable to read! You have a very engaging way of narrating events, and your Day 0 piece was quite informative about the case in general. Also English is my 2nd language and I have learned a few new words from your articles already lol.
So yeah, thanks so much! You’re definitely doing God’s work, wish I could send a couple bucks your way.
ps – Buck Filly
Once again, thank you for all the kinds words, everyone! Got to meet with friends and feed some ‘roos today. Pics on Twitter later. I even got some sleep! Anyway, back to dat typing grind.
Might be something to include at the end of Day 5, but what’s your opinion on how the trial (so far) went? I know we’re biased in Karl’s favour, and from what I’ve read here, it seems like Billy has not been able to produce any smoking gun evidence to show that Karl’s video caused him any reputational or career damage (his witnesses have all said they’d happily hire him again – bold strategy there…) but do you have any impression of how things might turn out?
The judge seems fairly on the ball from what you’ve written so far. Makes a nice change from Wendy Chang.
Yahhh man. Pac-Man real irie in Jamaica. King of the bong.
Billy if you in Brisbane. Come to hungry jacks. I feed u my whopper and your son can have whopper junior mannnn. We smoke da spliff and take a hit from donkey Kong bong. Real ting mon. I make ur mullet into dread and we smash all the batty boy in da bumbaclot and take di world record back for Jamaica and the black man! Bob Marley and Lee scratch Perry rub and dub dub.
Mi penis feeling irie. Where Zelda. I need her unlock my tri sexual force.
The second Triforce comment is a sad impersonator. Ersatz you can tell from my email that’s not me. There’s only one man who can rock the power glove flawlessly. I’m just here doing a victory lap for my brother Billy. Now I can relax and play Tetris all day with my Valkyries. One Love
Thank you for the coverage of this trial. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with trolls and generally insane people for the past few days. It’s pretty sad how people will fanatically defend a known cheater and overall scummy person, regardless of the contents of this trial. It probably says a lot about how these people live their lives and view themselves.
I cannot look away from this coverage. Thank you!
Robert Mruczek you pissed me off so I finally did it. I exposed you and Dwayne “the nutcase” Richard on YouTube for the suicide comments about Billy Mitchell and Walter Day.
My YouTube channel is my name, Phillip Blackburn. The video is a short called “Robert Mruczek and Dwayne Richard EXPOSED!!” I encourage everyone here to watch and then tell me what you think of the despicable behaviour of these two.
A lawsuit may be coming your way Robert. I’m holding some more cards you are unaware of.
What part of that is Robert wishing suicide on Walter or BM?
Well I guess it’ll be pretty obvious whether or not you go through with that.
Dude, go and get laid. You’ll feel better afterwards.
Well I did just fuck your mom, Tony.
I’m the real tri force Johnston. U can tell from my BBC.
Why do you have British Broadcasting Corporation tattooed on your bum?
By the way it was fun seeing you at the last P Diddy party. I think I found another plaque for you to return to billy. It was WAY up there.
You know when speed runners get caught cheating, they usually close their youtube / twitter accounts, and disappear forever, Billy could learn from those losers. Like Billy, they’re also only ever good at 1 or 2 things. If even that.
In competitive environments, there are villains that excite people, and ones that turn everyone off. My opinion of this, in spite of the fact that people attributed me to being a villain of that level, Is that they are universally shit people in real life. (They are NOT FUCKING ACTING, and I will beat up anyone who tries to tell me otherwise). And even then, most of those shit people don’t sue others when they lose.
Every coward in this world insults people, then afterwards immediately says they are kidding. Yeah, I’m “kidding” about beating your fucking skull in, it doesn’t change the fact I probably shouldn’t have done it.
I listened to the Phillip Blackburn clip on YouTube, there’s no derogatory words mentioned, just a simple discussion of “what if?”
I genuinely don’t see anything defamatory in that recording, or any ill will intended/directed to Billy or Walter. Its a simple “what if” discussion, it’s not even worth listening to tbh.
As for the trial itself, I’m thankful for the coverage I’ve read here. Cheers for that. Greetings from Ireland 🙂
I had nothing better to do for a moment and listened.
What is actually says, is that when the truth comes out Walter and Billy instead of telling the truth, might kill themselves. Nothing about the two guys talking saying they hope it will happen or they wish it would happen. Only that it is a possibility that the two might take, rather than own up to the facts.
I will give a little credit to Phillip he said he would do something and then actually did it, but it does not show what he thinks it does.
Thanks for listening. I think that clip shows the true character of Robert and Dwayne. They have held a grudge against Billy and Junior for a very long time and it’s clear they wish ill will upon them.
Remember Robert, I’m holding some cards up my sleeve you know nothing about.
I am not a billy mitchell supporter, I like Karl Jobst videos and its too bad there has been no more on billy mitchell, as there have only been a few new ones I’ve liked like the Rubik cube guy and also queen pwnsalot that was crazy stuff.
I am not illiterate , I am going to go back and read the DAYS you suggested to see if I missed this because when I read the article I came away from it with basically the understanding that Billy hasn’t lost any appearances and Billy would hire him back, but not to oversaturate his appearances.
I didn’t know Walter was into politics either, Boo Kamala Harris!! until I got bored and was reading Twitter and I found Billy Mitchell on a paint can in the photo, thats unbelievable.
Billy Mitchell is a fascinating story, a decade ago I only knew him from the king of kong, I had no idea the lengths this guy would go to for his video game records
In reality a player named Tim Sczetby beat Billy’s 1982 Donkey Kong score and not Steve. Tim was also the Twin Galaxies world record holder on the Donkey Kong arcade title not Billy when Steve entered the competition.
Both Twin Galaxies and the film makers lied about Tim’s score and tried to cover it up so they could script and sell the fake Steve vs Billy story. I too would like to hear from Robert Mruczek on this one.
I went back to read the coverage and there’s no mention of this 50,000 event that Billy lost.
Does anyone know what this was because this is a big piece of evidence that could sway the judges decision and I’d be better able to gauge where it is going.
On the other hand , hopefully Walter will write a more detailed story after the trial like the player of the century plaques or the TG trial because the presentation and depth of those stories is brilliant.
Thanks Walter for your sacrifices , I’m waiting on the rest of the story. Take your time writing
You bet! Thanks for reading!
The $50k was the John Weeks liquidation auction, referenced in Day 1.
As a digital media creator, Ben Smith was racking up tens of millions of views before he caved in and settled Billy’s SLAPP suit against him. Is it true that the settlement required Ben to refrain from public criticism of Billy? If Ben had mentioned Billy in his suicide video, is it hypothetically possible that Billy could have sued Ben’s estate?
Maybe Billy just messed up Ben’s mind so much that Ben felt like he actually deserved Billy’s million-dollar lawsuit. Or maybe Ben was partly trying to ensure that his family wouldn’t be vulnerable to another one of Billy’s lawsuits after Ben was dead.
That’s a fantastic question! Honestly, I’ll get to how that line of questioning was asked in a later installment, but my answer would’ve been “Of course Ben didn’t mention Billy in his suicide note, he was legally prohibited from disparaging Billy, and didn’t want a judgment against his estate after passing.” The fact that Apollo didn’t outright name Billy means nothing.
Checking for updates during downtime at a wedding reception… You’ve got me too attached!
During a rare moment of downtime I decided to peruse this website to see what is going on. I am not surprised at all to see the the pro Mullet Man fans in here defending him. I worked with him, I loathed him. I was there when they told us to validate his scores. No, we did not see those scored. But the pressure was immense to cooperate with their schemes. I noted to myself that this was going to come back and bite us all and is sure has. But at the time there was a small matter of money that Airplane Pete owed me and mine. You see, we put together a Nintendo tournament and Pete promised us $2000 each. EACH. We made a family sacrifice for the greater good and put money first. This was a huge deal to us as the professional wrestling business never did pay much more than $50 a shot. And I wasn’t going to go work at Walmart again. To make a long story short I sold out. For a pay day that never came, I participated in validating Billy’s fake tapes. I knew they were fake, but at the time I was more worried about what mouths to feed. Sadly the pay day never came. But revenge is a dish best served cold! Billy is eating a big ole bowl of cold greens and sour milk right now and you can see it on his face. All this over a video game meant for children. People ought to be ashamed, ya know?
Whatever patty cakes. Why dont you just blame it all on a big red truck.
Hey whoever is writing as Robert T. M
stop it as he stops by regularly and he’s not a part of the team billy team
I like reading what he puts out as comment and is a reason I read the comments, lately they are getting a bit out of hand
What kind of death did Apollo have to endure? Was it assisted?
I would think that it would be hard to do it and go through with it once the suicide note was written
There’s a somewhat credible but unverified rumor that Ben hanged himself.
Frankly the exact method that Apollo used to end his life is none of our business and the last thing his friends and family need to see is people speculating online about it. We should respect their privacy and accept that we are not entitled to know every little detail just because we want to or because we are curious. Unless we need this information for a legitimate reason, which so far we do not, we should respect Apollo and the situation as best we can, and part of that is not trying to take away what little privacy is left to him and his inner circle.
People need to keep in mind Apollo was only 26 at the time of death, and in his very early 20s when he started posting videos and getting involved in this community. He was a youth still and he had a really rough past (that he spoke about and was open about, or else I would not share) that involved abuse and some not so great things. He was a vulnerable person due to age and past experiences. There were many people at the time speaking out about Billy, and the way Billy targeted and piled on this kid and used the legal system to harass him was awful and seemed targeted- He could have taken on various other creators for the same nonsense lawsuits, but he picked the most vulnerable one amongst them to harass.
While this harassment may not have been the final straw that drove Apollo to end it it is delusional for Billy and his circle to act like Billy’s legal harassment of Apollo didn’t contribute to his worsening mental health.
For those not in the know Apollo was targeted by Billy because he was a minor part of getting Billy’s Twin Galaxies scores taken down, as were many others, along with being one of the many people who would make videos about the TG situation. Billy has a decently long history for using the legal system and frivolous lawsuits to bankrupt anyone who opposes him, no matter how legitimate or illegitimate their claims against him are. That he decided to harass Apollo/picked the most vulnerable one out of the MANY people involved in the TG scores and making content about him, is something that should give everyone pause, as is him now choosing to harass Karl over Karl mentioning the very commonly held belief that Billy contributed to Apollo’s suicide (note: CONTRIBUTED, not sole cause. Apollo had a lot going on, both historically and currently, and Billy is just one of a laundry list of items that come up when people talk about Apollo and everything he had been through or was going through/when people are taking a holistic look at the situation. No one is calling Billy a murderer, though everyone is saying he’s a fucking bully who picked the most vulnerable youth he could find out of everyone speaking out against him to relentlessly harass, and that the stress he put Apollo under of course added to everything else and contributed to what happened in the end. These things are very rarely caused by one situation, and you can refer to Apollo’s own videos on his life and things he was going through if you want to compile your own list of what was going on)
This stuff with Karl is just the latest in a series of Billy using the legal system to punish people who have spoken out against him. So far it seems Billy is learning the hard way that the Australian legal system doesn’t let you play the ‘sue them until they can’t afford to fight’ game easily, and that combined with people having had enough of his shit and being willing to donate and bankroll the defence of anyone he sues now, especially as we all have good reason to suspect his harassment contributed to Apollo’s death and we don’t want a repeat, along with Karl being a AU legend who a lot of people have mutual contacts with and hence who have heard second hand about the stress Karl is now under from this nonsense (not that Karl has been hiding it, he has spoken openly about it before) means he’s hopefully about to lose this game of Fuck Around: Find Out and stop pulling this bullshit on people.
Moving back to Apollo for a min though: We know he was a prior victim of abuse. We know he was struggling. We know he was targeted and harassed by Billy and that Billy weaponised the legal system against this vulnerable person (kid still, really. As you get older you realise mid 20s your brain has only just finished fully growing and that you’re only really entering adulthood, there’s a reason up to 25ish is classed as ‘youths’ for legal and developmental/psychology reasons) instead of the various others he could have harassed for the same claimed reasons who who would have been much better equipped to tackle the claims, both mentally and financially/being able to fund their own legal defences better as they were more established in life, while Apollo was young and easier to bully into settlement then someone like, say, Karl (even without the financial support everyone has thrown behind him since this all came to light). We know, sadly, Apollo ended his own life. We know that in conjunction with trauma from previous events (and these things take years of therapy to get a hold on- Just because the event has passed doesnt mean the person is magically ok, and some of Apollo’s trauma goes all the way back to being a victim as a child) that he was under an immense amount of stress over the last 6 or 12 months of his life. While he named two particular individuals/situations as ‘the straws that broke the camels back’ so to speak he also spoke about general BS and stress from the community, and it’s not unreasonable to suspect or assume that the legal bullshit with Billy was a HUGE part of that, especially as he couldnt mention Billy or particulars about it for legal reasons. Even if the situation had been somewhat resolved a few months prior to Apollo ending his life via a settlement, please remember that just because a situation has been resolved doesn’t magically lift the burden, and stress is cumulative. No one as far as I know is saying Billy killed Apollo, but it is absolutely reasonable to suspect, ot based on common sense to just know, that the bullshit with Billy stressed Apollo out and hampered him in trying to recover and get to a better place – It’s actually delusional to not think you should factor in ‘ongoing bullshit lawsuit’ as to why someone’s already poor mental health was suffering. These things are rarely a single cause but the cumulative effects of various stressors, and in Apollo’s video even he stresses that the 2 named people and situations were just the ‘final straw’ so to speak – He mentions other situations and issues ‘in the community’ also contributed.
Now, here’s where it has to be pointed out Apollo apparently couldn’t talk about Billy in this or any other video without opening himself to further legal action from Billy. It’s also very likely this would carry over into Billy being able to sue his estate if he was no longer alive, hence opening up his loved ones to the same type of harassment Apollo endured. And yeah, given Billy’s track record if I was in Apollo’s shoes I’d assume Billy would immediately be making life hell for them just like he did to Apollo, and would have omitted any hint towards the situation and just call it ‘problematic people in the community’ or something like that (not a direct quote)
It’s also very interesting that even though Karl isn’t saying Billy killed Apollo, even in his original video I believe it was just ‘Billy’s harassment contributed to this situation’ which yep, it absolutely did, to defend himself from via a defamation suit. After Karl already removed the portion Billy took issue with and issued an apology. Almost like Billy is trying to make an example of Karl and using a frivolous lawsuit to protect himself from people talking about this, just like he harassed Apollo because he was salty Apollo helped get Billy’s scores taken off the TG leaderboard and would talk about the situation. There’s a handful of other lawsuits Billy has slapped people with to try and silence them from speaking out about him too, these two are just more recent ones in a pattern of behaviour of legal harassment of others.
I’m here to announce my retirement from all things gaming. I’ve had enough of Billy and his crew of pathetic BULLSHITTERS. I thought I was done with you fuckers, but you keep dragging me back into this mess we call gaming. I’ll let you guys in on a secret.
One night I was out at the bar in Hollywood, Florida, and I met Billy’s wife Evelyn. She charmed me and convinced me to bring her home and I proceeded to fuck her tight asshole until she begged for me to stop because it hurt so much. After we fucked, she admitted to me that Billy cheated using unofficial hardware. I was in shock, but I still was hard. Later that night, she went home with my cum on her face and she kissed Billy on the lips.
There’s an even deeper caveat to the story I didn’t tell you……Walter Day joined in and he busted the biggest nut I’ve ever seen on Evelyn’s face. That’s when Billy Junior walked in and stood at attention. I told him “At ease, Private” and he calmed down and went back to his room.
I wish to live my life in peace away from this video game drama.
My johnson is at your attention general.
Ready for service anytime required.
I can shoot my load for Video Game and enojy trisexual…
Dude, c’mon, Evelyn has it rough enough being married to Billy.
Unless she’s actually contributed to the various Billy shitshows leave the poor woman out of it. Hell, even if she has acted poorly herself (I honestly have no idea) call her out for her actual actions and let them speak to her character, don’t write gross ‘joke’ porn shit about her.
That said, 20 bucks if Cats tries to track down commenters that the IP for this one is Billy’s hotel. Smells like false flag and trying to set himself up with some evidence of harm for a future lawsuit. Watch out Ersatz_cats, you’re next on the lawsuit list probably.
Billy come play SF2 with me. I use my fist and hapooken you then u will see a Sonic Poon.
Funny how when the albino angel takes to the stand and promptly proceeds to stage a full-on breakdown-blubberfest, the updates evaporate.
Karl is “The White Ghost”
No more updates because the White Ghost is crying too much
lol I’ve been busy, and transcribing my chicken-scratch into something readable takes time. Though I understand how eager you are for updates on how badly Billy is getting destroyed.
If you don’t understand how Friday’s events helped Karl win this case, don’t worry, I’ll be more than happy to explain it when I get to that part.
You can spin this however you want, but I know the White Ghost is done for.
Also please watch my YouTube video where I expose Robert “porno” Mrcuzek
You gets shit for spending your time following the case, then, you get shit for enjoying your overseas trip rather than providing them the oh-so-biased details fast enough to make them happy.
Seems obvious they’re just interested in giving you shit over anything else.
Oh yeah, they don’t bother me, except maybe when they use my page to say shit about other people that I think goes too far. I’m here to help good folks like yourself get updates on the case. I’m not here to please the morons.
Wow..Did I touch a nerve ersatz? You really have been totally indoctrinated by these fucktards haven’t you? One *must* be either pro-Billy, or pro-Karl.. Have you stopped to consider the three other camps that are just as legitimate as your bi-polar absolutist assumptions, yet seem to be so conveniently brushed aside in your deluded, tunnel-vision world?
1 – Those who think they are both guilty.
2 – Those who think they are both innocent.
3 – Those who don’t give a shit. They just think both worlds (yootoob personality cults and man-baby retro-gaming-peepee measurement) is pathetic and want to see them both burn as much as possible.
lol this is a good troll
Fuck you Walter!!!!! Fuck you Karl!!!!!
I’m going out to the titty bar with Billy and Junior tonight. You all got what you deserved!
A few minutes ago, I was hit in the head with a barrel. After coming to, I had a life-changing epiphany: I love you Robert Mrcuzek. I have spent days of my life following your every movements because I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Your delicately groomed hair, your magnificent glasses, your athletic, masculine build, and your encyclopedic knowledge of video game records has won me over. I apologize for my prior statements toward you and humbly ask if you can take my hand in marriage. Also, Billy Mitchell is a fraud and Karl Jobst is an absolute legend. Thank you.
Lets not forget about Jeff Harrist some ells that pass away well Billy was suing him 🙁
billy just let that lawsuit “Expire”. He had a hand in having Jeff’s domain taken. A good group of people tried to save that domain but went for thousands of dollars. Wouldn’t you know that within minutes of Jeff’s DKF domain being taken, the for sale page showed up with the DKF Mario logo AND bm’s Guinness reinstatement video. That video was removed later but I have the screenshots.
Tryhard says Billy suing someone would make them want to kill themselves. And this is Billy’s witness. In the case where Billy says his lawsuit against someone played no part in that person’s decision to kill themself. Billy has helpful witnesses.
I bet Steve Grunberger would have given a better testimony if he had a fake persona to hide behind, like he hides behind in his trolling efforts. He’s a despicable person and I have a very unfortunate history with him.
Fore the record Steve is a great guy. Don’t listen to this forrest imposter. He probably simps for PSP and is a casket caretaker for undead cats.
Phillip Blackburn I found out you live in L.A.
I’m in Alberta and I’ve had enough of your shit. If your man enough come find me and we can settle this. Your little YouTube video was bullshit. People like you don’t know live in reality. You passive fuck.
I’ve only been following this for a short time (about 3 months) and have been looking for any available news on the trial now that it’s actually started. I first looked *Monday* but I guess it was before your recaps began being published, as I only found a couple of news reports from Australian TV stations. I thought I’d look again early this morning and was pleasantly surprised to have landed on this site. Started reading from Day 0 and didn’t stop until I was completely caught up.
Thank you so much for being the legend we were all hoping for and probably don’t deserve! I can’t wait to hear what happened on Day 5 😀
Yeah Phillip, what the hell Phillip
Thanks for the updates, much appreciated!
Disappointed Karl didn’t open with “Hello you absolute legends.”
Disregard all of my previous comments, I’m a lunatic and I smell of piss
JFC these comments get more and more batshit by the hour.
Defamation in Australia is different than the US. It’s easy to prove this and therefore Billy will win. Billy needs to show the statement hurt him, it identified him, and it was communicated. His side showed all three things.
To defend himself Karl would need to show he was staying opinion and not fact, he honestly held the opinion, it’s based on truthful information, and the subject is a matter of public interest. But his defense fails because the payment is not truthful information and not just an opinion but a false fact. So his defense will fail.
Believe me I’d want justice too but Billy will win this. Even though he probably didn’t care two wits about Apollo. It’s not fair but that’s life they don’t let you say what you believe down under.
Uhhh, dude, I hate to break it to you (or I’m happy to?) but defamation in Australia has four requirements
It has to be published to a third party. It must identify the person. It must cause harm. And it *must be defamation*.
Karl’s defense is what is known as *contextual truth*. Contextual truth requires the following:
1. That the publication read as a whole, conveys one or more substantially true statements.
2. When read in the context of the other statements, the remaining allegations carried by the publication are essentially incapable of harming the plaintiff’s reputation further.
In plain English, if I say Billy is a ratfucking cheater who sues people to shut them up, the court would look at that and go “well he is a cheater, he does sue people to shut them up so the fact that he doesn’t actually fuck rats isn’t likely to further damage his reputation.”
This is Karl’s defense and it is a good one. His accusation against Billy is that he’s a cheating, litigious piece of shit who contributed to a young man’s suicide through his lawfare. The fact that he was incorrect in saying that Billy demanded payment doesn’t negate the rest of the accusation, and the rest of the accusation is true and is more damaging to Billy’s reputation than the niche quibble over payment.
@sydtopia1, tagging you as direct replies to a comment seem to be pretty hit and miss.
Thing is, in AU for defamation it still actually has to cause harm to the reputation of the defamed. You can talk shit all you want and hit the other criteria for defamation, but at the end of the day Billy still has to show actual harm to his reputation from Karl’s statements, and so far his witnesses have done a pretty poor job of that.
A friend who works in legal directed me to this as a 101 on it, dropping it here in case it helps anyone else too:
Side note: I’m going to lose it if Ersatz_cats pulls IPs or whatever for all these comments later and it turns out half of them seem to be the hotel Billy and co are staying at or some shit
I so hope that ersatz_cats have the time and the will to pull up the IP’s
Also, I want to donate some money towards your expenses taking this trip ersatz_cats, hope you will set something up.
That link is for the new law which changed just after the defamatory video. Because the video is under the old law the court uses the old rules. Ironically is Karl just waited two months he might have defended himself but he really doesn’t have an out. Australia isn’t the US. If he said something untrue which hurt someone he is guilty. End of story.
I am not pro Billy and don’t like the truth. But facts are facts. If we learn this now we adjust our expectations and won’t be so bummed out when Billy slips away with another W. Remember when people were bummed out when all the media reported on Billy’s “big win” back in January? Prepare for the sequel.
“It’s not fair but that’s life they don’t let you say what you believe down under.”
You sound like an American who’s never owned a passport. Or finished an English course….
Sorry ersatz but you probably should’ve brushed up on your Australian law before you made a prediction about the outcome of the case. You lose. We all lose. Except for Billy, because Billy has a plan.
David Race is tweeting about how this comment section is a psy op against him like he saw in Desert Storm.
You’ve lost your mind little man
@sydtopia1, tagging you as direct replies to a comment seem to be pretty hit and miss.
Thing is, in AU for defamation it still actually has to cause harm to the reputation of the defamed. You can talk shit all you want and hit the other criteria for defamation, but at the end of the day Billy still has to show actual harm to his reputation from Karl’s statements, and so far his witnesses have done a pretty poor job of that.
A friend who works in legal directed me to this as a 101 on it, dropping it here in case it helps anyone else too:
Side note: I’m going to lose it if Ersatz_cats pulls IPs or whatever for all these comments later and it turns out half of them seem to be the hotel Billy and co are staying at or some shit
Thanks for the part two, good read!
Phillip i watched your video, it is just only 45 seconds, there is no context or background to link a viewer to help them understand why this is bad what he is saying.
Also the context of what Roberts saying and Dwayne Richard is saying is in reality what has happened both their legacies (billy and walter) have disappeared and are ruined.
In the context of the discussion of this trial, its why Billy is fighting so hard to win this case because he wants to be able to be viewed as a victim and be able to point the finger at someone else other than himself for his demise
I watched your video Phillip, for anyone else looking here is the clip :
Again I don’t know what your trying to prove with this? Roberts a great guy. Dwayne’s just upset with Walter’s running of TG, because its corrupt and if you dedicated yourself to games like Dwayne did , walter can just pick and choose who he thinks deserves the record and that’s wrong, but this probably would pull some wires out of someone’s head who was devoted to gaming like Dwayne
Thanks for digging this up, I looked for it at one point and couldn’t find it. What a stupid attempt at a “gotcha”. I can’t believe that’s what Philip has been going on about.
They’re not threatening violence, they’re not encouraging violence or self harm, if anything I hear that conversation coming from a place of concern or maybe just resignation to the fact that that’s a possible outcome if the house of cards keeps falling, because it seems like the lies are all Billy and Walter really have.
This stupidity is why people are sick of “Team Billy” as liars and manipulators and why people love Robert for just being a honest and genuine and passionate guy.
Philip’s video was such a nothing burger that it wasn’t just missing the beef, it was missing a bun too.
Thanks for the detailed updates Ersatz. Looking forward to day 5 and next month’s continuation.
Where is day five? Been slapping f5 all weekend man.
I knew you could not keep away Pandering Thumb Panderson. We would all not be in this situation if it wasn’t for your crooked and corrupt dealings as a Twin Galaxies referee. Corruption, collusion, Catastraphe!
Billy should have been exposed as a cheater but unfortunately those closest to him just wanted to ride his coat tails into fame and fortune. They knew he was a cheater and they didn’t care. They were too busy cheating to care. No real gamer would submit doctored evidence like that!!
I wonce travelled 3000 miles to prove how fast my hands are because the untalented referees didn’t believe I could play that fast on my controller without using auto fire.
As for Pandering Panderson the most he has ever accomplished it racking up his inventory in a ebay store to 6000 items and paying storage fees for years.
oh lets not forget his new TV Show Universal Section 8 Guys.
I AM SERIOUS!! GO LOOK AT THAT SHOW!! UNIVERSAL BASIC GUYS ON FOX!! A show about a section 8 loser that is now getting welfare. He buys and sells junk. He is always lying and scemeing. VERY FUNNY PAT I HOPE THEY PAID YOU FOR YORU LIKNESS.
Drew Barrymore has been in some pretty hot movies am I right? I bet Pattycakes wore out the tape watching Poison Ivy and other ill gotten roles.
Comments have now been closed due to vulgar and irrelevant abuse towards third parties outside the context of the trial and article and offending comments removed.
This is what *should* happen. Well done to the idiots that dragged an interesting and relevant conversation into the sewer. Grow up idiots.
I appreciate the feedback. I certainly don’t wish to close comments altogether on account of a few knuckleheads. I don’t really mind people posting under others’ names as long as it’s clear (to me) they’re joking and that they won’t reasonably be taken as being the person in question. I did end up zapping another person because they were taking shit a bit too far.
Personal, biased opinions throughout:
Patrick Scott Patterson (PSP) has always been a self-absorbed individual with a very narrow scope: his line of sight is self-righteous. While he works hard, it principally involves working hard at self-image. In my experience with Twin Galaxies, I would pitch Patrick Scott Patterson as the worst referee of all time with little regard for factuality of scores posted and very large regard for the demise of other personalities that he may perceive as any sense of judgement to his own practices. My personal experience shows he has about a 75% competence in posting scores with scores posted proving tactics such as: posting the first score in footage, posting scores from the typographical errors on the submission paperwork, claiming never to have received footage despite that footage being in the same media as other scores posted. The man is self-centred and woe betide to anyone that makes him consider he might have veered from his image of himself.
Once you are on the wrong side of PSP, do not expect any redemption. After I left TG staff, I was suspended from the forums on five occasions by PSP – the last for “Harassment” despite having not posted anything for four months.
Typical PSP tactic when he’s made a public error: go back to the public error, correct the error and then post that all those that indicated he was wrong are now the incorrect party. A very juvenile and fractious character.
Only the first comment by me, was actually, in fact, by me. You all need to be careful of imposters on websites like this. Rudy has been dead for years, that’s not him posting. As for people bringing up my Drew Barrymore, collection. Get a life. She’s the best actor in the world and I’m allowed to be a fan. That’s it, I’m retiring from all things gaming
Thank you Scott for pointing out that Rudy is dead and has not been able to post lately. It is truly a shameful thing that he has to share a casket with the undead Cat Despise. Thank you also for the grooming tips. My moustache never looked better than after you rode my handlebars.
Hey tough guy if you’re such a man why dont you try road racing me. You’re little girl legs are no match for my wheels.
Oh how dare you Casey Rust! Muh kid might read this and doesnt need to see your potty trash mouth talking that nonsense.
Richie here again to say fuck you Patrick Scott Patterson and fuck you Walter and fuck you Karl
Dick Chuckles, You are racist!!!
I would just like to point out that these folks impersonating other people are around retirement age. You’re not good people
I would like to point out that I am only 25 and I think these people should leave other people out of things. It is hard enough to be a gay man in this community without these boomer thugs coming here and making fun of me for my preferences. Leave Scott alone!
I know what you did the summer of 69, Billy.
Please somebody be helping me. I am coming from a very poor land and muh people are suffering greatly at the hands of your Patrick Scat Panderson. I am understanding in your wonderful nation, filled with big bosomed womens someone like Mr. Scat is very poor, but in my humble nation he is wealthy enough to cause a great oppression of muh people. The man eats all our chicken then clogs our village shitholes. We dont even have, what do you call, the toilets? We are just having big holes in the ground and somehow the pig clogs them with him many morning dumps. He is shitting like a poop factory with a deadline to be meeting.. Please be doing something to protect my people from this man. and oh the stench. Not even our poorest of poor dumbs does anything smell so bad as he. Please be buying him some socks.
I appreciate the feedback on the comment section, folks. Unfortunately, there’s no magic solution to make valuable comments stay and make nonsense go away, even insofar as “nonsense” could be defined.
I’m generally okay with people posting comments under others’ names as long as it’s clear that it’s facetious (at least as I see it). As an example, a comment saying “Hey, I’m Patrick Scott Patterson and I’m a loser who scams people” is both acceptable and happens to be a factual representation, even if we understand it’s not actually Patrick who is coming here to say this.
I’m more inclined to ban people why try to make these messages plausible, or alternatively, who take things too far the other way into racism, bigotry, excessive vulgarity, etc. But that’s just me, and as I said, I do welcome feedback.
Where is the day five write up man? Im jonesing over here!
Working on it, lol. My chicken-scratch seemed to get worse each day, so I’m spending more time just figuring out what I wrote. It’s Tuesday morning here, and I will be very disappointed if I don’t have it up by the end of the day.
How dare you say thats factual! Muh very high priced section 8 lawyers will sue, and I’m coming for your fridge and stove. I’m so poor I have no stove or fridge so thank you for giving me a pay day with muh frivilous lawsuits. Ok, gotta go, these wings arent gonna eat themselves
Is anyone here interesting in joining a Tetris tournament I’ll be hosting next week?
EmpireArcadia is looking for new gaming pros.
All members get full time access to my beautiful Valkyries.
Hey, I’m Patrick Scott Patterson and I’m a loser who scams people!
No, i’m Pat Patterson and this B.S. has gone on long enough. Shame on your ersatz framing me like that, and not even smart enough to use my name. You done and got caught now. I might even add to muh lawsuit a family sized bucket from KFC. I consider muhself to be a one man family.
I’m the obsessive loser who donated to Patrick Scott Patterson. I am just jealous of his success. he smells really good and his section 8 house is above reproach. I realize now life has no mistakes only learning experiences, and Scott is the king of learning experiences while I make lots of money and learn nothing. I think what I’m most jealous of, is Scott has the dream house we all wanted as a kid. His mojo dojo casa house has a dorm fridge and he probably even gets to sleep in a bed shaped like a racing car! He’s so cool.
This makes me feel like watching Depp vs Heard. Arguments are flying all around and it makes your head spinn.
You have a gut feeling of justice, but you simply don’t know what will happen until its over.
Hope all is okay, no update in nearly 4 days? 😬
He’s too busy crying that Karl got fucking pounded in court
There was an update – ersatz_cats added the second half of the Day 4 article yesterday. Everything after the “Nothinhberger” section is the new stuff. Day 5 should be just around the corner
Ah okay, i never realised he amended day 4 😬 thanks for that. I must have a re-read through the full article again as a re-fresh 👍🫡
If these trolls are part of the PR firm Billy hired, they are clearly not worth what they’re getting paid. ChatGPT could do a better job.
You said a mouthful brother. I only knowingly verified billys fake scores because I was expecting a payout but the richard head never actually paid me. Word to the wise– dont just help billy on the hopes he’ll have a conscious to pay a fair bribe after the fact, always demand the bribe upfront. Anyway I just send an ubereats wing delivery to muh neighbor using his credit card so I have to go grab it quick before they figure out whats going on. Stay hungry my friends.
You know Dave. I apologize about my message. It was rude. I’ve been going through a bit of a manic episode of late and my actions on this forum have been the result of that. I am sorry.
You see, my father left me at a young age. My mom didn’t talk about him very much, so I began dreaming about a father I never had. He took me to the park, played catch, taught me to ride a bike, all the fatherly things you’d hope for. I held onto this false memory for a long time. Eventually, I turned 15. He showed up one day. He told me that I was a flipping disappointment to humanity. He told me he was glad he left and he was only here to see how pitiful I was. I was hurt. Rageful even.
That night I flicked on “King of Kong”
It was the best movie I have ever seen. Seeing Billy up on my screen. So handsome and strong. That American tie. I watched that movie over and over again. I’d see that beautiful man over and over again. The American tie over and over again. Sometimes I’d wonder if that tie would ever graze his nipples. The thought was invigorating. I would vigorously masturbate to Billy Mitchell. Video Game Player of the Century.
Dave; David, if I may.
David, I looked up to Billy Mitchell as if he were my new father.
I would put on the King of Kong and cry as Billy Mitchell looks at the camera, with a big thumbs up and imagine he was giving it to me.
I needed that in my life
To see Karl suing my father, hurts me. It cuts deeper than you can ever imagine. I am upset.
After that last message I sent. I put King of Kong on and jerked one. I absolutely burst my sweet and salty all over my screen; all over Billy Mitchell.
As I arose, with shock, I realized… I had forgotten the tissues. So as I grabbed tissues and under the most depressing post nut clarity I have ever had the absolute displeasure of enduring, I realized that I was quite rude to you.
I, Phillip Blackburn, am deeply sorry for my actions.
I am sorry to everyone on this forum.
I am sorry to my mother for rubbing one out on her sciatica medication.
I am sorry to my father for not being the man you expected me to be.
I am sorry to Billy Mitchell, for ejaculating on dozens of different American ties in multiple Walmart locations across the USA.
And finally, I am sorry David, I am sorry for being mean
I dated Triforce Johnson X 🙂
Billy Wife gave me her room Key but bill had to retreat when they were chanting MAME in the hotel lobby
Make sure to watch my new show — Universal Basic Guys. I’m not allowed to say who I’m based on, but muh son always carries around a playstation portable, I wear sunglasses inside, have no job, and constantly rebrand with a new adventure every week on FOX. Oh yeah, and muh head is shaped like a thumb
Hey Ersatz_Cats just wanted to thank you for the rest of the day 4 updates. Can’t wait until you can get to day 5. Take lots of photos while you are there.
Ersatz_cats plz we can only hammer F5 so hard for so long.
lol Sorry. I’m typing away. When Day 5 is up, I’ll announce it on the Twitrar.
But Ersatz, that would require me actually still being on the Twit and since the Elongated Muskrat has been running it into the ground, to use an old Aussie saying, yeah, nah.
This dumbass phone browser won’t let me inspect and see, no chance for RSS? Both for this and for future updates.
(No actual pressure on RSS and no real complaint about the Twit being the spot for notification updates, I’m sure we can all survive)
RSS does work:
I got a hammer in my pants you can F5 all night long like Lionel Ritchie baby. It’s gunna make you dance on the ceiling like a kebab from the Big Boppa.
> Be Mc hammer
> See potentially feminine name in comments
> Hur, better post about me dick
Such witty, much comedy. But really, shitpost better m8. We’re in the comment section of yet another Billy legal shitfight, there’s so much good material you could have gone with but you essentially chose ‘F5 this dick’? Lame.
Ersatz, I’m going to find you and pin you to the fucking wall just like I did to Andrew Gardikis when he was 13 at Funspot.
With you it’ll be even worse. You’ve been warned
Isaiah maybe a penny-pinching farce but even he would never say something like this. Fake account.
To the silly people posting silly comments: some are funny, some are sick. Why are you winding up the mentally ill? Cat and PSP have been long gone. Let them be. Cat is likely enjoying her retirement and PSP is busy rebranding and working on his exciting new podcast. Or keep teasing them. They just blame me for everything anyway — I am the boogey man I guess. Whatever. Still waiting for that decade long lawsuit from PSP .
Triforce? That guy is a low down cheating felon. If he ever steps foot in America he should be arrested for faking evidence (the plaques he planed then “found” then lost again).
I can definitely see a young man like Apollo being HUGELY depressed and stressed by Billy suing him. I can also see an older man like Jeff Harrist being HUGELY depressed and stressed by Billy suing him. They both died. I believe that Billy’s lawsuit had a part to play in that.
I don’t know those people personally so I am just going off of how I believe a normal human being would react. I am just stating my opinion, not conveying a fact.
Didn’t Casey Ross leak Billy’s “brilliant strategy” to keep suing the pants off everyone? “He has a lawyer who works pro-bono”. What a scum bag he is. Seriously. SCUM.
Team Billy’s closes pals (Neil Hernandez) are known for sending texts and messing with people. Sad really. He is a nice guy in person but he is hurting people by supporting Billy and being one of his henchmen.
Thanks again Ersatz_Cats. Many thanks to the Tyrell corporation.
Oh here comes the bigot just jealous of the real Billy. You wouldn’t last 3 seconds against a transwoman with your cis male arms. But since the real Billy doesn’t want me and you’re too much of a coward to beat your wife anymore I guess you can practice wrestling with me. Put on a mullet wig Billy #2 I’m gonna pound you until my loser lady man boyfriend cries.
The only person to ever accuse me of being a bigot was a radical feline who has left me alone for 6 years now. So I don’t think this is her. Transwomen are men, so maybe you are right. I’m not a young many anymore. But I’ll give them a run for their money.
Now, if you are a true Billy inner circle fantard (there are only a few) then you met me in person and you know how lovable and huggable I am.
Lets hug it out. Love wins. Hate loses.
Or here is an idea, make a podcast and I’ll be your guest. We can discuss our grievances like civilized people.
And if you are actually a person who lives in Texass and smells of defeat and wingsauce…you know I would kick your flabby ass. You love threatening violence and puffing your chest out but when I actually accepted your challenge to “meet in the ring” you backed down saying I was threatening you.
Seems odd that these court updates vanished like a fart in the wind when things started going south for Karl.
Karl has over 1000 hrs into his case and his lawyer doesn’t even know how the docudrama was concieved to begin with?
Ersatz updated earlier this morning in the comments section saying he was typing Day 5 up, and this is after stating in his previous post he’d spend some time to catch up on sleep and acting like an actual tourist for once before he flies out of Australia.
There’s no need for panic, and certainly no need to start thinking that things are going south for Karl.
Yes I’m GBF ,, that Garret Bobby Ferguson to you
Apparently the court case re re start Oct 8th ,:)
Billy did infact lie to Karl’s lawyer when Billy stated that the King of Kong was not scripted. Billy knew this was a flat out lie.
Perhaps there was no physically written script, but there was most definitely a preconcieved and calculated preparation that completely contradicted the actual person (s) and documented events to which the docudrama is based. Yes, the word scripted definitely applies. Billy lied again.
Obviously , Karl did no research on this matter or his lawyer really could have put Billy on the spot. What exacticaly did Karl spend 1000hrs on when he was allegedly preparing for this trial? He certainly was not researching the facts to the origin of the current matter that’s for sure.
Anyone fancy a little rub and tug right now. My joystick needs a good lubing Expo 88 style.
Looks like Billy finally shoved a joystick up Karls ass and put him in his place
You like fantasizing about Billy playing with other men’s butt’s, eh? Weird.
Like I said in one of my previous messages, I love billy. I have masturbated to him many many times
I feel like this thread needed 200 posts, so thanks again ersatz!