Howdy! ersatz_cats here. Just dropping in to let readers of the site know we have new testimony from Billy Mitchell, which was just submitted in his ongoing legal battle with Twin Galaxies. These answers were given in response to a series of interrogatories and requests for admission and production, which are part of the witness deposition process. (Basically, Billy has to clarify certain facts and claims, and has to make evidence available, but the other side has to request these things specifically.)
Four of the documents we can provide here in full, free of charge:
The fifth document, the plaintiff’s response to the first set of special interrogatories, contains Billy’s phone number. And even though this number is in other court filings, and even though it’s publicly associated with Rickey’s Hot Sauce by way of a Google search, if this site publishes it, Billy will undoubtedly throw a big baby fit and say we “doxxed” him or whatever. So I’m making the fifth document available by way of redacted screenshots in an imgur album. (Also, there’s some detailed medical history of Billy’s I’ve chosen to redact as well.)
There are a lot of smaller details in these answers that a connoisseur of this case will find interesting. I hope to post more notes about these in the TG post-dispute thread in the coming days:
For now, though, please enjoy this Twitter thread showing off the highlights:
And remember, kids! A MAME girder a day keeps the doctor away! 🙂

EDIT (Sept. 3): There were a lot of hilarious reactions to Billy’s wild doctor story on social media yesterday. I decided this one was the winner:

Dr. Stanley Skopit is a Dermatologist in Florida.
The allegations Bill Mitchell makes against him are very serious and defamatory to Dr. Skopit’s professional reputation.
Someone needs to contact Dr. Stanley Skopit asap and let him know that he has been named in a lawsuit that directly claims he violated his Hippocratic Oath and declarations of care by refusing to treat Mr. Mitchell due to his Donkey Kong score removal.
If Mr. Mitchell’s claims are false, Dr. Skopit’s reputation is being irreparably harmed in the public eye by Mr. Mitchell, as he is now publicly known as the Doctor who will not treat people’s health issues over video game scores.
Dropping a patient of 30 years over video game scores is outrageous.
If anyone cares enough, they should call Dr. Skopit’s office at 954-807-9433 and let him know about these allegations against him and direct him to this web article so he can see for himself.
Absolutely! It’s pretty shocking.
Holy. Crap. That tweet has me rolling!
I think what people are missing is that this doctor probably has provided his services to Billy Mitchell for free to keep him from aging and looking good like his other celebrity clients.
A doctor would drop a client like Billy Mitchell as he doesn’t want to be known to be the doctor of someone with his background.
Stars like ozzy, trump, lots of people don’t pay for their expensive treatments to look their best.