Rob Childs and Billy Mitchell: Friends no more?
Interview with Bill Bastable
I’m excited and honored to share this new interview I recently did with the original Pac-Man master, Bill Bastable. For over two hours, we talked about early Pac-Man masters, perfect scores in the ’80s, Super Pac-Man, Mr. Do’s Castle, Bill’s run-ins with Chris Ayra and Billy Mitchell, and being a gamer over 60.
Guinness EXPOSED: Private messages reveal the truth about the reinstatement of Billy Mitchell
Is there a “perfect game” of Super Mario Bros. 2? (Plus, TG bounties!)
The quest for a perfect score: Part 1
New technical analysis confirms the evidence against Billy Mitchell
In our continuing coverage of the Billy Mitchell / Twin Galaxies legal battle, is proud to publish a new 48-page technical analysis by hardware engineer and Donkey Kong expert Tanner Fokkens. In this new analysis, Fokkens expertly takes the existing evidence a step further, by dissecting exactly why these different transition screens appear the way they do on both the arcade and MAME platforms.
New Billy Mitchell testimony
Howdy! ersatz_cats here. Just dropping in to let readers of the site know we have new testimony from Billy Mitchell, which was just submitted in his ongoing legal battle with Twin Galaxies. These answers were given in response to a series of interrogatories and requests for admission and production, which are part of the witness deposition process.